I’ve been to the airport to visit the Queen.
Unfortunately, I got both the time and place wrong, much to JB’s displeasure. It turned out my definite memory of the Canberra Times saying it was at the airport (“I’m certain I would have remembered if it said Fairbairn”) was not so definite after all. Or possibly I just didn’t read the paper on Tuesday. The nice lady at the information desk at the airport looked me up and down and said in an extraordinarily bored tone, “At Fairbairn” when I asked where Her Majesty could be found.
Anyway, I was a tiny bit disappointed because I don’t remember having seen royalty before, although my parents tell me I was all over the television as a youngster Queen-watching at St Christopher’s in Manuka.
However my brother, who set off to take part in his usual weekend cycling race this morning did manage to have a right royal time:
The first I knew of the Queen’s visit was when the two race organisers said to each other, “Hmmm, we might have a bit of a problem. Apparently the Queen’s coming.” She was coming along Parkes Way, and the race went along Parkes Way as well. We were all hoping we wouldn’t be the ones stopped. Some people got stopped, but we had mostly all finished by the time she came past.
A heap of police cars went past near the big roundabout at the bottom of Anzac Parade and then the Queen’s car with her little flag on it, then another car with a flag, then more police cars, then a Murray’s bus with a trailer on it in the motorcade, then all these people tailgating them. The windows were up, so we couldn’t see if she waved, but I’m sure she saw the big crowd of cyclists standing beside the road.