Despite Canberra’s significant republican leanings and no sign of HRH at the event, the Royal Canberra Show seemed to be a roaring success today. There are more things to see than one can possibly manage – especially with 3 small kids in tow. Even though they (kids & parents) may leave tired and grizzly, it’s definitely a great family day out. Fortunately we had scored two adult tickets, so we didn’t have to swallow the bitter pill of entry fees (would have been $40 for us two adults, as kids under 6 are free).
We spent most of our time looking at the animals, as the kids are greatly impressed by the cute animals (baby ducks and piglets) and the bigger animals (merinos and bulls).
For a brief period we dragged the kids away from the animals and into the fresh food hall. We all found the food sculptures entertaining – see the photo of the winning “Okra Winfrey Show”. I was very grateful (as will most RiotACT readers) to learn that the first prize winner for both the meat pie and sausage roll was Micks Bakehouse – on getting home I was saddened to learn that Micks Bakehouse is located in Wagga Wagga (looks like I’ll be up for a drive one weekend).
While we ate lunch we watched the Toyota V6 Hilux Heroes precision driving team rip up the horse trotting track. Their show reminded me of borrowing my dad’s car as a teenager, and finding the nearest dirt carpark. Although I don’t think I ever managed a full lap of on two wheels as these guys do.
The highlight was definitely the pig racing and diving show, even though the seating was limited (or maybe the crowd was just too big) and the show was too short. Anyway we pushed the kids to the front, and stood at the back peering over the masses in front. As I was at the back I couldn’t get any pics, but here’s some from the same show when it was run in Melbourne. Little pigs flying through the air – need I say more.
After yet more looking at animals, the kids were virtually destroyed (bugger) and too tired to contemplate showbags or rides (yay). So we piled into (and onto) the pram, and dragged them all the way back to the car parked somewhere in outer Gungahlin.
Finally, here’s a sample of my pics from the day..