11 November 2005

Sam needs to be glassed

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Normally Johnboy likes to steal all of the limelight when it comes to special guest appearances on other websites. But on this occaision Samuel Gordon-Stewart has completely upstaged him and grabbed mention on The Spin Starts Here and Needs to be Glassed.

Personally i’m not sure if the second one is something you should be aspiring to SGS, but to each his own. At least you scored 5 glasses for that yellow turtleneck.

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Kerces, you are a legend, and I salute you!

Mr Annon:

Going through my morning RA and checking out what I’ve missed out on over the evening and night and I find you’ve taken it upon yourself to comment on almost every post that’s got current discussion on it.

Fair enough, except that your comments have little or no relevance to the discussion at hand. Now an occasional off-topic comment is ok, but an entire series that are increasingly offensive and foul-mouthed is definitely not.

I note you’ve already been told by Jey and NTP in the bar crawl pics thread to go away (yes, I know I’m too polite), but as this thread was where the comments I found most offensive were, I’m treating you to the same message in my own way.

Calling someone gay as an insult is not clever or intelligent. It’s infantile. It’s something young high school kids do. If you have taken offense at the people who run this site for some reason then explain that reason and be brave enough to enter into an adult argument. I know Godwin’s Law is not about calling someone “gay” to win an argument, but to my mind it’s comparable. And if you’re just doing it for kicks or to get a rise out of them, you seriously need to go learn how to have fun.

Judging and sniping at people for their fashion sense may be fun for a short while, but when someone turns it nasty, that is not fun. Clothes are a very superficial way of judging people anyway. Although they are an expression of a person’s personality, they should never be used as the only way to judge someone’s personality. To do that, you need to get to know the person in question.

And finally, I personally guarantee you that Johnboy is not gay, nor has “assignations” at Cube. I’m also very sure about NTP and would take his word that none of the others who run the site are gay either.

Now fuck off.

Lots of love,

Yeah Johnboy … I’d bet you have your name on the door at Cube. I hear Sammy regularly lurks around incognito by rolling his turtleneck up over his head. Not that you’d notice, because I’ve heard that every assignation you have in Cube YOU ARE TURNED THE OTHER WAY!

Fuck all this intellectual bullshit! There’s nothing a good glassing and a vigorous poofta bashing can’t fix!

The latter. Amazing how some of them can actually read, given they can’t write.

It’s interesting to see that whenever there’s something on RiotACT linking to TSSH or Needs to be Glassed we always seem to get a much lower class of uneducated redneck scum making comment here. Is this just a coincidence, or does it say much more about those two blog’s readership?’

Actually I think Sam’s dress sense is definitive proof of his heterosexuality.

You won’t see anything like that in Cube.

Who gives a toss if SGS is gay or not? I sure as hell don’t. He can do what he likes with his blog and if you don’t like it – here’s a thought, don’t read it.


You like like a raving poof and that’s good enough for me!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart4:34 pm 15 Nov 05

Excuse me? Since when does my name indicate anything about my sexual preference? For the record I’m straight, and there is nothing wrong with my dress sense, if you don’t like it, don’t dress like it!

I noticed Sammy, whose hyphenated wanky name and dress sense seems to confirm what we are all thinking, doesn’t deny he’s an in-the-closet FAG BOY!

About the only “twisted joke” on this fucked-out blog is the mornon gibeerings of its owner.

Hey, I’ve got a great idea … if you seek some “interesting publicity” how about you sponsor and enter a Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras float?

Yes, glassed, poofta bashed, kicked when he’s down and then set alight would be a good start!

Absent Diane9:45 am 14 Nov 05

Poofta bash = Being beaten up by homosexual rough necks????

Samuel Gordon-Stewart1:08 am 13 Nov 05

Please tell me that is some kind of twisted joke heatseeker. I was kind of hoping we didn’t have people who actually believe that tripe.

sad…….very sad

“heatseeker – so I take it that you’re referring to the usual male “pissing contest”? Alpha males must dominate and bag out anyone who isn’t like them?”

Yep, that’s me exactly … oh, and I think this skivvy wearing clown should also be poofta bashed as well as copping five glasses and a bonus jug!

I know it’s not right to kck a man when he’s down, but I think that would be entirely appropriate in this case, after he’d been glassed and poofta bashed.

Sure you probably think you’re smarter than the people making fun of you, the fact of the matter is you’re probably not, I know I wasn’t.

Amen to that. (seriously, not taking the piss)

I smoked on and off at Dickson College (2000-2002), you couldn’t smoke right near the buildings, like where the smoke could easily blow inside, but you could smoke everywhere else.

jey, when I went to Dicko I wasn’t a smoker – didn’t start until I was 21ish. Every student who wanted to smoke, smoked in the quad – even some staff. Then again it was 1993/4 and the PC BS hadn’t fully taken a hold on our society.

heatseeker – so I take it that you’re referring to the usual male “pissing contest”? Alpha males must dominate and bag out anyone who isn’t like them?

“Mind you smoking is banned on the school grounds, so u can only smoke in the carpark!”

They banned smoking on Dickson College school grounds?
*shakes head*

“Needs to be glassed” … and you’re thinking this is good publicity? That’s a bit like thinking that turtleneck is fashion sense. And don’t even get me started on that crap hairstyle! Have you ever had a root you don’t pay for? You need all five glasses and a jug, which may go a small way to giving you some cred! But, yes, you’re right … a mention on “needs to be glassed” is, for you, good publicity … unfortunately, for you, it’s about as good as you’re ever going to get!

b2, you’re joking??? WTF is this world coming to when you have to smoke in the car park?? The idiots that drive through there (regardless of what year) should never have received their driver’s licence!

cunt….haven’t seen that word for a while, usually it’s reserved for the inbred hicks from Qbyn :P~

(yawn)…Caz, what a dreary little old faggot you are. Your website is the biggest heap of shite I’ve yet seen, and your postings on RiotACT demonstrate what an abomination you are too.
I’m off for the weekend, talk to you again Monday you fearful slag. Meantime, enjoy the company of your band of fat-arsed accomplices on that waste of cyberspace, aka TSSH.

Keep trying to work it out, terubo. Fortunately I have been able to easily determine that you’re just a good old-fashioned misogynistic cunt.

Sammy, boy, tell ’em all to get stuffed.

nyssa76, the weirdest thing that goes on in the quad now is Sam listening to his radio and drinking his coffee.

Mind you smoking is banned on the school grounds, so u can only smoke in the carpark!

Come to think of it, you’re more like my menopausal auntie Gwen. Whichever, still trying to determine if you’re a harridan or virago.

Hey Caz, tough gig PMT eh?

Oooh tuerbo, PMT! That’s cutting edge stuff there! I get it because I’m a chick and you don’t understand women! How original!

Sammy, it was more than that comment, toots. But thanks for playing 😀 😀 😀

Slinky the Shocker4:06 pm 11 Nov 05

Now that we all know Sam’s skivvies, anyone got a pic of Caz?


It’s probably still there – 16yrs+ of mull stuck in the cone….

It was an interesting time in 1994 – we rivalled Narabundah as the biggest mull pot.

Then again, several of the “boys” use to try and run down the Dara boys in Dickson – and vice versa.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart4:00 pm 11 Nov 05

I think it would be safe to say that what happens in the quad stays in the quad…I personally spent most my time in the quad drinking coffee and listening to the radio…if I say too much it could be aiding and abetting…

There are some right pond dwellers around the place – leave the kid alone you-you-you big mean spirited no-name wannabes!!

Ah SGS, I’m only joking. Us Dickson College grads (I was 1994) have to stick together. Tell me, do they still have the communal bong in the quad?

Samuel Gordon-Stewart3:50 pm 11 Nov 05

Oh fine, I’ll bite…Yes I did, and in the thirteen years of it only one person ever commented.

For those who aren’t aware, K-12 is actually 13 years, not 12…I probably wore them in preschool as well.

Hey Caz, tough gig PMT eh?

Not sure about the skivvy look. The Queer Eye guys need to do a makeover on our Sam.

Ok, I’m still laughing my arse off……can’t help it. So shoot me. I needed a laugh the Dept sucks it out of me each day 🙂

I’m sorry, I had to laugh.

SGS I thought skivvy’s went out in the 70’s.

Please don’t tell us you wore them to school 😉

Samuel Gordon-Stewart3:40 pm 11 Nov 05

Again??? Oh right, the “Evil pompous loony woamn” comment, of course…I’m sure you’ve been called worse…I know I have.

I don’t think people are claiming it’s uninteresting, more that it’s an object of ridicule. Sure you probably think you’re smarter than the people making fun of you, the fact of the matter is you’re probably not, I know I wasn’t.

it will certainly make me think twice before doing it to anyone else.

You left the word “again” off the end of that sentence darlin’. xxxx

Samuel Gordon-Stewart3:20 pm 11 Nov 05

And yes, I’m very proud of my blog…no matter how uninteresting it is to the general population.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart3:18 pm 11 Nov 05

Look, I really don’t care if people do or don’t like my blog. If there is one thing I have learned from this odd experience it is what being defamed feels like (and no, that isn’t a treat to sue)…it will certainly make me think twice before doing it to anyone else.

I’d be very surprised if this thing goes as far as the Star Wars Kid did… though wouldn’t that be a feat? That the kind of publicity you want Sam? As areaman has a point in that the blog really isn’t something to publicise.

Samuel, I don’t know how to tell you this but publicity is only something you want if you have something to publicise (and no you blog doesn’t count), otherwise you’re just being made fun of. That being said I welcome the rise of our own local “star wars boy”.

slinging shit on little sammy gordon makes you look like a bunch of pussies. it reminds me of the tough kids in school finding an easy target: a woosy little turtle neck wearing kid who they know has no big wig to stand up for him.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart2:27 pm 11 Nov 05

I’ve already said what I think about Needs To Be Glassed on this site…this is interesting publicity anyway.

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