Libraries ACT is now taking bookings for school holiday activities including robot workshops and a slime making lab.
From the media release:
“School holiday programs are some of the most popular programs we offer and often book up fast,” Vanessa Little, Director of Libraries ACT said today.
“Some of the robot themed activities that children of various ages can enjoy will include learning to design a 3D robot model and building a robot from recycled materials. Kids will also have a great time learning to program a Lego NXT robot with Canberra’s own Robogals, who encourage female participation in engineering, science and technology.
“Other activities for children during the holidays range from story time and exploring what an iPad can do for the little ones to a more hands on messy experience making green slime after listening to a story to gross you out.
“For children a few years older, an interactive murder mystery workshop set on an ancient archaeological site in Egypt will result in a host of suspects. Everyone will need to work together to help solve the mystery led by Canberra author Tracey Hawkins.”
Ms Little said that library branches across the ACT are also hosting a series of learning, reading and entertainment activities for adults as part of the spring program.
“If fitness is your thing, consider attending a posture and flexibility class or discover the benefits of stretching and relaxing for athletic and non-athletic bodies.
“Learn why eBooks are so popular and discover the benefits of reading on a device rather than on paper. There are also classes on getting the most out of smartphones and tablet devices.
“For those who may need more confidence online, training on digital literacy is available with 30 minute sessions offering a chance to learn about the internet and computer basics, privacy and security, social media, or another topic of your choice.
“Libraries have evolved over the years and are about so much more than books. The spring program is a great time to visit a local branch and discover for yourself what your library has to offer.”
All events are free of charge, even for the children’s activities, and places are limited. Bookings are essential for most activities. A full program of events and activities in the spring program can be found at www.library.act.gov.au or by calling Access Canberra on 13 22 81.