Cam Massey, 33, has been sentenced after being arrested in Belconnen in August. Photo: Facebook.
A repeat offender has been handed a new jail sentence on the same day his child was born.
ACT Policing heard two men had been seen trying to open random apartment and car doors at the Oracle Apartment Complex in Chandler Street, Belconnen, on 1 August 2021.
When police arrived on the scene shortly afterwards, they saw two men exit the complex and run away from them, so the officers gave chase.
One of the men, 33-year-old Cam Massey, got into a car and started it. Police had to stand in the car’s doorway to stop him from shutting the door and held both him and the steering wheel to prevent him from driving away.
Backup arrived and police were able to take him out of the car to handcuff him.
When searching him, they found he had a bag with a range of items, including a screwdriver, wire cutters, a torch and gloves. He was also carrying two knives.
He had been “caught red-handed”, his Legal Aid lawyer Georgina Meikle said when he appeared in the ACT Magistrates Court for sentencing on Thursday (7 October).
She said Massey’s partner had given birth to their child that morning and he was upset he had not been able to be there for it.
He has remained in custody since he was arrested on 1 August, but was also incarcerated because his parole for other matters had been revoked.
Ms Meikle said no one had been injured when her client, who had worked in the construction industry, was resisting police and his main criminogenic factor was his drug use.
Prosecutor Ms Sheridan said Massey already had 36 convictions for dishonesty-related offences, as well as convictions for possessing knives.
“Clearly, the defendant has a propensity for carrying weapons he is not authorised to have in public,” she said.
Magistrate Glenn Theakston said Massey had received a number of sentences that had to be served behind bars.
“He’s either going to continue to receive such sentences, or he’s going to do what he can to reduce his drug use,” he said.
Massey pleaded guilty to charges of resisting arrest, possessing knives and possessing items to be used in a burglary.
He was sentenced to an extra two months’ jail on top of a previous sentence. He is eligible to be released from custody in November 2021 when his non-parole period ends.
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