We are a family of 3 – 2 adults and 1 child – plus an elderly cat.
Over the past 3 and a bit weeks, we have applied for 8 rental properties with no success. In one case, the Agent failed to do due diligence in checking with the owner as to whether they would accept pets. Turns out not, so a couple (yep, 2 adults) were placed in a brand new 4×2 house, across the road from a park and open play fields, whilst this family got passed over.
On at least 5 other occasions, we have been told by Agents that we did not get the property as we do not work for Defence or the APS. Just remember folks – we work in the support of these businesses and without us (and others in less glamorous positions) their cleaning and retail services won’t happen.
We came here with high hopes after I was accepted into University but it looks like we will have to move yet again as we are unable to remain in our current rental and obviously cannot secure other rental accommodation. Our daughter has already been to 5 different schools in 4 years (yep go ahead and put us down, that’s fine). I will have to give up my dream of finally getting an education and my husband will have to give up his employment as very soon we will be homeless.
Oh and thanks to the property managers who didn’t even have the courtesy to advise us that we had missed out on our latest application – rather just re-advertising it is obviously good enough for you.