4 October 2010

State Final Demand surges ahead

| johnboy
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[First filed: Oct 2, 2010 @ 9:18]

State Final Demand (ACT)

“Measuring Our Progress” has found some more progress to celebrate this time it’s a sharp uptick in State Final Demand per capita.

The latest available data indicates that seasonally adjusted SFD in the ACT increased by 5 per cent in the June quarter 2010, predominantly reflecting a positive contribution from public investment (2.6 percentage points). Positive contributions to SFT were also made by private investment (1.2 percentage points), private consumption (0.6 percentage points), and public consumption (0.5 percentage points).

Seasonally adjusted SFD growth over the past 24 years averaged approximately 4.9 per cent per annum in real terms, reflecting average growth in household consumption of around 3.6 per cent, private investment of around 5.1 per cent, public investment of around 12.2 per cent and government consumption of around 5.4 per cent.

There’s certainly a lot of money sloshing around.

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georgesgenitals8:18 pm 04 Oct 10

Goes to show how good Canberra has things, economically speaking. Of course, there are still those who live below the poverty line.

Also, that is hopefully the single most boring comment I will ever make on RiotACT.
(I swear I can hold up a decent and everyday normal conversation and provide life to parties…)

I should have just waited and read Skidbladnir’s post…

Ok, I took JB’s advice, read the linked material, and finally, understand what “State Final Demand” is. For those who can’t be bothered,

From link:
State Final Demand indicates the level of
economic activity across the ACT. Increased economic
activity is correlated with a wide range of community
benefits such as improved health outcomes, social
participation, and prosperity.

I assume we use this as a measure ’cause we don’t have mining and heavy industry, and the flow back and forth across our borders would make a Gross National Product type calculation impossible?

ACT Treasury provided the source document
Truly, the ACT Government has a long way to go before its ability to highlight good news and translate it in a way that the electorate understands even approaches its ability to inflict simple bad news.

For those without economics background:
State Final Demand:
The aggregate obtained by summing government final consumption expenditure, household final consumption expenditure, private gross fixed capital formation and the gross fixed capital formation of public corporations and general government. It is conceptually equivalent to the Australia level aggregate domestic final demand.
It is the total demand for final goods and services in the economy at a given time and price level. It is the amount of goods and services in the economy that will be purchased at all possible price levels.
(TL;DR: A higher number is typically a better number. When this number is attached to a particular patch of land, it indicates the strength of that region's potential to get the goods\services it wants\requires. Start here, read until you find it easy. Then go here)

(Another bit from the ABS, State Final Demand)
State final demand measures the total value of goods and services that are sold in a state to buyers who wish to either consume them or retain them in the form of capital assets. It excludes sales made to buyers who use them as inputs to a production activity, export sales and sales that lead to accumulation of inventories.
Measures of state final demand make no distinction between demand that is met by goods and services produced within the state in question, or by supplies sourced from another state, or from overseas. State final demand is therefore not a measure of the value of production activity occurring within a state.

(TL;DR: Read the other TL;DR.)

johnboy said :

You could read the linked material.

I did and I still don’t have a clue.

Waiting For Godot11:40 am 02 Oct 10

Um, what is “State Final Demand”? In fact WTF is this story all about? Is there a secret decryption code we have to run in order to figure all this gobbledygook out?

You could read the linked material.

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