“Canberra may step in on same-sex law”
This article from today’s The AGE is a classic example of the idiocy of using ‘Canberra’ to mean ‘Federal Parliament’. What they are trying to say is explained in the first line of the article:
“THE FEDERAL Government will try to override laws introduced to the ACT Parliament this week that would allow marriage celebrants to officiate over civil unions between same-sex couples.”
For once I wold actually support Jon Stanhope’s impractical / philosophical leanings if he actually moved to legislate against use of ‘Canberra’ to mean the Federal Government. And it has been done before. In the US media must not whinge about Washington making decisions, but rather ‘Capitol Hill’. And in the UK it is not London poking it’s nose into the rest of the country’s buisness, but rather ‘Downing Street’. Get onto it Jon!