Shane Rattenbury has announced that the one man crusade to get speed signage in the ACT standards compliant is paying off:
Work is now underway to update speed limit signage on arterial roads in the ACT, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, announced today.
“Roads ACT reviewed speed limit signage last year to ensure our road signage is consistent across the ACT arterial road network and positioned in accordance with the latest Australian standards,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“The review identified some key areas in which speed limit signage could be improved. This included additional speed limit signs on some sections of road, ensuring signs are erected independently on a standalone post, and having a sign on each side of a carriageway where speed limits change.
“As a result of the review, Roads ACT is introducing additional speed limit signage and making some adjustments to existing signage.
“These changes will further clarify the speed limit applying on a particular section of road and reduce confusion for motorists.
“Roads ACT will also install new speed limit signs at 164 locations across Canberra in the coming weeks (weather permitting), to ensure consistency with the relevant Australian Standard.
Hidden down the bottom is the exciting news that some GDE ramps are getting their speed limits bumped from 60 to 80.