In the great conflict between legislature and executive that we know as the English Civil War the Battle of Marston Moor is widely considered to be definitive.
Particularly insofar as it begs the question; on which side would you stand?
With unthinking tradition and the safety of letting others determine your fate, with the King’s cavaliers?
Or would you take responsibility for yourself, choose to be a thinking part of your society, and take responsibility for the outcomes? As the great editor of the London Times, Simon Jenkins, described that conflict:
The historian Isaac Foot, father of Michael, said that he judged a man by one thing, ‘On which side would he have fought at Marston Moor’, the King’s or Parliament’s.
The pendulum of politics long ago stopped swinging from Left to Right, now being stuck on Right. But it always swings from Roundhead to Cavalier. It swings from the authority of democratic institutions, defended ceaselessly and sometimes bloodily, to the corruption of over-centralised power.”
This weekend, on Saturday, the gap toothed bogan cavaliers of the repulsive “Catch The Fire Ministries” are bussing in from all over the country to wage what they call “Spiritual Warfare” on decent and law abiding members of our community.
For those who don’t monitor media Pastor Danny (who claimed the Victorian bushfires were the vengeance of god for abortion legalisation) has been highlighted by winning an Ernie Award for his egregious sexism. And today for claiming that human rights are the work of satan:
Asked what evidence of Satan there was in Parliament, Mr Nalliah said: “The number of politicians who have serious marriage problems.”
Legislation supporting homosexuality, abortion and a push for a Bill of rights were other areas where Mr Nallian said the devil was having influence.
“Me trying to explain it to you is like trying to teach a cricketer how to play soccer,” Mr Nalliah said.
[For mine I would prefer a constitutional guarantee of limited rights (to make them all the more treasured), but I’m not going to stand with the cavaliers who consider human rights in general to be the work of the devil.]
So, this Saturday, how are you defined? Do you support intolerant nutcases, from out of town, as they wage self described “warfare” against your fellow Canberrans?
Or do you drive up the mountain to show these arseholes what you think of them?
Worse? Do you sit on the sideline and let better people than you decide the outcome?
See you there.