When Limp Jimmy and Nancy Porker are pushing about their social networks that the Canberra Centre foodcourt before 1pm is the place to be then I know well enough to get down there.
I wish I’d charged up the video camera to get a better movie of it but that’s life.
Word had definitely gotten about with a radio reporter in attendance and plenty of cameras at the ready.
The balconies were lined and filled up further with people wondering what everyone else was looking at.
Given that most on the balconies only knew “something” was about to happen the situation was quickly comical.
It began with a solo performance of “We Are Australian” which grew and grew until 200 odd voices were filling the Canberra Centre foodcourt.
The Brindabella Chorus was putting on a show for their Sweet Adelines sisters who are in town this weekend.
These days I rate flashmobs with zombies as something overdone and lacking in imagination.
But when the flashmob performs a work of artistic merit in its own right it goes to show there’s life in the shambling legs yet.
It certainly livened up lunch in the Canberra Centre.
UPDATE 17/05/12 17:54: Thanks to Kath another view with better sound: