25 June 2024

The Hoot: Dutton goes nuclear (you better believe there'll be fallout!)

| David Murtagh
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Whatever happens from this week’s announcement by Peter Dutton that he sees nuclear energy in our future, one thing’s for sure – it will NEVER be forgotten.

If it succeeds, it will be a landmark moment in Australian politics and public policy.

If it fails and Peter Dutton gets flogged at the next election, at least John Hewson will be happy – he’ll no longer be shorthand for the worst Opposition Leader of the past 50 years.

This week on The Hoot, David Murtagh and newly minted Riotact Editor Claire Fenwicke discuss Peter Dutton’s announcement (because we’re not sure it’s ‘policy’).

One of the major criticisms of Dutton is that we have an announcement without a costing because he hasn’t gone out to market, hasn’t signed contracts, needs to figure out some detail … sounds kinda like light rail, doesn’t it?

Then, we turn our attention to another aspect of politics – consultation. In this case, around Ruth Park Playground.

It’s an epic facility built, believe it or not, without a car park and, get this, without toilets. Why? How?

And finally, is it right to boo your home team? Tim Gavel thinks not, but as a Parramatta fan who gave up on the team not after 38 years of coulda-woulda-shoulda but a truly woeful, weak performance in Darwin in April, Murtagh reckons a good booing might be just what some teams need.

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AEMO have a dashboard to show the fuel mix of the National Electricity Market, with a page on Renewables Penetration of the market, and a segment shows minimum and maximum renewables for each month.

June 2018 renewables minimum – 8.7% of total generation or 1,777 MW, on Sun 3rd June at 01:30
June 2018 renewables maximum – 34.8% of total generation or 8,939 MW, on Fri 15th June at 13:00
June 2024 renewables minimum – 8% of total generation or 1,644 MW, on Wed 5th June at 04:30
June 2024 renewables maximum – 60.4% of total generation or 16,171 MW, on Sun 16th June at 12:00
(Renewables includes generation from battery, hydro, wind, biomass, utility and distributed solar.)

Renewables generation has increased significantly during favourable days, but has remained steadily low during unfavourable nights. There are still insufficient renewables and storage to operate the electricity grid overnight, not even close, especially on calm nights. Coal will be providing most of our overnight power for sometime yet. Nuclear can provide power when renewables are intermittently low, similar to the way coal generation does now.

Biomass – must be the wood chipped trees cut down for wind farms

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