18 June 2024

The Hoot: Labor's pokies plan a high stakes gamble

| David Murtagh
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This week on The Hoot, the owls take a hard look at the ACT Government’s 20-year plan to cull the number of poker machines in local clubs.

Under the initiative, the number of poker machines in the ACT will be slashed to just 1000 by 2045 if Labor is re-elected in October (there are currently 3790 pokies here). The primary goal is to reduce gambling harm. ACT Labor says it will legislate to force clubs to give up 500 machines every four years until the target is met.

But there’s more to the plan.

The sweetener will be a framework for clubs to develop sustainable alternative revenue streams, including practical ways for clubs to unlock their land so it can be used for housing, build-to-rent projects and aged care.

But it’s not all smooth sailing – in fact, the clubs are positively ropable.

READ MORE ‘Seems ridiculous’: Clubs ACT CEO slams ACT Labor’s ‘magical’ plan to use club land for social housing

And where would we be without light rail? On a bus probably, but aside from that …

We’re headed to the polls in October, and it seems like light rail will again be a primary focus. Oh, goody.

The Libs are in a spot of bother with their plan to put us on the buses, but the government has some problems, too. Some of the turns to Woden are a bit sharp for the not-too-nimble trams, so we’ll be getting a tunnel. Of sorts. And they don’t come cheap … not that we know what the cost will be, but apart from that …

Finally, we discuss this park from Andrew Barr. Yes, it’s a storm in a teacup, but isn’t everything these days?

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