1 September 2024

ACT Greens seek alliance with Liberals on pokies reform after frustrations with ‘unprogressive’ Labor

| Oliver Jacques
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ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury said he was frustrated with ”unprogressive” Labor on pokies reform and would seek support across the aisle. Photo: Supplied.

ACT Greens leader and Gaming Minister Shane Rattenbury says he is frustrated with ACT Labor’s “unprogressive” approach to gambling reform, and will seek an alliance with the Liberals to pass poker machine harm minimisation legislation.

Mr Rattenbury said he would introduce laws that would allow for the creation of a central monitoring system (CMS), a tool that links all ACT poker machines with the intention of collecting data and limiting gambling losses. He says Labor MLAs are refusing to support this.

“The ACT Labor Party has avoided, delayed, and ultimately rejected these best-practice reforms. It will come at the cost of the community’s wellbeing and livelihood,” he said.

“The primary objection identified by Labor is the cost of implementing a CMS. Yet detailed modelling shows that such an approach would cost less than 5 per cent of poker machine profits over the next 20 years.

“Labor’s failure is a setback for the critical task of harm reduction, it is a disappointing outcome for the ACT community, and it is a decidedly ‘unprogressive’ approach, contrary to the values Labor purports to represent.”

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Chief Minister Andrew Barr told a press conference on Friday (30 August) that the Greens were playing politics.

“The discussion on the CMS is proving to be a challenge … it’s expensive and can be circumvented by people going across the border,” Mr Barr said.

“I think there is a pathway forward here but the eve of an election is perhaps not the easiest environment to get the Greens to compromise on many things. There are quite a lot of promises they are making that are just not practical or achievable.”

ClubsACT CEO Craig Shannon is also frustrated.

“We have an undignified and purely self-promoting debate occurring in the Assembly that benefits nobody,” he said.

“The club industry in Canberra has sought and obtained in-principle support from the three major parties for an independent inquiry into the club industry that should address all the issues being raised next week and would allow for an evidence-based policy response by the next Assembly.

“It is appalling that Canberra political representatives treat the club industry and our members and the issue of gambling harm as political footballs for self-promotion purposes. It’s a childish and counterproductive approach to public policy development.

“We are calling on all the Assembly political parties to refrain from any further legislation impacting on our industry until the independent inquiry into the club industry is completed, allowing factual evidence to be used to shape policies going forward.”

ClubsACT CEO Craig Shannon gives an address at the 2022 ClubsACT Clubs & Community Awards

ClubsACT CEO Craig Shannon has called on political parties to stop playing politics on gambling reforms. Photo: ClubsACT.

Exact details on the ACT Greens’ proposed legislative changes have not been made public, but Mr Rattenbury indicated he would also be looking at mandatory cashless gambling that required all gamblers to have an account and mandatory pre-commitment with default loss and time limits for all gamblers.  If Labor does not support the reforms, the Greens would be able to pass them with the support of the Liberals.

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The Canberra Liberals declined to say whether they’ll support the Greens on this matter, indicating they would express their view when the issue was debated in the Legislative Assembly.

Mr Barr said Labor would definitely be supporting a bill before the assembly to reduce the number of pokies to 3500.

“We think that’s still too many machines and that number should continue to reduce over time,” he said.

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That sounds to me to be a rather dumb idea. Of course, what else would you expect from someone like Rattenbury.

Labor has always been connected to the club/pokies industry. They get a lot of revenue that way. Of course they are anti-gambling.

Ben in Greenway9:29 am 03 Sep 24

Number of machines is less important than how these things operate.

~2 seconds per spin. $10 possible per turn. That is $300/minute. You may get some back but likely you will lose.

Rather than reduce the number of machines, change the way they work. Slow the spin rate and reduce the maximum bet to $1. That there would reduce the pain for most problem gamblers.

Ben in Greenway9:51 am 03 Sep 24

The other advantage of this approach is that it is all configurable in software. No significant changes needed. No additional systems or controls.

Or you could just let adults live their lives and not restrict the vast majority of people who can gamble responsibly because a minority of people are to stupid to not gamble their rent money…

ChrisinTurner3:50 pm 02 Sep 24

Why on earth would we need the ability for 3,500 ACT people to simultaneously operate a poker machine?

Please not another inquiry, just get on with the job of reforming gambling in the ACT!

The Greens are doing their best in the lead up to the election to distance themselves from the government but highlighting how little they have achieved for gaming reform in the ACT. Gaming machine and gambling reforms have been in progress in the ACT over the last decade with the Greens and Liberals doing next to nothing.

It was only a few years ago that Dr Marisa Paterson successfully introduced a bill into the Assembly calling for a comprehensive review of online gambling in the ACT. Dr Paterson has been doing the hard yards since her election and following the inquiry’s announcement with the ‘Bets Off. Game On.’ campaign calling for gambling reforms and advocating for a poker machine free Molonglo Valley and other undeveloped areas in the ACT. This campaign was informed by tireless community consultation and received overwhelming public support.

Unfortunately, the Canberra Liberals, namely spokesperson Peter Cain, sided with the Clubs industry, the only contributor to the inquiry not to support reform and one of the party’s largest donors, in rejecting change. As if the Liberals would support the Greens with this latest stunt from them!

Gambling reforms have strong community support, reducing opportunities for clubs and gaming agencies to normalise gambling through their deceitful and unconscionable behaviour. Using our laws they have actively and without shame used loopholes and continued to prey on the most vulnerable in our society including the young and elderly.

I’ll bet you 20 bucks your party does nothing about it, “Jack D”.

Gregg Heldon8:18 am 04 Sep 24

How many Labor clubs are there Jack? And how many poker machines are there in those Labor clubs, Jack? Along with Keno and TAB facilities.
Or have you conveniently forgotten all this? The only way Labor has any credibility in this area, is to get rid of all of its gambling outlets.

Guess how many gamblung venues there are called “The Canberra Liberal club”.

Absolutely zero, and “Jack D” is telling lies, again.

I totally agree Gregg Heldon!

Gambling reforms have strong community support and have been in progress in the ACT over the past decade. Shamefully, our clubs provide financial support to both Labor and the Liberals. The 2016 election saw many clubs, through their governing body Clubs ACT, actively using members funds to vigorously campaign against Labor and the party’s gambling reforms. Many ClubsACT current members have strong links to the Canberra Liberals with one a serial candidate for the party.

The Canberra Liberals 2016 campaign was actively and aggressively supported by then leaders Jeremy Hanson and Alistair Coe as well as Vicki Dunne and other party members, leading regular protests in Canberra up to the election. All funded by ClubsACT and right-wing lobby group Advance Australia!

Gambling reforms in the ACT continue to be vigorously opposed by the Canberra Liberals who receive significant funding from clubs and the gambling industry!

Yeah prove the claim that the ACT Liberals receive “significant funding from clubs and the gambling industry”.

I’ll wait.

Where would I start Ken M? It is all there in the media as well as federal, state and territory electoral websites. This information is freely available and reported after every election when candidates and parties submit their funding disclosures

These disclosures also reveal the close links the squeaky clean Canberra Liberals have to clubs and the building and construction industries who contribute so much to the party’s coffers at every election. It also explains the party’s hostility to gambling reforms over the years as well as building and planning laws which they have vehemently opposed throughout their time in opposition. This includes , but is not limited to, LVA charges which they have promised to remove should they win government!

Gregg Heldon5:36 pm 04 Sep 24

You didn’t answer any of my very basic questions Jack.

Well Gregg Heldon I have no idea how many Labor clubs or other clubs are in the ACT nor how many poker machines they have.

I do know that work has been progressing for over a decade to reduce gambling harm in our city and the number of poker machines in our Clubs and pubs, including those affiliated with Labor. I would be only too happy to see our city rid of gambling and poker machines altogether.

Maybe Gregg Heldon you can tell me why the Canberra Liberals have voted against EVERY bill the government has introduced into the assembly over the past 10 years aimed at reducing gambling harm in the ACT, ridiculing all of Labor’s efforts?

Gregg Heldon8:57 am 05 Sep 24

If Labor have poker machines, let alone keno and ACT TAB facilities in their clubs, then they aren’t making much effort to reduce gambling harm.
Mark Parton has not been shy of his love of a punt, especially on the dish lickers and the gee gees. And that’s his personal choice. The hypocrisy is a political party saying that we need to reduce gambling harm, whilst having gambling facilities in their licensed clubs. The Labor party is guilty of that hypocrisy, the Liberal party is not.
Labor has licensed clubs in Charnwood, Civic, Stirling and Belconnen. Then there is also the Tradies in Dickson. So four, possibly five. Imagine that each club has 100 pokies. That 4-500 poker machines. I think that makes them the third biggest holder of poker machines in Canberra behind The Southern Cross Club group and the Raiders Clubs. The Hellenic Club group would have a similar number.
Now, here is my next question. Where does the Labor Club Group distribute their gambling profits to? The other three give money to all sorts of community organisations. It’s in their annual reports and on posters in the clubs but what about the Labor Club.

I’ve looked at the funding disclosures, “Jack D” and can’t for the life of me find any of what you are alleging. You’ll have to point me at the information.

Or, are you telling lies again? Because these ones would appear to amount to actionable defamation.

You can attempt to split hairs all you like Gregg Heldon!

The Labor and Tradies Clubs are independent organisations owned and controlled by their members. Like all political parties, Labor declares all donations and financial support in accordance with strict electoral laws which are published on the ElectionsACT website.

Gambling reforms and the reduction of poker machines in the Territory have been in progress across all clubs for the past decade. The Liberals have fought tooth and nail against any proposal put forward. The party’s gambling spokesperson, Mark Parton has undermined any efforts describing gambling addiction as like being addicted to chocolate!

The Canberra Liberals receive significant donations and gifts from Clubs across Canberra which are also published.

I stand by my comments!

Gregg Heldon8:18 am 06 Sep 24

As I stand by my comments.
And here’s my next question. Whilst I admire Dr Patersons stand on gambling, if she was fair dinkum about it, why doesn’t she quit the party, knowing the links to the clubs mentioned and the rough estimates of poker machines and other gambling outlets within those clubs?
Hypocrisy and double standards, Jack. Hypocrisy and double standards.

ChrisinTurner2:02 pm 02 Sep 24

It should not be legal for political parties to financially benefit’s from problem gamblers.

Yes, Mr Barr, the NSW Government has been better equipped to help ACT patrons for years, thus providing border hoppers assistance the ACT Government can’t provide.

The greens certainly do love control mechanisms. Taking lessons from their idol Xi.

I hope both major parties have the sense to ignore them.

Well said Ken M

Yeah right, create another IT system, that’ll fix it, just like the government HR debacle or the DHR fiasco.

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