10 December 2006

The mysterious number 87

| boomacat
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Hello my fellow RiotACTers

My (legally) parked car was sideswiped by another driver last night. They’ve managed to do quite a job on my poor little automobile.

Although the cheeky offender drove off without leaving their details, a passer by apparently witnessed the event and left me a note with the other vehicle’s number plate. According to that witness, the other vehicle’s number plate was allegedly “DC 87xx” (last couple of digits withheld to protect privacy).

The very helpful Police Officer I spoke with told me that DC number plates belong to diplomatic vehicles. This is probably quite obvious to those in the know but it was news to me.

According to the DFAT website, the 1st 2 digits after the “DC” prefix on a diplomatic plate (in my case the numbers “87”) indicate the Embassy which the car belongs to.

So, to cut a long story short, my question is this: Which Embassy does the number plate “DC 87xx” belong to?

As anyone who has read my previous left wing pinko bleeding heart posts might have gathered, I’m not the punitive type, but I’d just like to front up to the relevant Embassy and say “Oi, fix me car ya mugs” (if indeed the number plate as reported by the very kind witness, who I shall soon purchase a case of beer, is correct, of course this is yet to be established).

PS Is it Christmas holidays yet?

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They were probably the two terorists who went into the bar … boom boom.

Piqued my interest – again.

Boomacat – are you still there?

Oi Boomacat – how did you get on with this?

If you dont get any satisfaction through the regualr avenues you could always tray an old tried and tested “left wing pinko” tactic and go ’round to the embassy in question and lob a couple of molotov cocktails over the fence – mightn’t fix your car, but you’ll probably feel heaps better …

mmm…something to do with Mandela being 87 at the start of this calendar year?
-Let’s hope he wasn’t driving it.

TAD, how do you know it’s South Africa? Is there a list somewhere showing which plates belong to whom?

God love the bloody internet! Thanks for these excellent results guys. I’ll let you know how I go with this.

There is no diplomatic immunity for traffic or parking offences. Doesn’t mean they pay for those indescretions.

That said we had one of our limousines was hit by one of the Libyan embassy’s cars. He did a runner of course (in full view of our driver and everyone else at the airport). We reported it and found out that the Libyans owe over 100k in unpaid fines and insurance claims.

Best of luck!

Diplomatic immunity is something the embassy must ask for it is not automatic. Reporting it to the police SHOULD be all that is needed and the relevant person/embassy should pay. They are expected to have insurance just like the rest of us.

What are these ‘book things’ you speak of?

For $15 you might as well not wait. To be sure that the report will have the info you need, either ring the copper you spoke to and ask or call accident records. (AFP switch 62567777)

TAD you are a clever bloke/broad re put in a request for a copy of the accident report.

How long do you think I should wait? And so, given that I’ve provided the constabulary the other driver’s rego #, the report will have the other driver’s name etc?

How did people find things out before the internet? Probably through those old fashioned book things.

I have, it’s not my story TAD.

Never heard of DC plates JB?

The DC and DX plates are free vehicle registrations handed out to anybody who works at the embassy and any member of their family. Only the top few at the embassies have diplomatic immunity.

1. Report the accident to police (front office report) and provide the rego of the offending vehicle
2. Then put in a request for a copy of the accident report which should contain the registration details of the offending vehicle.


Good luck, they may well claim diplomatic immunity from any responsibility!
They are the same bastards who water their (very) green lawns for hours every day.

And the 2nd pair indicate who’s car it is eg 01 is the Amb/HC 02 the 2IC etc

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