19 September 2008

The "New" Breed of door to door salesmen - where did they come from??

| Peter Holland
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Ok, I was very ill this week and had to stay home. Not telling you what it was, just not very well and very slow at typing. I am certain that I made a few mistakes when typing….

My wife took the kids out to the shops so as to avoid my continual moaning and complaining (more so that I was sick). 

There was a knock at the door, and a young man in a black tailored suit was standing there. He was indian / pakistani in appearance, and had a big red folder that (I can still read upside down) was filled with the Block / Section and contact numbers for each house in my street.(probably most of Kambah in fact)

He was representing the Telephone Exchange from Sydney and wanted to know what I was currently paying for Land Line, Internet, etc. I refused to tell him.

He changed tack, and asked whether I was with TransACT or Telstra. Telstra, I replied.

I asked him for some ID, as I wasn’t giving him any info out without knowing who he was representing. He refused, saying – you don’t need to know that.

Oh, but I do, I insisted.

at that point, he murmured something unintelligible and started back down the path. He was writing notes in his big red folder.

He then doorknocked next door, but no-one was home.  He was trying to see into the house next door via a side window. a bit suss.

I phoned the police, who were aware of him and his colleagues. they were keen to catch up with them.

 I never let him in my house, kept him at the front door.

I just wonder, what was he really after?



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tylersmayhem12:19 pm 22 Sep 08

Cheers justbands – I figured it was the case. It’s always given me a good chuckle though. Dodgy folk from Adelaide. I knew Canberran’s were much more classy than that 😉

> I heard a story years ago, I’m not sure about the truth or accuracy, but it’s an amusing one that goes like this:

The details have been mixed up to the point of this now being an urban myth. However, it is actually true & was widely reported at the time. It was in Adelaide, not Canberra.

tylersmayhem12:01 pm 22 Sep 08

Cool RAGD!

Obviously my earlier post did not come out right. What I meant by the “not trying to sound racist” comment was that from the description given in the original post , I had the same guy come to my door. I didn’t want people to accuse me of being racist because I just assumed it was the same guy because he was indian… in retrospect I can see that it wouldn’t have mattered, as I got accused of being a racist anyways.

@tylersmayshem, trust me, I am not racist. I migrated to Australia in the 80’s and got into my share of fights because of my skin colour and I am just olive skinned. That pretty much taught me not to judge people by their skin colour or their ethnic background.

tylersmayhem10:05 am 22 Sep 08

would have loved to see the faces of the jehova’s witnesses who knocked on his door, to be greeted by a guy covered in gore, listening to iron maiden in the background. That would have been priceless. The Motorhead t-shirt he was wearing wouldn’t have helped much, either…

Haha – Excellent!

Mormons, one of my friends tell me (he is one) don’t usually accept cakes from strangers, they have to be very careful as to what they eat. (not just from a poisoning aspect)

another mate is a jehova’s witness, apparently there isn’t a list for do not call on this house, the buggers will knock everywhere. (damn it)

One of my mates has a goat farm. he brings goats (slaughtered) to canberra from time to time, and does his own butchery here. would have loved to see the faces of the jehova’s witnesses who knocked on his door, to be greeted by a guy covered in gore, listening to iron maiden in the background. That would have been priceless. The Motorhead t-shirt he was wearing wouldn’t have helped much, either…

tylersmayhem8:53 am 22 Sep 08

nothing works on mormons. They would probably preach to the camera – recording would drive you nuts….

I heard a story years ago, I’m not sure about the truth or accuracy, but it’s an amusing one that goes like this:

Some Mormons were door knocking in Canberra, and knocked on once particular door and a couple of young student types opened the door. The students welcomed them in and offered them a cup of coffee and some “cake”. The Mormons gratefully accepted and one of the students ducked into the kitchen and cut a couple of large slabs of space cake they had kicking around in the pantry.

Needless to say, the Mormons malfunctioned after eating the cake and cut the conversation short and left the house in a panic after they feared “poisoning”. I believe the cops dropped in on the students later in the day and got a stern talking to by the Plod and a sly wink before leaving.

Who knows if it’s true – but if it is, it might explain why I haven’t seen any annoying religions types door knocking for a long time. Those students must have been studying “Community Service”.

nothing works on mormons. They would probably preach to the camera – recording would drive you nuts….

No sound – LOL!

mormons are all trained in interpretive dance these days, so you’d still get the sermon and probably have your camera up and move to salt lake city, sending you postcards from the tabernacle…

The Public Watchdog7:19 am 21 Sep 08

I get the odd religious door knocker, notably Mormons. The younger brigade serving their mission duties. I start by asking them “Utah’s finest and how are all the wives?” That stooges them a bit and then I talk to them about the Snow in Utah, which is incredible.

One in town stopped me and asked me if I knew the answer. I told him it’s 42. Being a young American, he looked quite puzzled when a guy nearby agreed with me.

Mormons are pleasant enough and harmless. A quick chat and I send them on their way.

If the nasty Jehovah’s Witness knock on the door, I give them a verbal spray. They are evil and not to be trusted.

The only commercial door knockers I have encountered is a couple of young lads peddling Foxtel. They gave me the “big sell” and thought I would sign up on the spot. I kept saying “No”. Poor lads, I do feel a bit sorry for them.

If I want to purchase something, or join a religious organisation, I will do so by my own means. I don’t need or want hawkers at my place.

So I turn them all away. Some with vengeance, others not.

Getting back to the origonal topic, I am know very cautious of who knocks on my door, as well as who is seen hanging outside of my house. Case in point – the five gentelmen who were seen standing on my property behind my car, staring in my direction as I stood at the door calling the police. This was at 1am, and rather coincedentally after someone had made threats against me. That door no longer opens for anyone I do not know.

With regards to religous people coming to the door…I had a friend who would talk to Seventh day adventists (sic) and after the big speel aobut entering paradise she would ask..”Can my same sex partner come too?” That got rid of them.

I saw a group of these guys and a some girls as well congregating on a street corner near Melba a few months ago. All Indian in appearance. I then saw them spread out and go door knocking and I was wondering if they might be illegal immigrants.

peter@home said :

nothing works on mormons. They would probably preach to the camera – recording would drive you nuts….

No sound – LOL!

ant said :

aronde said :

Had some great footage once of two guys coming to door, looking up at camera and running away!

Does it work on Mormons?

nothing works on mormons. They would probably preach to the camera – recording would drive you nuts….

aronde said :

Had some great footage once of two guys coming to door, looking up at camera and running away!

Does it work on Mormons?

Re racism – it’s only racism if it’s derogatory. If he’s indian / pakistani in appearance, that’s not racist. That’s a fact. Saying he’s a white honky, or a cracker in appearance….that’s racist.

Same if someone said to me, you’re fugly. That’s not derogatory. That’s a fact…….ok, maybe that is offensive.

Anyone got any anti-fugly pills. 🙂 (just jokes…I look like Monika Lewinsky, and we know she was attractive enough to score the Presidents cancer-stick.)

Must be beer O’clock. Mmmm, beer. The classic drink that washes the fugly away.

jakez said :

Nah, that’s a good idea mate. I’ll probably get something like that when I move into my own place.

Also real time monitoring over the internet and when motion is detected a series of photos of the ‘guest’ or the neighbour’s cat are emailed to my phone. What can I say I like gadgets!

RuffnReady said :

You guys are hilarious. This guy clearly isn’t dodgy – he’s obviously a freakin down-on-his luck salesman.

Sure, we get a lot of Western Sydney Burglars (WSBs) in stolen cars in Canberra. Hell, I once even saw a burglary committed (called the cops, reported license plate and details, stolen car, surprise, surprise), but this guy is walking from door to door showing his face to people and some of you still think he’s a burglar. If he is, he’s the dumbest SOB out there. No, this guy is a salesman who hates his job and probably his life. You don’t have to tell the guy anything, but enough of the insulting his integrity.

WSBs, OTOH, steal a car, drive to a deserted street, one goes scouting, finds the target, the others park nearby and pile out, grab whatever they can get quickly, and back to the car.

Get your MOs straight.

I didn’t say he was a burglar, i just thought he looked dodgy. After spending several years in retail, you can get a good idea of who is or isn’t.

oh, and post #21, $30 a month. Voip, corporate rate – my company subsidises my internet and I make all calls via voip at 10c flag fall.

You guys are hilarious. This guy clearly isn’t dodgy – he’s obviously a freakin down-on-his luck salesman.

Sure, we get a lot of Western Sydney Burglars (WSBs) in stolen cars in Canberra. Hell, I once even saw a burglary committed (called the cops, reported license plate and details, stolen car, surprise, surprise), but this guy is walking from door to door showing his face to people and some of you still think he’s a burglar. If he is, he’s the dumbest SOB out there. No, this guy is a salesman who hates his job and probably his life. You don’t have to tell the guy anything, but enough of the insulting his integrity.

WSBs, OTOH, steal a car, drive to a deserted street, one goes scouting, finds the target, the others park nearby and pile out, grab whatever they can get quickly, and back to the car.

Get your MOs straight.

Beserk Keyboard Warrior4:37 pm 19 Sep 08

So Peter, if you don’t mind me asking, how much DO you pay for your internet and landline?

tylersmayhem4:28 pm 19 Sep 08

I do agree with Berlina. I have no hesitation describing someone as “black”, the same way I’d describe someone as having grey hair, looking old or thin.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy4:08 pm 19 Sep 08

What are we burning?

Die Lefty Scum4:06 pm 19 Sep 08

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

Some people think it’s racist to describe another human using their ethnicity as a characteristic. To me, saying that someone is ‘caucasian’ or ‘asian’ is no different from ‘tall’ or ‘fat’ or ‘female’. The racism component is alleged by the softheads among us who believe that ethnic characterisations have a negative connotation.

Exactly Berlina-man! I don’t find anything wrong with saying “that fat asian prick in the Honda cut me off at the roundabout”…

Unfortunately lefty scum corduroy-wearing types have had their way in the last few decades but thankfully pendulum is finallly swinging back the other way. The irony with leftties is that the minorities etc that in their righteous minds they’re representing despise them just as much as we do.

Anyone for a fire-twirling session in Garema place tonight?

Trying not to sound racist but those dodgy phone companies seem to prey on new Australians and other immigrants because none of the locals will touch that crap job.

I don’t really blame those salesman……..they have to be pushy because many work on commission – they don’t sell you a phone plan they don’t eat!

I respect them for taking on a difficult, often belittling commission job when they could easily go down to Centerlink and jump on the dole.

(still wouldn’t buy a phone plan off em tho!)

The reason that I described the person’s ethnicity is so that if someone else is greeted by them at their front door, with their little red folder, at least you have some idea of what to expect.

I don’t care if it was a white Caucasian male, an indian, asian or other nationality – they seemed to be a bit dodgy, and i reported it to the police. I would prefer to find that they were legit, but the way the policeman I spoke to was talking, it may be that they aren’t.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy3:56 pm 19 Sep 08

Some people think it’s racist to describe another human using their ethnicity as a characteristic. To me, saying that someone is ‘caucasian’ or ‘asian’ is no different from ‘tall’ or ‘fat’ or ‘female’. The racism component is alleged by the softheads among us who believe that ethnic characterisations have a negative connotation.

Die Lefty Scum3:55 pm 19 Sep 08

I’m not racist… BUT I will say that every single time I’ve done business with a wog I’ve been ripped off.

Die Lefty Scum3:51 pm 19 Sep 08

Sounds like you’re being racialist Peter. Next time why not don the white hood and lynch the poor bloke?

tylersmayhem3:27 pm 19 Sep 08

Trying not to sound racist..

@RAGD: I’m still trying to work out what was at all racist with your post? Mind you, I always go back to the theory of if a sentence starts with “I’m not a racist, but…” the person generally is. Then sprinkled in the conversations is the defensive “I’m not racist! I work with Indian people and my mates wife is from Thailand – so how could I be a racist”!

I helped a friend in stall a similar system on his house in Duffy.
Every tv in the house could see who was at the front door, but on his big tv we set him up with PinP so he could see who was at the front door and never need to leave the couch.

Eventually the plan was to set up another video feed & intercom for the spa.

Hmm Trueenergy had an indian-sh guy who got me to switch companies… but he was all in a branded shirt, had an id badge etc etc. So I felt confidence in that he at elast went to come effort!

We had an bloke of Indian / Sri Lankin orign at our door a few weeks ago just after 8pm. He was asking questions about our credit situation and our home loans / mortgages / buisiness loans etc. I told him I didn’t believe in credit, thanked him for his time and closed the door. I could still hear him talking as the door came to a shut. He didn’t want to take no for an answer.

He had no id and I thought it was a bit weird door knocking after dark.

aronde said :

I have a video camera positioned over the front door – can see who it is without even leaving the arm chair! It also records when it detects motion (ie when someone comes to door or the local cat walks past). Had some great footage once of two guys coming to door, looking up at camera and running away!

Whoa, Alphonse Gangitano!

Nah, that’s a good idea mate. I’ll probably get something like that when I move into my own place.

I must admit my first reaction was to jump on to the race angle and enquire what the hell that had to do with anything, but in terms of identification of the suspicious person, it’s as valid and useful an identifier as ‘long black hair’ or ‘scar down left hand side of face’ or ‘parrot on left shoulder’.

Good tip-off. Now I actually hope he (or one of his ilk) does come a knockin’ on my Friday at home day. I’ll have the camera handy in case.

Trying not to sound racist.. I had the same guy at my door. He told me he was with Optus and they were upgrading the local exchange. He then proceeded to ask me who I was with, how much I paid, who my internet was with… I declined to tell him anything and then to get rid of him I told him we were moving in 2 weeks time, so it was no use to us to change carriers. He seemed very disinterested then and sulked away.

Deadmandrinking2:22 pm 19 Sep 08

aronde said :

I have a video camera positioned over the front door – can see who it is without even leaving the arm chair! It also records when it detects motion (ie when someone comes to door or the local cat walks past). Had some great footage once of two guys coming to door, looking up at camera and running away!

As much as that camera sounds cool, I don’t know if I’d want there to be recorded footage of my 5am returns from pub-crawling.

I have a video camera positioned over the front door – can see who it is without even leaving the arm chair! It also records when it detects motion (ie when someone comes to door or the local cat walks past). Had some great footage once of two guys coming to door, looking up at camera and running away!

Deadmandrinking1:34 pm 19 Sep 08

Alot of phone salesmen are dodgy. I was one for two weeks, but I quit just because I didn’t want to be associated with all their BS. Some of the people I worked with were shocking – blatantly putting sh-t on people who said they weren’t interested, lying about where they were from (just a little tip – they will ALWAYS say they’re from Brisbane or Perth or somewhere far away) and signing up people who were obviously hindered by intoxication or mental issues or simply intimidated.

The little red book was probably a list of all the houses in the area, which you cross off or indicate that you need to come back to a house, so don’t be worried about that. If he refused to show you ID or tell you which company he came from, it’s probably because he’s forgotten his ID or lost it and doesn’t want you to ring his marketing company and get him in sh-t. With his a-hole attitude, just you the two sweetest words in the english vocabulary – ‘F**k off’. Don’t even open the door. Out of all the negative responses I got, that one worked a treat.

Next time someone knocks on your door like that and seems shifty, get your digital camera and take his/her photo.

Let them know that you’ll be keeping the photo in case things should start to go missing fromhouses in the neighborhood.

If they are crooked then there’s nothing like possible disclosure of their face to police etc to act as a little discouragement.

Sounds like he may have been scoping out your house, this is a common tactic in Sydney.

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