Oh no, they’re baaaaack!
Yes, those bloody annoying student elections are on again at the ANU. I still don’t know why we have to have them twice. I don’t really care either. All I know is that the union square at ANU is now full of annoying students trying to get us to vote for crap that we don’t give a crap about. It would be funny if not for the people who take it seriously. I mean like this woman came up to me today totally invading my personal space with a glint of glee in her eye and started telling me about policies.
So I stopped her in her tracks and asked: “Are you going to do anything about the week long wait to see a doctor on campus?”
“No.” Apparently not.
“What about the 3 week long wait to see the counselling service?”
No, not going to fix that either.
“What about the fact that if I get here after 9am I can’t find anywhere to park? What about free parking for car pools”
No, that wasn’t a priority for her either.
“What about affordable accommodation for students on Centerlink benefits who get less than $300 a week?”
No, but she did mention her parents paid for her accommodation.
“Well can you at least get rid of the quidditch team that seems to be soaking up all the clubs and societies funding?”
She didn’t know what quidditch was.
At that point I was demotivated enough that I decided that apathy and not voting were my number one candidates for the upcoming poll.
Seriously, why do these people get so hyped up about what is basically a popularity contest. Why can’t they understand why we don’t care about this attention getting stunt? They don’t make a difference on the things that matter. If they did have realistic policies about things that mattered, I’d probably vote for them. If they were going to make a positive difference in my life I’d vote for them. If they had an inkling of an idea of what really mattered to uni students, I’d vote for them.
Instead I have to put up with a week of annoying students wasting my time and wearing t-shirts that were probably funded by me some how. Plus, get this, they’ve been banned from giving out free food. Now how about a policy to overturn that ban. If they gave me free food I’d vote for them.
Elections, if voting changed anything they’d make it illegal. If they were real revolutionaries they would be arranging a sit in of the vice chancellors residence,