21 September 2013

The wheels of ACT justice need some grease

| IrishPete
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Is this a record?

More than 6 years from arrest to sentence?

[Canberra Times story]

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IrishPete said :

I wonder how many people called Yaresul Silkeci there are in Canberra


Thousands, all up I would imagine. There’s must be at least three blokes with that name where I work. 🙂

After nearly two years awaiting trial, clogging up the courts, what changed this week with this guy? http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/guilty-plea-for-smash-and-steal-on-parking-poker-machines-20130924-2ub7a.html It always makes me wonder about plea bargaining. I hope he gets nil discount for his guilty plea, given it was so late.


I wonder how many people called Yaresul Silkeci there are in Canberra https://www.apsjobs.gov.au/Controls/ViewDocument.aspx?id=415&vdt=GazetteUpload&fn=PS34+-+23+Aug+2012.pdf

He also seems to have been sentenced once in early 2011 http://www.courts.act.gov.au/resources/attachments/Silkeci.htm


Masquara said :

Pass the tissues …. he may lose his investment property … hopefully the ATO is having a look at how a casual landscaper has acquired two properties!

I am not going to defend a convicted Ice dealer – they deserve everything they get for peddling this poison.

But I saw no mention of an investment property – there might be lots of reasons for owning two houses (if it’s an investment property it should be mainly paying for itself, so going to prison shouldn’t affect it, negative gearing notwithstanding). The article reports he is separated from his wife, which is a good reason to have two properties between them.

And the article describes him as being a self-employed landscaper with a business, not a casual landscaper. Yeah, that could be his lawyer’s exaggeration, but “casual landscaper” seems an equally subjective interpretation.

If the DPP suspected the properties were bought with the proceeds of crime (bearing in mind they would seem to have mortgages over them), I think they would already have been seized by now.

This article gives a little more info http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/courier-didnt-ask-questions-about-ice-20120130-1t7x5.html though still begs the question why this case took so long when it seems to have been a slam-dunk. I see the price of Ice has gone up since then, though.


wildturkeycanoe said :

I can’t see any injustice here….except that it took so long.

What if someone was found not guilty, and could even be because they were innocent, it happens. Having your life on hold for years is cruel.

Pass the tissues …. he may lose his investment property … hopefully the ATO is having a look at how a casual landscaper has acquired two properties!

wildturkeycanoe2:51 pm 22 Sep 13

Poor guy. If he’d managed to get away with it and the ice had caused the death of one of his customers, at least someone else would have to put up with all the pain and suffering whilst he reveled in his jackpot. Business owner, two properties, I can’t see any injustice here….except that it took so long.

Why? Does anyone know? Did they lose the file, or what?

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