24 October 2024

Thorpe outburst at the King nothing more than juvenile grandstanding stunt, says this republican

| Chris Johnson
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King Charles reception at Parliament House

The dignity of the Royals’ reception at Parliament House didn’t last long. Photo: Chris Johnson.

Don’t we all just love Aunty Violet Sheridan?

Such dignity was displayed yesterday by the Ngunnawal elder, who not only welcomed the King and Queen to traditional Country inside the Great Hall of Parliament House but also gave the monarch what appeared to be something of a lecture in the parliamentary forecourt as she shook his hand.

But she did it with a smile on her face while ‘gently but firmly’ making a point, which the King acknowledged, chatting and smiling back.

Inside the Great Hall, Aunty Violet rose to welcome the Royals to Ngunnawal Country.

She extended that welcome to all the other dignitaries in the room – the Governor-General, prime ministers past and present, MPs, Senators, the Speaker, the Senate President, their wives, husbands and partners – and then to every non-Indigenous person in attendance.

Aunty Violet Sheridan.

Aunty Violet Sheridan is a passionate Ngunnawal Elder who seeks to further the cause of reconciliation. Photo: Travis Radford.

Hers was a gracious message of Country that had never been ceded to anyone but on which the King and Queen were most welcome as honoured guests.

Indeed, the whole ceremony of the Parliament House reception for King Charles III and Queen Camilla was threaded with respect.

Respect for Country and respect for royalty. Respect for the bond between us all.

The King and Queen were heralded into the Great Hall by trumpeted fanfare and then escorted to the stage by Indigenous elders playing didgeridoo and clapping sticks.

READ ALSO Royal visit 2024 live blog: ‘Uncalled for and un-Australian’ – VC recipient slams Thorpe protest

A youth choir sang the national anthem in both English and Ngunnawal before Aunty Violet Sheridan offered her dignified welcome.

King Charles himself spoke of how much he had learned about life and the world from Australia’s First Nations people.

“It is in all our interest to be stewards of the world,” he said, adding there was much to be learned from First Nations people in that regard.

Anthony Albanese acknowledged the King’s deep affection and respect for Indigenous Australians.

“You have also shown a deep and abiding interest in reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” the Prime Minister said.

“And you have shown great respect for Australians, even during times when we have debated the future of our own constitutional arrangements and the nature of our relationship with the crown.

“Nothing stands still. The Australia you first knew has grown and evolved in so many ways.”

And, of course, Lidia Thorpe turned up, screaming while dressed in marsupial skin.

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The independent Senator, who only got into office because she used the Greens to get elected, hurled obscenities at the King as she marched towards the podium.

“F**k the colony,” she screamed three times while being escorted out of the hall.

Before that, as she approached the podium, she shouted: “You are not my King … you stole our land … you are not our King … Give us our land back that you stole from us.

“Our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people … We want treaty.”*

How she was allowed to approach the stage in such an aggressive manner is yet another cause for a thorough review of parliament’s security processes.

Sure, she’s a Senator and was an invited guest, but even guests need watching, particularly those with form.

There was a big security presence at Parliament House and particularly in the near vicinity of the Royals.

This shouldn’t have happened.

There were groans from the other guests, yet some would no doubt have been delighted at the outburst.

Thorpe kept screaming as she was escorted out of the Great Hall.

She had her moment in the spotlight … again.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott, who attended the event and witnessed it all, perhaps described it best when asked about it.

“It’s unfortunate political exhibitionism, that’s all I’d say,” he said.

Mr Abbott was right. That’s all it was.

It was an exciting moment in an otherwise brief and uneventful ceremony.

We’ll likely see more of the same from Thorpe until she is finally turfed out of the Senate.

I am very much a republican and also very much in favour of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

But nothing was progressed by Lidia Thorpe’s self-absorbed political stunt.

The far stronger message was delivered by Aunty Violet.

* This copy has been edited from its original version to remove a misheard and misquoted obscene word from one sentence, but also to add that when the word was used in reference to the colony, it was repeated three times.

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Incidental Tourist10:36 pm 24 Oct 24

Was it indigenous voice to parliament ?

Peter Graves3:29 pm 24 Oct 24

Further to my earlier comment, over on The Guardian/Sky News Thorpe is now claiming:
“Independent senator Lidia Thorpe appears to have backtracked on the suggestion that she deliberately mispronounced “heirs” as “hairs” when she was sworn in as a senator, now insisting she misspoke because her “English grammar isn’t as good as others’”.”

It is really unfortunate that Lidia Thorpe used her privilege to undermine the Republican cause and give those monarchists so much ammunition.

This “visit” by the King and Queen of Australia who reside in and whose only interests lie in England was hideous to watch. A visit costing many millions of dollars and paid for by the Australian taxpayer.

The sooner we are rid of these parasites the better!

GrumpyGrandpa6:53 pm 24 Oct 24

Jack D.
I assume when you refer to parasites, you meant parasite (singular)!

As a Senator, Senator Thorpe is on the public payroll, she represents the people of Victoria and as such she owes a duty of respect to all visiting dignitaries. Her behaviour was disgraceful and an embassment for the country.

I strongly suspect that there are more Australians in favour of the Monarchy, then are in favour of Senator Thorpe.

I was talking in the plural and referring to the royal family Grumpy! Being visited by our non-resident head of state, the King and Queen of another country is patronising and surely an anachronism. A monarchy that is past its use by date whose role in our country was so fittingly expressed by the King’s late father, Prince Philip when he commented that he could not understand why we had not told them to bugger off years ago!

Over the past week we have seen it all, the hideousness and usual fawning forelock-tugging that comes with a royal visit, the social climbing classes as well as our parliamentarians genuflecting our king profusely. There have been barbies, snags and the usual demonstrations and arrests with Fleet Street following closely and reporting our obnoxious behaviour. There was the woolly alpaca named Hephner (not Hugh) dressed in a crown who sneezed disgracefully over the King!

Lidia Thorpe’s crude and well-known temperament is an easy target. All that conflated and feigned anger directed at her from her detractors, claiming that her actions are traitorous and tantamount to a criminal offence. Claims that she is breaching the oath of allegiance, demanding that she resign immediately. One outraged protagonist even demanded that she absent herself from the Senate until she apologises profusely to the King and “his” Parliament to reinstate her allegiance without reservation.

Methinks Lidia would be jolly good fun and liven up any party rather than the boring wowsers and sorry sacks who dominate social media. I have no hesitation in inviting the lovely Lidia to our next family event just a few weeks away where she would be most welcome. It will be a large and grand occasion that I have no doubts she, and my family will enjoy!

What about it Lidia?

@Jack D.
Credit where it’s due … well written.

I agree, I imagine Thorpe would definitely be an interesting dinner guest.

It’s amusing to see the ‘frothing at the mouth’ that Thorpe’s media attracting antics generate. The more that people condemn and publicly villify her, the more publicity she gets for her ’cause’.

One thing nobody can deny – Thorpe certainly knows how to attract attention.

PS I don’t imagine Thorpe reads RiotACT – you might have to contact her parliament house office to issue that invitation.

Peter Graves10:43 am 24 Oct 24

There’s also something else worth clarifying. All Hansards are first circulated as drafts to MPs and Senators, where they have the opportunity to correct outright mistakes.

As it was recorded as “heirs”, how closely did Senator Thorpe actually look at that first draft – potentially then to correct it back to her spoken word “hairs” ? ?

Perhaps she mis-spells hares.

Capital Retro4:44 pm 24 Oct 24

The colonists she hates also introduced hares to Australia like rabbits, foxes etc.

Appeared to be a staged event.

Pure theatre.

Thats why he never flinched….appears he knew it was coming

Lidia Thorpe says she pledged allegiance to the queen’s “hairs” rather than her “heirs” when she was sworn into parliament.
“COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITUTION ACT – SECT 42 – Oath or affirmation of allegiance.
Every senator and every member of the House of Representatives shall before taking his seat make and subscribe before the Governor-General, or some person authorized by him, an oath or affirmation of allegiance in the form set forth in the schedule to this Constitution.”

So is a senator who fails to take the oath or affirmation of office entitled to sit in the Senate?

If a person lies under an oath or an affirmation they can be charged with the offence of perjury. Perjury is knowingly making a false statement under oath or knowingly signing a legal document that is false or includes false statements.

It will be interesting to see if legal experts advise that Lidia Thorpe should now be disqualified from being a Senator. Maybe even charged with perjury.

She then signed a properly written copy of the oath, Acton, so it seems unlikely a charge that the spoken affirmation was improper would lead to any consequence. Bear in mind also that she wants publicity.

Yes, the press is certainly getting more fodder from this new ‘gift that keeps on giving’.

However, as the federal Parliament is not subject to any state or Territory laws, unless there is a statute in the Constitution or Parliamentary / Senate rules (and I am happy to be corrected but haven’t found one) perjury is probably off the agenda. My understanding (again happy to be corrected) is that the ultimate ‘arbiter’, of whether or not Thorpe breached her affirmation, is Senator Sue Lines – President of the Senate.

I think Simon Birmingham summed it up nicely when, in regard to a possible censure of Thorpe by the Senate, he said something along the lines of while it’s an option, the Senate needs to be careful about giving her antics further oxygen.

No doubt we will here a lot more as the next chapter unfolds.

It is a sad reflection of Adam Bandt and the Greens that he will put up just about anyone to get numbers in Parliament. And now we have to suffer Thorpe’s shenanigans thanks to him. You will also see him chasing the Moslem vote, as have the Greens have done in Britain. Anything is on the cards to get into a balance of power position. It is time for people to turn away from voting Green which has lost its way since Bob Brown, and look for suitable Independents instead.

Gregg Heldon4:38 pm 22 Oct 24

She is, of course, entitled to her own opinion. Just like we all are.
However, the way she expresses her opinion does her opinions, and herself, a real disservice. In my opinion.

mikaloviche15:50 pm 24 Oct 24

is that your opinion . ? you just expressed your opinion. does your opinion do you a disservice in my own opinion . just saying . maybe you are opinionated

I could only imagine the controversy, if the shoe was on another foot and Pauline Hanson stood up at the the next ‘welcome to country’ and said ‘this is as much my land as yours and you therefore stop trying to welcome me’.

Oh you mean as per Hanson’s stance on the OneNation website?

What is on hwr website is irrelevant to the discussion. She isn’t standing up acreeching abuse like your mate Lidia. Do try to keep up.

@Ken M
Yes, you are right. Despite her effort to garner publicity, Hanson hasn’t even registered with anyone. Thorpe’s theatrics, on the other hand, have garnered her worldwide publicity. Chalk and cheese.

Just typical of the kind of candidates that the Greens would endorse. The Greens; the party of hate! And now we are stuck with her until the next Senate election.

Other than being a ‘walking headline’ for clickbait purposes, Thorpe has had little influence on voting in the Senate, so there’s not much “we are stuck with”.

Except JS, we are stuck with paying a childish, professional protestor a quarter million dollar wage

Knowing, as I do, your love of politicians, Fp, she’s not the only one drawing that wage to whom you would object.

Nevertheless, like many politicians, she has a clearly stated agenda and is progressing it in her own ‘childish, professional protestor’ way.

When she uses “you” to refer to King Charles, presumably she doesn’t mean him personally as he didn’t “steal” any land in Australia or do any of the other things she claims.

So presumably she means him as a representative of what has been done in the past by his ancestors or in the name of his ancestors.

As traditional Indigenous culture in many parts of Australia included practices we find abhorrent today such as female circumcision, male subincision, forced marriages (often between adults and minors) and as Lydia Thorpe claims to represent Indigenous Australians, following her logic doesn’t that make her responsible for a whole heap of very nasty offences and shouldn’t she also be apologising for the truely abhorrent actions of her ancestors?

Perhaps she can lead by example, start apologising and acknowledging the horrors of her preferred culture.

Saul Goodman12:25 pm 22 Oct 24

consider that the current government members , would be close to about 11 out of 10 of them, who would love nothing more than to see an Australian Republic but they all managed to behave like civilised adults at yesterday’s ceremony.

Staunch republicans like me don’t see how the cause was advanced yesterday, definitely did nothing to persuade indifferent voters re: republic or not, to jump onto ARM cause.

but this is thorpe, the alleged staunch aborigine who wouldn’t even help Team Yes during last year’s referendum

@Saul Goodman
From what I have heard and read about her in objective reports, I don’t think Thorpe’s agenda is about an Australian republic.

The Greens have a lot to answer for endorsing that lunatic in the first place. If I behaved like that, I would be arrested….

No – you wouldn’t have behaved like that, because you were not invited to the show – she was … simples.

Oh, look, the asinine and deranged replies extend to defending Thorpe now. 🤣

@Ken M
Ummm … thanks for your usual standard of (non) contribution to the debate.

I’m actually quite ambivalent towards Thorpe’s headline grabbing antics. I’m just countering biased bigotry – something with which you are very familiar.

All you’ve done is make stupid, nonsensical, irrelevant interjections in her defence. I don’t know who you think you are fooling by pretending that isn’t support.

@Ken M
As I’ve already said, I am ambivalent towards Thorpe’s antics. As a republican, I find the whole ‘royal tour’ express to be a non-event … but others eagerly get on board, so each to their own.

If you think I support Thorpe, that’s fine, I could care less; however, whatever if it helps settle the bats in your sov cit belfry, that’s fine by me.

Ahhh, the old “Anybody who doesn’t want the government unnecessarily involved in their private business is a sovcit!” cry. The true mark of the weak and subservient.

Honestly surprised you’re not a devout monarchist, with your love of being subjugated. 🤣

@Ken M
“The true mark of the weak and subservient”
Great to see you’ve kept up with the sovereign citizen glossary.

You really have taken to your place in serfdom. 🤣

Ken M
Well as regularly happens, you have descended from the ridiculous to the ludicrously ridiculous … end of thread.

“How she was allowed to approach the stage in such an aggressive manner is yet another cause for a thorough review of parliament’s security processes.”

Is anybody really surprised at this outburst from Thorpe, who, as the article states, ‘has form’.

No doubt, yet another inquiry will be conducted, into parliamentary security procedures. Acting DPS Secretary, Jaala Hinchcliffe, was probably hoping for less publicity for her department, after Rob Stefanic’s rather public sudden leave last month.

I have room for monarchy, but will criticise bad ones, including King Charles. For one, he’s clearly a sock puppet for the globalists – something Canberrans should really be embracing about him – and he was once close friends with an exceedingly dubious character, who everyone knew about except for (apparently) the then-Prince. And there are a few other things I could mention, too.

That said, Lydia Thorpe is in some ways worse – and that’s really saying a lot.
And so because she’s allowed to be member of parliament – along with many others, I should add, who only appear more deserving – the count down is on to full-blown idiocracy.

We should all hope for a return to the days where such a fool would be laughed into obscurity, not least because it might help her to self-reflect

@Vasily M
“… a return to the days where such a fool would be laughed into obscurity …”
Those days ended well before Thorpe – her predecessors, such as Pauline Hanson, paved that road very well.

It’s interesting that her Irish & Scottish heritage is rarely mentioned.
Nor is the fact that she is a declared bankrupt with an amount of $700,000 apparently unaccounted for including money owing to Indigenous Business Australia.

Capital Retro10:43 am 22 Oct 24

According to the rules:
Disqualification also occurs if a senator becomes bankrupt or insolvent or if he or she takes, or agrees to take, any fee or honorarium for services to the Commonwealth or for services rendered in the Parliament on behalf of any person (see s. 45 of the Constitution).

So she is a goner.

So apart from being a walking stereotype, she is also a grifter. What a surprise… 🤣

Probably because she herself overtly emphasises her indigenous heritage – as is her right.

Yes, Thorpe was declared bankrupt in 2013 and she was discharged from bankruptcy in 2016. That means, she complies with S44 iii of the Constitution and therefore is eligible to sit as a Senator.

Do you actually have a point to make or are you just trying to dig up dirt to promote your own biased agenda?

Capital Retro12:17 pm 22 Oct 24

Geez, it’s hard for a whitefella to reconcile with her antics, though.

She calls herself a black woman, but looks more European. Real Indigenous people like Nova Perris and other fair dinkum elders have called her out for her disgraceful behaviour. It is nothing new though, she has embarrassed herself many times in her time in Parliament, just wondering when Albo is going to call her out, didn’t he want a more respectful Parliament? I’m sure if a Liberal, white, male, conservative acted half as bad as her he would be out on his arse. Her oath to Parliament was a farce and she should never been allowed to be a member with that type of childish attitude.

Well there’s another thing for which Thorpe has to apologise – she’s not black enough for you.

@Capital Retro
Oh why do you make it so easy to refute your ludicrously biased attempts to be relevant, CR?

Thorpe was discharged as a bankrupt in 2016. She was selected to fill the federal vacancy, caused by former leader Richard Di Natale’s resignation, and took her seat in the Senate on 6 October 2020. She was subsequently re-elected to the Senate at the last federal election. Do you actually need me to explain the chronology of 2016 and 2020 – especially as it applies to S45 of the Constitution?

Also, did you read on Wikipedia that Thorpe has breached S45 with respect to taking “any fee or honorarium for services to the Commonwealth or for services rendered in the Parliament on behalf of any person”? Perhaps you’d care to share your extensive research on the subject?

Capital Retro6:22 pm 22 Oct 24

Why don’t you read what I say JS, namely the rules of the Senate which are on the web?
Someone else claimed she was a bankrupt and if she is she has to go. It was not me who said she was bankrupt.

@Capital Retro
I read what you said, CR – it’s why I came back with the factual information I provided.

Nevertheless, are you so blinded by your bigotry, that you actually believe a bankrupt citizen would be able to sit in the Senate for 4 years – especially someone like Thorpe, without it making front page news? That would not only go against the Senate rules, it would contravene the Constitution!

Do yourself a favour, CR – actually read your own comments before clicking the “>” icon … you may go some way towards hiding your ignorance.

My point is that while lots of Indigenous people are working had to improve things Lydia Thorpe is self serving grandstander who has achieved nothing but notoriety for herself.

She is part of the Aboriginal Grievance Industry which focuses on real and perceived historical injustices (read give me the money) without offering any real solutions for the present.

Yeah … nah … your original post was about muck raking and I stand by my response to it.

Muck is a very appropriate term when discussing the senator. You’re wasting your time defending a very grubby individual.

I’m not defending any individual or their actions – as previously stated elsewhere, I’m ambivalent towards Thorpe and her antics … I’m just calling out your use of irrelevant, historical facts to support your bigotry.

Grandstanding from the kook who you’d swear was always drunk in the senate if you listened to her rants and outbursts there? I’m shocked…

@Ken M
When I read your rants and raving in here I’d swear you are always drunk when posting … are you?

Much like when I read yours, I see the downfalls of the ACT decriminalising various illicit substances.

Ken M
LOL … your pitiful response is not worth further engagement … thread now closed

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