The recent hot weather has prompted some heated – pardon the pun – discussions with my 4 & 5 year old about wether we should get a pool or not (I’m opting for a dog as it cost less and is easier to maintain).
Around social gatherings I’ve heard claims of in-ground pools costing anywhere from $15k to $120k depending on the type/style and degree of difficulty of the pool installation but think these prices were tainted by the amount of beer the individual quoting the prices has had. A quick ring around of some of the local pool builders has been some-what disappointing as you never really get a sense of what is possible or the potential costs – not uncommon for tradies I suspect – even after a number of site visits. An arial view of Canberra via Google maps shows a pool in almost every street but we are still unsure if a pool will add long term value to the property (real-estate agents are pretty much 50/50 on this).
I would be interested to hear from Rioters their experiences with local pool builders and any costings and/or recommendations and if it did add value to the property so I can report back to the minister of finance (my wife) and the social club (my kids) on what options we have.