I thought I would start a series of Tony Abbott’s Acts of Bastardry, so that there is a running record of all the unconscionable things that he gets up to over the next three (hopefully no longer) years.
1. Sacking of Steve Bracks. This nasty action by Abbott’s equally nasty Julie Bishop flies in the face of what happened when there was the last change of colour of government. Back in 2007, Labor inherited Amada Vanstone’s appointment to Italy and later appointed Brendan Nelson and Tim Fischer to diplomatic roles. A petty and nasty act by a petty and nasty PM and Foreign Minister.
2. Hiding of Boat Arrivals. Abbott and the equally small-minded Scott Morrison have decided that the best way of “stopping the boats” is to stop telling us if and when they arrive. Under the previous government, the ALP directly announced to the media every time a boat was intercepted in Australian waters. Not Morrison – he thinks hiding the figures will make the problem go away.
3. Claiming a mandate – Abbott is continuing to claim that he has a mandate for everything he wants to do, despite the fact that he didn’t release his economic policy until 2 days before the election, which was even after many people had done pre-poll voting. After the 2007 election, Abbott said that then Opposition Leader “Brendan Nelson is right to resist the intellectual bullying inherent in talk of “mandates”. The elected opposition is no less entitled than the elected government to exercise judgement and to try to keep its election commitments”.
4. Threatening to overturn any ACT gay marriage change – Abbott is siccing his small-minded A-G George Brandis onto the ACT if it should have the temerity to approve the democratic wishes of the ACT people. Like Abbott’s hero, John Howard, who overturned the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act of the Northern Territory in 1996, five months after it came into force.
Abbott is a nasty man who leads an already equally nasty government.