I was rung up the other night by a telemarketer for Transact offering to double my broadband speed. As I’d been annoyed about two years ago by doing the same and finding it locked me into a two year contract with my current bundle and that the same happened any time you made any change. I asked whether this would result in a new contract. The answer was yes. I rang up next day and found my contract expired in February.
If you move and can no longer use Transact, they call this a breach of contract and charge you a large sum. I explained to the Transact person on the phone that I don’t mind if getting a new iphone and a new service locks me into a contract but that a press button change in my ‘bundle’ isn’t the same thing. This annoys me:
- 1 Transact at this point has the only optical fibre broadband network in Canberra. Their bundles tie you into services that you don’t really want.
2 Am I being cynical or is their current marketing a ploy to shore up customers before the NBN comes to town.
3 Should they be allowed to lock you into contracts that you don’t really have much choice about in a market where there is no direct competition (except indirectly say ADSL, Foxtel and Telstra direct lines for separate services)
4 I travel regularly overseas particularly to Asia. I find Australian Internet, mobile and cable TV prices are outrageous in comparison.
Any comments welcome