18 year old Canberra College graduate Egshiglen (Eggy) Chuluunhuu is on a mission. Along with 10 of her peers, Eggy has created Canberra’s second TEDx symposium: TEDxYouth. The event, which will be held on Sunday 19th February 1pm at the Canberra College Performing Arts Centre, is aptly named Finding Our Fire. It’s designed specifically to engage and motivate Canberra youth aged 15-25.
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, and is a hugely successful non-profit organization which curates events featuring short talks from thought leaders and industry professionals across a broad range of topics.
With a license from the official TEDx headquarters, communities can create their own independently organised TED-style events. We have one in Canberra (TEDxCanberra) which runs regular events, such as their recent ‘TEDxCanberraWomen’.
But in 2016, Eggy and a few friends began wondering why we didn’t have a youth event.
“Myself and co-producers Lillian Rowland and Morgan Kikkawa (who also graduated from Canberra College) wanted to create something that would really engage and motivate the vibrant youth community in Canberra,” she says. “It’s taken a lot of hard work from many dedicated volunteers, but here we are – seven months later and ready to run our first event!”
Finding Our Fire features a line-up of speakers that offer inspirational stories of achievement. Eggy wanted the first youth event to tackle two problems she sees as common for the youth of today.
“A lot of young people don’t know what to do with their lives, and it can be a really difficult decision to make. Even when we do know, there is a lot of stress about how to pursue a career and whether we’ll actually be able to get a job.
TEDxYouth will showcase speakers who have achieved great things, and share their stories on how they got there. We want people to be inspired and realise that it is possible to pursue the life you want, and have a little more clarity on how they can get started.”
Besides an impressive list of speakers and performers, the event will also offer an extended ‘Out-of-theatre’ session, where attendees get a packed lunch and drink and have a number of opportunities to meet new people and be engaged.
“We have lots of interactive spaces set up, including an area for mentoring where attendees can talk to professionals and find out how to pursue a career in their desired field. Then we have a virtual reality demonstration where they can try out the latest in technology, as well as some local young artists showcasing their work, a live art demonstration and a separate area just for socialising.”
In true youth style, the group operates completely via social media, updating information about the event solely via the TEDxYouth Facebook page.
“It’s very exciting and we have some phenomenal speakers, including a pro athlete-turned documentary filmmaker. The full line up has been announced on our Facebook page, and we’re sure they will offer some amazing and inspirational advice to help us find our fire!”
Finding Our Fire is on Sunday 19th February from 1-6pm at the Canberra College Performing Arts Centre in Phillip.
Tickets are available online at Eventbrite for $20 and include entry, lunch and parking. The event is for people aged 15 to 25 only.