Mawson Primary School has been listed as a COVID-19 exposure location for a number of days last week. Image: Screenshot.
UPDATED 4:10 pm: Another COVID-19-positive person has attended an ACT school campus across a number of days.
According to the ACT Government’s COVID-19 website, Mawson Primary School has been exposed to the virus from Monday, 1 November to Thursday, 4 November last week.
ACT Health has been contacted for comment for more information about how many people are now in quarantine.
The school remains open.
This means 15 school campuses across the ACT have now been impacted by the virus, with at least 50 cases linked to the Wanniassa School – Junior Campus.
If you have been to an investigation location at the dates and times specified, please get tested for COVID-19 and quarantine until receiving a negative result. ACT Health said you do not need to have symptoms and do not need to complete a declaration form. Your close contacts do not need to quarantine.
For more information, visit covid19.act.gov.au.

The ACT’s fully vaccinated rate is now 95.6 per cent for our over-12 population. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
12 noon: The ACT has recorded nine new cases of COVID-19 to 8 pm last night.
There are currently 150 active cases in the ACT. Yesterday there were 18 new diagnoses.
Around 95.6 per cent of the ACT’s 12-plus population is now fully vaccinated.
NSW has recorded 216 new COVID cases and three more people died from the virus.
NSW Health has reported that 90.1 per cent of the state’s 16-plus population are fully vaccinated.
Yesterday there were 222 new local cases (and two from interstate or overseas), and four deaths.
Victoria has recorded 1003 new locally acquired cases and 14 more deaths.
There are 471 Victorians in hospital, including 84 in ICU and 46 require ventilation.
About 84.5 per cent of Victorians aged 12-plus are fully vaccinated.
Yesterday, there are 1069 new local cases and 10 deaths.

The Check In CBR app is now able to store and display vaccination certificates. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
9:45 am: From today, Canberrans will be able to both store and show their COVID-19 vaccination certificates in the Check-in CBR app.
Minister for Health Rachel Stephen-Smith said community feedback had suggested people had an interest in being able to quickly show their vaccine status.
The new feature is very similar to what is offered by the Service NSW app.
While proving COVID-19 vaccination status is not required in the ACT, Canberrans will need to do so if they travel interstate.
The vaccine certificate stored in the app should be accepted by interstate jurisdictions and venues that mandate vaccination as a condition of entry.
“While the ACT Government has no plans to make proof of vaccination mandatory across sectors such as hospitality, the new Check In CBR feature will make it easier for Canberrans to provide verification of their vaccination status if required,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.
There have been reports of ACT businesses such as hairdressers and massage parlours asking for proof of vaccination as a requirement of entry.

It’s a simple process to add the vaccine certificate to your app. Image: Screenshot.
The app was upgraded last night to allow for the new capability; however, users may need to manually upgrade to the latest version of the app if their phone isn’t set to do so automatically.
From there, it’s a simple process allowing a user to add their vaccination certificate through either the Express Plus Medicare App or their myGov account.
Once the COVID-19 digital certificate is downloaded to the app, a vaccination tick status will appear next to the user’s name the next time they check in.

You can go to the Medicare Express Plus App and add the certificate from there. It will appear after you press accept one more time. Image: Screenshot.
Once a person has added their COVID-19 digital certificate to their Check In CBR app on their device, they can then add COVID-19 digital certificates of guests, including children.
This requires the guest to sign into their myGov account on the device of the person they want to share the certificate with and authorise the app to send their certificate to the Check In CBR app.
Parents or guardians can obtain certificates on behalf of their vaccinated children under the age of 14.
There’s no limit to the number of guests you can have on your Check In CBR app.
Individuals not eligible for Medicare, or who are unable to get proof online, can find more information on the Services Australia website, including other ways to show COVID-19 vaccination proof.
People who don’t have the Check In CBR app and use the card instead will need to print their vaccination certificate to provide proof.
New exposure sites have been listed by the ACT Government.
Several nightlife spots have been listed for Saturday (6 November) and the early hours of Sunday morning (7 November).
The Civic Pub, Hellenic Club in Phillip, McDonald’s Canberra City and Fiction Club have all been listed as casual contact sites.
Other venues of concern include Club Lime Kambah, Dumpling Social in Phillip and Limelight Cinemas in Tuggeranong.
See the COVID-19 website for more details and specific times, as well as instructions to follow as a close or casual contact.
More to come.