Founder of the South Canberra Veterans Shed, Neil Sperring, with some planter boxes made by shed members for a local child care centre. Photo: Supplied.
Since 2016, it’s been a place defence veterans, first responders and their families can go, a place where they can talk about things only they can understand, a safe place – the South Canberra Veterans Shed (SCVS).
But last month, the building’s owner, LDK Seniors Living, told members their lease at the Greenway site would be terminated.
SCVS founder Neil Sperring said he was “disappointed” LDK had taken this action.
A 30-year veteran of the Royal Australian Air Force, Mr Sperring said when the SCVS signed a lease for space in the centre, there was an understanding it would have some degree of permanency. But he was also aware of an exit clause that gave either side the option of six months’ notice to terminate the lease.
“LDK has told us they will be exercising that option,” he said. “They gave us no reason.
“We expected to be here forever. When I first saw the letter from them giving us notice, I was disappointed, but that’s life I suppose.”
The SCVS has had up to 100 members, the oldest in their 80s, with others, mainly first responders – police, fire, ambulance and emergency service personnel and their families – about half that age. It has male and female members.
Mr Sperring said the aim of the not-for-profit shed had always been to provide a safe space for men and women who served their country, and for first responders and their families who had gone through life experiences like few others.
“The idea was to provide a place for like-minded people, a drop-in centre for veterans, first responders and their families.”
He said it was particularly important to have such a place for families of veterans, many of whom had to raise their children alone while their partner was overseas.
“There was a a need for a place where whole families could go to relax, not just a place for grumpy old men,” he joked.
At the SCVS, like many of the 1000 or so Men’s Sheds around the country, members are encouraged to be active, learn and share new skills to help raise self-esteem as part of the healing process.
Members spend time on a variety of projects – from wood and metalwork to sewing and social activities.
SCVS secretary Tina Jones said she had no doubt the group had helped save lives. Describing herself as an army brat, she said such places were vital amid a rising suicide rate.
“The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicides states there have been at least 1677 deaths by suicide among members of the Australian Defence Force between 1997 to 2021,” she said.
“We are one of several organisations trying to reduce the number of suicides experienced by veterans and first responders. We cannot continue this work unless we find another home.”
Mr Sperring said SCVS had already applied to the ACT Property Group to find new premises.
“You don’t know what’s out there until you ask,” he said, “but we’re not naive enough to think something will just turn up. We need the community’s help.”
The group has until August to leave the Greenway site. Although new premises are top of the agenda, it also needs to find temporary storage for its equipment.
“In the interim we need at least three shipping containers to store our workshop equipment and property temporarily. We will take what we can acquire but a shed or building around 600 square metres would be ideal,” Ms Jones said.
Region sought comment from LDK Seniors Living based in Brisbane, but is yet to receive a reply.
If you can help the SCVS find a new home or help store its equipment temporarily, email scveteransshed@gmail.com