The Warehouse Circus is Canberras longest running youth circus. Established in 1990, Warehouse has taught hundreds of kids how to ride unicycles, tumble, juggle and much more.
On Saturday 5th of September we are holding an Open Day to celebrate our 19th birthday. If you have ever wanted to have a go on a unicycle, learn to juggle, walk on stilts or learn to tumble here is your chance to try it out for free (adults and children are all welcome).
What’s happening + when?
All day : Roaming Entertainment, Learn to juggle Corner, Merchandise Stall, and other Circus Activitys
10am – 11am : Free Circus Workshop (Please arrive on time or a little early as spaces are limited)
11am – 12 noon : Picnic Games and Manipulation Skills Play (Juggling, Diablo, Hula hoops)
12noon – 1pm : Sausage Sizzle and Circus Cabaret performed by our students
1pm – 2pm : Free Circus Workshop (Please arrive on time or a little early as spaces are limited)
Where? At the Warehouse Circus Training Space, Former Melrose Primary School Maclaurin Cres Chifley
Cost? Free!!
For more information
Call : 6260 3626 or 0415 357 859
Email: ops@warehousecircus.org.au