Reading this Sydney Morning Herald article about central Sydney, I wonder what the exact plans are for expanding housing in West Belconnen.
It would be good if the ACT government upgraded infrastructure before 11,000 new homes are built in the Macgregor-Holt area.
A 50m indoor pool at Kippax, a third supermarket at Kippax (Coles or Costco), an ACT government shop front at Kippax, a privately built radiology centre in West Belconnen and a bike track on the Kippax ovals would all add to the community’s quality of life and help cope with the increase in population. (You can share your thoughts for infrastructure in Kippax and West Belconnen on the Kippax Ideas Facebook page.)
I think that another bulk billing medical clinic could open up too, as I understand that the medical centre at Kippax usually has a long waiting time. There is a big demand for bulk billing Medicare services, we need more bulk billing doctors in the West Belconnen area.
But governments so rarely plan ahead. It’s all about mega bucks for the inner north tram line, and all the ALP do out here is try and sell off Higgins oval in 2014, and open an asbestos tip in 2014. Huh. Sell West Belconnen’s green space to fund an eco tram line. Funny “green” logic, that one. Who in politics is sticking up for the people and the green spaces in average areas such as West Belconnen?
West Belconnen currently has a population of between 45,000 to 55,000 people, depending on which suburbs you include. With 11,000 plus new homes to be built, that’s at least 22,000 new residents (assuming an average of two people per dwelling). The new population will be roughly 67,000 to 77,000 people, and increasing, as it’s an area for young families.
Shane Rattenbury replied on April 17, 2015 to my 2015 letter requesting a 50m indoor pool for West Belconnen. I wrote to Katy Gallagher and local West Belconnen politicians about a pool in 2014. This year, I wrote to Shane Rattenbury, after he put in the My Way machine at Kippax, after I wrote to him about it. In his reply to me in April 2015, Shane Rattenbury recognised that West Belconnen is projected to experience significant growth in the near future.
Our leading politicians are fully aware of the future growth of West Belconnen. The government is very welcoming of the huge rate revenue coming their way, from all the new housing to be built in West Belconnen. But what will all those new rates be spent on? Will the money be spent on infrastructure for West Belconnen? What are they doing to plan ahead for the area, so we have the best quality of life possible, out here in West Belconnen?
The inner north will get a fancy tram line, footy stadium, pool centre, a heated lakeside pool and all sorts of nice glitzy things, but what will West Belconnen get from all the new rates which will be paid? Or will our rates go to fancy, nice things for the inner north? Will the people of West Belconnen get nothing, and the residents of wealthier areas get it all?