24 September 2024

Housing, infrastructure and how to pay for it all key issues in leaders' debate

| Ian Bushnell
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Shane Rattenbury, Elizabeth Lee, Thomas Emerson and Andrew Barr.

Greens leader Shane Rattenbury, Liberal leader Elizabeth Lee, Independents for Canberra representative Thomas Emerson and Labor leader Andrew Barr at Wednesday night’s debate. Photos: Michelle Kroll.

Greens leader Shane Rattenbury said his party were the changemakers, Liberal leader Elizabeth Lee had bold plans, Independents for Canberra representative Thomas Emerson promised a better way of doing politics while Chief Minister Andrew Barr made a virtue of being relatively boring.

Last night’s Region leaders’ debate on the Future of Canberra brought the three main party leaders together with the ‘leader’ of a group that’s not an official party but is running as one and may have a big influence on the outcome of the 19 October ACT election.

Moderated by Genevieve Jacobs, the four faced questions from the ANU’s Andrew Hughes, the Canberra Business Chamber’s Archie Tsirimokis and ACTCOSS head of policy Corinne Dobson.

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It was a civil affair with no interruptions, fireworks or revelations, but it did draw out some distinct differences despite all four sharing accepted aspirations for Canberra to remain the Bush Capital.

It’s just on how to do it that they differ.

Mr Emerson, with a focus on equity, sounded like a Green at times, but at the same time joined Ms Lee in calling out 23 years of Labor rule and the string of projects that have failed to materialise, producing the best line of the night comparing election promises to New Year resolutions.

“I promise, darling, I’m going to start training, I’m going to stop drinking and I’m going to start eating clean and it lasts a month or the four weeks before the election and then four years later, we’re in the same place,” he said.

Ms Lee deflected most questions, her answers edged with barbs directed at Labor’s record, and keen to promote her signature big ticket promises – the city stadium and convention centre.

Mr Rattenbury spruiked the benefit of government intervention to solve the housing crisis – 10,000 public housing homes over a decade – and free health care, with GP clinics providing 160,000 new bulk billing places.

Andrew Barr

There’s no magic pudding, says Mr Barr.

Mr Barr zeroed in on what Labor must feel is a winner – health – listing the Northside Hospital as the priority infrastructure project, and economic management.

“We are the party that builds hospitals in this city,” he said.

It was housing and infrastructure and how to pay for it where the fault lines emerged.

Ms Lee had a “bold” housing plan, but kept this morning’s announcement about a new town centre at Kowen Forest under wraps when pressed about just where the city should stop, beyond the Liberals’ aspirations for West Tuggeranong, across the Murrumbidgee. Although she did rule out the western edge due to ecological sensitivity.

That begged the question of where the Liberals would go to provide more single blocks to change the current housing bias towards apartments and townhouses.

Now we know.

That sets up a choice for voters between the compact city of Labor and the Greens and the more expansive plans from the Liberals.

On infrastructure, Ms Lee trumpeted the stadium and convention centre as key to attracting business and investment to the city and anchoring it.

But Mr Barr said the focus should be on priorities, and things like a stadium and convention centre and entertainment pavilion could wait until the new hospital was built.

READ ALSO Kowen Forest to make way for Canberra’s newest town centre under Liberals

Interestingly, Mr Barr also used the anchor word referring to the planned new Lyric Theatre in the city.

How to pay for it all and running a Budget in a small, resource-scarce jurisdiction animated Mr Barr, who told viewers it was a hard grind for a treasurer at state and local level and hard choices had to be made.

“The starting point in all of this is if you keep on running down your revenue base, you cannot provide the services,” he said, in an obvious jibe at the Liberals’ penchant for talking up rates and tax relief while announcing big infrastructure projects.

“If we continue to denude our revenue base, then we should not be surprised that we can’t deliver everything.

“And what I’ve had found as the Treasurer in my experience in the Assembly is that I get a lot of requests to spend money, a lot of requests to reduce tax and an expectation that with less revenue and more expenditure, somehow the budget will balance, that doesn’t work out.

“There is no magic pudding. You can’t just assume you’re going to get funding from the Commonwealth. You can’t just assume that the economy will always grow and deliver extra revenue.”

Elizabeth Lee

Ms Lee: “We don’t have a revenue problem. We have a waste problem.”

When asked about this and growing the revenue base, Ms Lee launched into an attack on Labor’s economic credibility.

“The ACT hasn’t had a revenue problem,” she declared.

“It’s actually had a waste problem. You think about the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars that have been thrown away and wasted on dodgy procurements and some of these contracts that have obviously made the media, including some that have been before the Integrity Commission, and the lack of ministerial responsibility obviously has really concerned many, many Canberrans.”

And the big projects would feed economic growth, she said.

Ms Lee also reminded viewers that the Liberals won’t be adding a $4 billion tram to the list.

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A self-deprecating Mr Emerson tended to stay above the policy weeds, warming to his task of selling the Independents for Canberra as an honest broker that would be able to pressure from the crossbench whatever government is formed to get things done.

“I’m tempted to follow Mr Rattenbury’s strategy of declaring we are intending to form government,” he said. “I’ll be the chief minister, three days of media attention. It’s really genius.

“We’re calling for people to vote independent to challenge the status quo, to create change.”

Was there a winner? Mr Emerson, a fresh face in the Pocock mould, probably made the best impression, but there is not as much at stake for him as the other three.

The third and final debate will be live on Riotact’s Facebook page next Wednesday, 6 pm, 25 September.

It will cover the cost of living and include Independents for Canberra candidate in Brindabella Dr Vanessa Picker, ACT Greens Deputy Leader Rebecca Vassarotti, who is contesting Kurrajong, Liberal MLA in Murrumbidgee Ed Cocks and Deputy Chief Minister Yvette Berry, from Ginninderra.

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If you want to know where the Labor/Greens are going to get their money, look at fees and penalties page at ACCCESS CANBERRA…. FEES, FINES, FO, FUM…. 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

Sadly it appears none of the four wannabe’s mentioned their plans for the refurbishment of the Canberra International Dragway or construction of a new venue.

That probably should tell you something about its priority for a majority of the electorate then.

Tom McLuckie7:43 am 20 Sep 24

Read between the lines. When Barr says we can’t denude our revenue base, it’s an election commitment from ACT Labor to continue to increase rates and land tax. When he warns is you can’t just spend regardless without proper fiscal management and planning, he and Rattenbury steer away from mentioning the $1.7 billion cost of 1.7 km of Light rail in New Acton. $100m per 100 meters. What he should have said is ONLY he (and Shane by proxy) by divine right, get to decide where to waste the rate and taxpayers money.

HiddenDragon9:50 pm 19 Sep 24

“There is no magic pudding. You can’t just assume you’re going to get funding from the Commonwealth. You can’t just assume that the economy will always grow and deliver extra revenue.”

But in spite of those sobering fiscal facts of life, we can, along with funding an endless chronicle of wasteful stuff-ups, pay as much to a Deputy Chief Minister as the UK pays its Prime Minister and nearly another $60k on top of that for a Chief Minister to preside over a dismal little sideshow of a government –


By economic management, Barr must be referring to his governments spiraling debts now amounting to $90k for every ACT household, taxes rising at double the rate of wages, and land – a key economic input, rising at double digits in recent years pricing out and indebting ACT households due his governments failure to develop and sell affordable land in new suburbs like Kenny where land release has been delayed by 14 years and counting vs timelines in the indicative land release program from 2011, all while selling off public housing. That he thinks this is a record to be proud of speaks volumes.

I have noticed in this story (as per usual) Ian Bushnell has been critical of only Elizabeth Lee and not the other candidates but has failed to publish the results of the pole they were running. Last I saw Elizabeth Lee and the Canberra liberals had well over 50% of the vote.seems disingenuous to run a pole but not show the results.

Barr’s claim “We are the party that builds hospitals in this city” felt a bit disingenuous. They’ve built new buildings for a strained hospital and bought another hospital due to ideological concerns. Has there been any improvement in service at Calvary/Northside since the takeover? Otherwise there is always the UC hospital but I don’t understand why that was built on a seperate campus to the existing Northside Hospital

Stole another hospital. Forcing the sale was basically theft

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