Dear Rioters,
After spending the last month driving up and down the south coast with the wife and kids, I’ve observed many thousands of Canberrans holidaying during the festive season, so I feel I am in a good position to make this statement – ACT drivers are not only bad, they’re disrespectful of everyone else.
Here are some examples of what I’ve encountered over the last 5 weeks:
(1) Keep left unless overtaking. A very simple concept that Canberrans don’t understand. I couldn’t tell you how many ACT rego plates I saw hogging the right hand lane whilst not overtaking, or actually driving slower than the drivers in left lane.
(2) Talking on a mobile phone whilst driving. Again, I saw many ACT plated vehicles with their driver holding a phone to their ear. Some of them were driving in the right hand lane.
(3) Canberrans with boats who can’t reverse them properly onto a boat ramp. Unfortunately for the locals who make a crust fishing, they have had a frustrating battle since Xmas with Canberra retards who don’t know how to back a boat trailer. If you own a boat, caravan or trailer, learn how to drive, reverse and park them.
(4) Canberrans parking in loading zones or handicapped spaces. The laziness of Canberrans never ceases to amaze me. Unless you have a legitimate reason for parking in a handicapped parking space (not being able to back a boat trailer isn’t a legitimate reason), don’t park there. There are many retired people with disabilities living on the coast who really need those carparks.
I’m seriously thinking of registering my car in NSW next year so I’m not tarred with the same brush as the wankers I’ve mentioned above.