As some one in the public service, I’m half expecting a tap on the shoulder any day and to be told my position is redundant.
I’m looking at options, do I stay in or do I leave now?
The way I see it is that with a recruitment freeze on and a reduction in staff required, there’ll be no chance of any advancement for many years to come.
What few jobs advertised will only allow placement at level.
It may come as a surprise to many to realise that $44,0000 a year isn’t enough to live on in Canberra if you work.
Faced with that low wage for years I’m wondering if it is worth it.
Do I stick it out for the long haul and hope for a promotion after the recruiting freeze is off, or do I call it quits now? I know several others in the same boat who have enquiring minds who also want to know.
For those who have experienced past freezes like this (have there been past freezes like this?) what usually happens at the end of them? More jobs for those internally or simply more jobs but sourced externally?