15 October 2012

Woden cats (again)

| weeziepops
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Firstly, cat haters should stop reading now. You can hate cats on your own time – this is not a post which requires your attention or input.

I have tried to engage the RSPCA on this issue with no luck, despite an offer to pay the costs involved. So I am opening up the discussion to others in hopes that somenoe will be able to offer a solution to the ongoing concern around the health and wellbeing of the Woden cats and the wildlife which may form a part of their diet.

I want to either trap, desex and release these cats and/or trap and euthanise those cats which are not healthy. This would prevent the ongoing breeding of the cats, which perpetuates the problem. I realise releasing the cats would not address the wildlife issue.

It is kitten season. If the cats are trapped, will this mean that potentially dozens of kittens will be left to starve without their mothers.

If I try to trap the cats and leave the traps at the site overnight, I strongly suspect that the traps will disappear courtesy of either people who don’t want the cats to be trapped or hoooooligans. So I would need to hang around waiting for the traps to be sprung and then take the traps in to the RSPCA and go through the process until I have trapped them all. Also, I am a bit nervous at the thought of a night or two lurking around the Woden drains…

Does anyone have any constructive input to this conundrum? The cats aren’t going to go away and no-one seems interested in doing anything about it so any assistance or advice would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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weeziepops said :

maxblues, you are welcome to donate to the RSPCA for whatever purpose you wish and I really hope you put your money where your mouth is. You can also get off your arse and do something about the cat problem yourself instead of pontificating to those of us who are.

Did you miss the first two words of my post, WELL DONE. I know I can be sarcastic, but I genuinely meant it. Sorry, I save my donations for cancer research as too many good Canberrans have left us early.
It is also great to see the news today that a Hendra vaccine to prevent the transmission of the disease from horses to humans. Vets in particular must be relieved because the symptoms can be quite variable but the end result quite fatal.

maxblues said :

…People think I’m a philistine, but I have my scotch fillets…well done.

You are a sick f&%ker.

maxblues, you are welcome to donate to the RSPCA for whatever purpose you wish and I really hope you put your money where your mouth is. You can also get off your arse and do something about the cat problem yourself instead of pontificating to those of us who are.

maxblues said :

Well done on trapping the moggies, but for the sake of Canberra’s native wildlife, I hope that your donation to the RSPCA went towards their humane demise.
There are two main ways to stop the spread of Toxoplasmosis to humans:
1. Eliminate the prime host, cats. It is fascinating to read up on how the parasite changes the brains of rats to make the rats more susceptible to being caught by cats, thus ensuring that the parasite enters its vital host, cats.
2. Besides directly from cats, humans can be exposed to the parasite by eating raw meat. People think I’m a philistine, but I have my scotch fillets…well done.

Just exactly how many people do you know that have died from toxoplasmosis?

Or even been sick?

One, two? Hundreds?

Figures vary. Wikipedia says up to 50% of world population. US Center for Disease Control notes a seroprevalence of 22% in some US studies and apparently up to 75% in El Salvador.
Most health sites around the world warn pregnant women against emptying cat litter trays and some warn against touching anything that has been touched by an insect(ie flBy or cockroach) that may have had contact with cat feces because of possible transmission of the parasite.

maxblues said :

Well done on trapping the moggies, but for the sake of Canberra’s native wildlife, I hope that your donation to the RSPCA went towards their humane demise.
There are two main ways to stop the spread of Toxoplasmosis to humans:
1. Eliminate the prime host, cats. It is fascinating to read up on how the parasite changes the brains of rats to make the rats more susceptible to being caught by cats, thus ensuring that the parasite enters its vital host, cats.
2. Besides directly from cats, humans can be exposed to the parasite by eating raw meat. People think I’m a philistine, but I have my scotch fillets…well done.

Aw but what could be nicer than stroking a pussy?

Well done on trapping the moggies, but for the sake of Canberra’s native wildlife, I hope that your donation to the RSPCA went towards their humane demise.
There are two main ways to stop the spread of Toxoplasmosis to humans:
1. Eliminate the prime host, cats. It is fascinating to read up on how the parasite changes the brains of rats to make the rats more susceptible to being caught by cats, thus ensuring that the parasite enters its vital host, cats.
2. Besides directly from cats, humans can be exposed to the parasite by eating raw meat. People think I’m a philistine, but I have my scotch fillets…well done.

A cat hating steak waster.

No wonder you come across as a complete waste of oxygen.

An update which may please cat lovers and haters… I have now trapped three cats and taken them to the RSPCA with a financial donation.

weeziepops said :

P.S – the responses to my question have actually led to a solution (I know, know, drop in the ocean etc – but even a small difference is a good outcome) so yay RiotACT for being a useful forum for this kind of thing.

so what’s the solution XD

P.S – the responses to my question have actually led to a solution (I know, know, drop in the ocean etc – but even a small difference is a good outcome) so yay RiotACT for being a useful forum for this kind of thing.

kakosi said :

bigfeet said :

You do realise that even dingoes were introduced at one time in Australia’s history and it’s probably impossible to turn the clock back now? Might as well start swatting bees (also introduced).

So what’s your point? That the problem is too big and we should just do nothing?

With that attitude you really should go and work for the ACT government.

Yes, the stopper is out of the bottle and can’t be put back in. But that doesn’t mean mitigation programs can’t or shouldn’t be put in place for feral animals

I am happy that by trapping and killing myna birds I am having a positive impact on the environment. The actions of the myna action group have taken mynas from 3rd to 14th most common bird in Canberra. This has enabled hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of native birds to safely nest and rear their young.

To get back on topic, if humanely euthanising (or ‘killing’ if you prefer) all of the Woden feral cats saves even one breeding pair of parrots then it would be a success and is worth doing.

Hale & Pace’s cat and microwave skit is available on YouTube. How do they get it so crispy? I must be getting the settings wrong.

bigfeet said :

kakosi said :

You’re forgetting all the stray dogs that now roam the national parks in packs.

Just because I didn’t mention them doesn’t mean I’d forgotten about them. I would be happy to have them (and all other feral animals) eradicated. Goats, pigs, brumbies, cane toads, pigeons, carp, fire ants, house geckos, gambusia to name a few.. The list is huge.

You do realise that even dingoes were introduced at one time in Australia’s history and it’s probably impossible to turn the clock back now? Might as well start swatting bees (also introduced).

bearlikesbeer said :

I’m not sure putting 1080 in a storm drain is a great idea.

You worried about the carp now?

bigfeet said :

kakosi said :

You’re forgetting all the stray dogs that now roam the national parks in packs.

Just because I didn’t mention them doesn’t mean I’d forgotten about them.

I’d like to take this opportunity to lambast you for forgetting to mention the shrinking size of Rollmop jars in Norway.

kakosi said :

You’re forgetting all the stray dogs that now roam the national parks in packs.

Just because I didn’t mention them doesn’t mean I’d forgotten about them. I would be happy to have them (and all other feral animals) eradicated. Goats, pigs, brumbies, cane toads, pigeons, carp, fire ants, house geckos, gambusia to name a few.. The list is huge.

There are some people who “foster” stray animals and try to get them good homes. I worked with a woman who would pick up unwanted animals and do this. Not sure if the RSPCA have contact numbers for people like her (unfortunately I lost touch so can’t provide contact info).

bigfeet said :

kakosi said :

So why aren’t people talking about culling Indian Myna birds here – a species much more successful at killing off native birds by taking over their territories? No cat could achieve what these freed exotic birds have done in a few short years in Canberra.

Well I guess people aren’t talking about myna’s on this thread because it is about cats.

But if you are interested in myna bird eradication consider joining the Canberra Indian Myna Action Group. http://www.indianmynaaction.org.au .

We are a community action group, endorsed by the government and the RSPCA, that traps and eradicates mynas, usually just in our own backyards. Since its inception the CIMAG have captured and destroyed over 40000 of these invasive birds, taking them from the 3rd most common bird in Canberra to the 14th most common.

If you are interested, join, get yourself a trap and start really helping the environment.

Personally I would love to see groups formed to eradicate other ferals (particularly cats, foxes and rabbits) in a similar manner.

You’re forgetting all the stray dogs that now roam the national parks in packs.

Woody Mann-Caruso7:08 pm 24 Oct 12

I am now progressing practical options

Well, so long as you’re not proactively going forward, then.

Thanks to all who offered helpful suggestions. I am now progressing practical options which will hopefully make a start towards reducing the number of feral cats and humanely managing the existing population into homes, if possible, or euthanasia if necessary.

maxblues said :

I’ll say it again. Toxoplasmosis

I’ll second it.Looks here’s a disturbing British study


DrKoresh said :

I think you’ll find they are eating indian mynah birds, but far more than that, ferals cats mostly catch and eat other pests like rabbits and mice. They’re not dining on thousands of galah corpses as so many people here seem to claim, but you can tell at least some of them IDear Ol’ Henry) are just using the native wildlife defence as a justification for wanting to kill the animals.

I found a pair of Rosella wings at that location last time I started a thread about these feral animals.

I’ll say it again. Toxoplasmosis

DrKoresh said :

T1G3R said :

Not everyone has to like cats and those little Indian birds altho a pest are not as big as a nuisance as feral cats. Maybe if these feral cats ate these damn birds than i might want to let them live freely roaming, knocking trash over, fighting with local domestic cats causing sometimes severe injuries, and then screaming at all hours of the night spreading cat AIDS!

I think you’ll find they are eating indian mynah birds, but far more than that, ferals cats mostly catch and eat other pests like rabbits and mice. They’re not dining on thousands of galah corpses as so many people here seem to claim, but you can tell at least some of them IDear Ol’ Henry) are just using the native wildlife defence as a justification for wanting to kill the animals.

Cat AIDS doesn’t hurt people anyways and it doesn’t really hurt cats either so I don’t know why you’ve got your knickers in a twist. As for the screaming, bloody dogs are worse than cats any day, and they don’t shut up. As someone else said, I’m happy for you to go around killing cats for that reason if you don’t mind stupid, noisy, bloody Rex getting a poisoned lambshank in his dinner bowl.

Yes, killing a feral animal is totally the same as killing someone’s pet. BTW, how much nuisance barking is caused by stray cats roaming the streets, I wonder.

Ile donate my time and valuable ammunition to fix the problem

T1G3R said :

Not everyone has to like cats and those little Indian birds altho a pest are not as big as a nuisance as feral cats. Maybe if these feral cats ate these damn birds than i might want to let them live freely roaming, knocking trash over, fighting with local domestic cats causing sometimes severe injuries, and then screaming at all hours of the night spreading cat AIDS!

I think you’ll find they are eating indian mynah birds, but far more than that, ferals cats mostly catch and eat other pests like rabbits and mice. They’re not dining on thousands of galah corpses as so many people here seem to claim, but you can tell at least some of them IDear Ol’ Henry) are just using the native wildlife defence as a justification for wanting to kill the animals.

Cat AIDS doesn’t hurt people anyways and it doesn’t really hurt cats either so I don’t know why you’ve got your knickers in a twist. As for the screaming, bloody dogs are worse than cats any day, and they don’t shut up. As someone else said, I’m happy for you to go around killing cats for that reason if you don’t mind stupid, noisy, bloody Rex getting a poisoned lambshank in his dinner bowl.

Shoot2Thrill11:52 am 24 Oct 12

To the OP,

Don’t listen to the ignorant comments made by the trolls. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said and feel for the homeless/feral cats around Woden and other areas in Canberra. I work at a vet clinic, and fostered quite a few kittens that have been brought in. I would care for every homeless cat if I could, but live in rental properties and have two cats of my own.

Thank you to all the people who actively care for cats in need, by giving up your own time and money. Although I am not in the position to help financially at this point in time, I would like to help cat fosters in other ways by maybe providing food? If you are a cat foster, please message me if you are interested.

T1G3R said :

Not everyone has to like cats and those little Indian birds altho a pest are not as big as a nuisance as feral cats. Maybe if these feral cats ate these damn birds than i might want to let them live freely roaming, knocking trash over, fighting with local domestic cats causing sometimes severe injuries, and then screaming at all hours of the night spreading cat AIDS!

I’m going to stop you right there – if your domestic cats are fighting with ferals and being injured, lock your f*ing cats inside. You’re part of the problem. Cats have no right to be roaming outside off leash. If you’re a responsible cat owner, invest in an outdoor cat pen. Your animals are not everyone else’s responsibility.

To the OP, good on you for trying to do something to help. I wish you luck.

kakosi said :

So why aren’t people talking about culling Indian Myna birds here – a species much more successful at killing off native birds by taking over their territories? No cat could achieve what these freed exotic birds have done in a few short years in Canberra.

Well I guess people aren’t talking about myna’s on this thread because it is about cats.

But if you are interested in myna bird eradication consider joining the Canberra Indian Myna Action Group. http://www.indianmynaaction.org.au .

We are a community action group, endorsed by the government and the RSPCA, that traps and eradicates mynas, usually just in our own backyards. Since its inception the CIMAG have captured and destroyed over 40000 of these invasive birds, taking them from the 3rd most common bird in Canberra to the 14th most common.

If you are interested, join, get yourself a trap and start really helping the environment.

Personally I would love to see groups formed to eradicate other ferals (particularly cats, foxes and rabbits) in a similar manner.

The funniest skit Hale & Pace ever did involved a cat and a microwave oven… seek it out.
Seriously though, all feral cats should be destroyed and cats should not be permitted to be kept as domestic pets because cats are the definite hosts of TOXOPLASMOSIS, a very common parasite that causes a range of dangers to humans, from brain cancer to schizophrenia and are especially dangerous to pregnant women. If you are unfamiliar with the danger that cats and the parasites pose, I suggest you seek it out via your favourite search engine or wikipedia. After having a brain tumour removed from my head, I am not fond of cats, domestic, feral or musical.

Zeital said :

why not just dart them and get them humanely euthanized? quick and a more friendly way to go…..

a .22 bullet would be much more efficient and humane. They’d probably die before they even realised. Much quicker than receiving multiple injections

T1G3R said :

kakosi said :

HenryBG said :

TheDancingDjinn said :

T1G3R said :

I know im late to the party but the best way to solve the cat problem is to dump 1080 where they are. Knock them out fast and they wont have a chance to breed or escape traps. These cats are obviously fereal and trapping and desexing them will be a very long, tedious and expensive means to lower the cat population.

Although it seems harsh to poison them with 1080 or whatever but it will reduce the cat population dramatically and quickly. If there’s none left to breed then you get no kittens. Just gotta watch out for stupid owners who let their own pets out that are greedy enough to eat mystery meat !

What the hell is wrong with you? – You’re the reason i slow down for birds, and not for pedestrians over the age of 13. I hate people so much.

You won’t have to slow down for birds if the feral cats murder them all.

There is something very, very wrong with people who can’t get their heads around the necessity to cull feral and pest animals.

So why aren’t people talking about culling Indian Myna birds here – a species much more successful at killing off native birds by taking over their territories? No cat could achieve what these freed exotic birds have done in a few short years in Canberra.

Let’s face it, some people have a psychotic hatred of cats. It’s a psychological problem and a reliable indicator of someone who will most likely be violent towards people as well.

Not everyone has to like cats and those little Indian birds altho a pest are not as big as a nuisance as feral cats. Maybe if these feral cats ate these damn birds than i might want to let them live freely roaming, knocking trash over, fighting with local domestic cats causing sometimes severe injuries, and then screaming at all hours of the night spreading cat AIDS!

They’re just animals like us.

kakosi said :

HenryBG said :

TheDancingDjinn said :

T1G3R said :

I know im late to the party but the best way to solve the cat problem is to dump 1080 where they are. Knock them out fast and they wont have a chance to breed or escape traps. These cats are obviously fereal and trapping and desexing them will be a very long, tedious and expensive means to lower the cat population.

Although it seems harsh to poison them with 1080 or whatever but it will reduce the cat population dramatically and quickly. If there’s none left to breed then you get no kittens. Just gotta watch out for stupid owners who let their own pets out that are greedy enough to eat mystery meat !

What the hell is wrong with you? – You’re the reason i slow down for birds, and not for pedestrians over the age of 13. I hate people so much.

You won’t have to slow down for birds if the feral cats murder them all.

There is something very, very wrong with people who can’t get their heads around the necessity to cull feral and pest animals.

So why aren’t people talking about culling Indian Myna birds here – a species much more successful at killing off native birds by taking over their territories? No cat could achieve what these freed exotic birds have done in a few short years in Canberra.

Let’s face it, some people have a psychotic hatred of cats. It’s a psychological problem and a reliable indicator of someone who will most likely be violent towards people as well.

Not everyone has to like cats and those little Indian birds altho a pest are not as big as a nuisance as feral cats. Maybe if these feral cats ate these damn birds than i might want to let them live freely roaming, knocking trash over, fighting with local domestic cats causing sometimes severe injuries, and then screaming at all hours of the night spreading cat AIDS!

HenryBG said :

TheDancingDjinn said :

T1G3R said :

I know im late to the party but the best way to solve the cat problem is to dump 1080 where they are. Knock them out fast and they wont have a chance to breed or escape traps. These cats are obviously fereal and trapping and desexing them will be a very long, tedious and expensive means to lower the cat population.

Although it seems harsh to poison them with 1080 or whatever but it will reduce the cat population dramatically and quickly. If there’s none left to breed then you get no kittens. Just gotta watch out for stupid owners who let their own pets out that are greedy enough to eat mystery meat !

What the hell is wrong with you? – You’re the reason i slow down for birds, and not for pedestrians over the age of 13. I hate people so much.

You won’t have to slow down for birds if the feral cats murder them all.

There is something very, very wrong with people who can’t get their heads around the necessity to cull feral and pest animals.

So why aren’t people talking about culling Indian Myna birds here – a species much more successful at killing off native birds by taking over their territories? No cat could achieve what these freed exotic birds have done in a few short years in Canberra.

Let’s face it, some people have a psychotic hatred of cats. It’s a psychological problem and a reliable indicator of someone who will most likely be violent towards people as well.

TheDancingDjinn said :

T1G3R said :

I know im late to the party but the best way to solve the cat problem is to dump 1080 where they are. Knock them out fast and they wont have a chance to breed or escape traps. These cats are obviously fereal and trapping and desexing them will be a very long, tedious and expensive means to lower the cat population.

Although it seems harsh to poison them with 1080 or whatever but it will reduce the cat population dramatically and quickly. If there’s none left to breed then you get no kittens. Just gotta watch out for stupid owners who let their own pets out that are greedy enough to eat mystery meat !

What the hell is wrong with you? – You’re the reason i slow down for birds, and not for pedestrians over the age of 13. I hate people so much.

If you hate people than please be my guest and go stand in the middle of the road so I can hit you through a pedestrian crossing 🙂

Aye and grab all the cats with ya, kill two birds with one stone.

Weezie – I have met and spoken with a representative of the cat rescue organisation there approximately one or 2 summers ago as I’ve said on the other woden drain cat threads.

Essentially all ANY group can do is catch for taking and killing, and or at least catch and desex and release. Cat rescue is likely to send any female straight to God on the express route but will try and rehome kittens. The adults are never likely to respond too well to pet-dom they are just too unsocialised.

Maybe these groups need to talk to each other. Maybe a group of like minded people should sit, meet and talk and decide a plan and work out some way to fund it all.

Their fan clubs (the folk that feed them) will probably support them, unlike the bogans that terrify them by yelling into tunnels or chucking stuff at them. no wonder the poor bloody things are terrified.

weeziepops said :

“Why not just dart them?” Um… who has access to a dart and the appropriate sedative? Not me, that’s for sure. To be honest, if I did I would probably give this a try. Other humane options appear thin on the ground. When I last spoke to the RSPCA about this, they advised that there are some issues around trapping on public land. I have spoken to DAS, too, and they referred me to the RSPCA.

I foster kittens for the RSPCA and have rescued four kittens from the Woden drains after storms – one died and three were rehomed and are lovely cats. I want to do something to help these cats and the local wildlife but have been getting nowhere since first raising this with the relevant organisations almost two years ago. It would be great if the cats could be desexed and rehomed but some will not be healthy, physically or behaviourally.

In conclusion – what next? No feckin’ idea.

I was just making the suggestion, I don’t know who would have the right equipment for it either but I would have guessed the RSPCA would, you know being the ACT’s bigger rescue org. unless any 3rd party trappers/people have it but I doubt that.

personally I can’t understand why the RSPCA wouldn’t want to try to help I didn’t think it was that hard to set up traps…….

“Why not just dart them?” Um… who has access to a dart and the appropriate sedative? Not me, that’s for sure. To be honest, if I did I would probably give this a try. Other humane options appear thin on the ground. When I last spoke to the RSPCA about this, they advised that there are some issues around trapping on public land. I have spoken to DAS, too, and they referred me to the RSPCA.

I foster kittens for the RSPCA and have rescued four kittens from the Woden drains after storms – one died and three were rehomed and are lovely cats. I want to do something to help these cats and the local wildlife but have been getting nowhere since first raising this with the relevant organisations almost two years ago. It would be great if the cats could be desexed and rehomed but some will not be healthy, physically or behaviourally.

In conclusion – what next? No feckin’ idea.

dundle said :

You have to trap them really, once you’ve done that RSPCA will take/desex them, or you can take them wherever..

Unfortunately they won’t. I have a friend who is trying to do the exact same thing in another area and was told bluntly by an RSPCA staff member that they would put the kittens down if she brought them in. So she cannot bring herself to do it and they are still out there. She ended up getting a trap from a rescue org and has funded the desexing for all of the female cats herself. Expensive affair…

My advice is to talk to some local rescues and get their advice. Good luck. I foster kittens myself and love animals but I could live with humanely euthanising these feral cats. I respect that other people cannot live with that though and I completely agree that desexing and releasing is 1000 times better than doing nothing at all. The greatest threat to our wildlife is undesexed cats.

rather then putting strong poison into the waterway, why not just dart them and get them humanely euthanized? quick and a more friendly way to go…..

TheDancingDjinn said :

T1G3R said :

I know im late to the party but the best way to solve the cat problem is to dump 1080 where they are. Knock them out fast and they wont have a chance to breed or escape traps. These cats are obviously fereal and trapping and desexing them will be a very long, tedious and expensive means to lower the cat population.

Although it seems harsh to poison them with 1080 or whatever but it will reduce the cat population dramatically and quickly. If there’s none left to breed then you get no kittens. Just gotta watch out for stupid owners who let their own pets out that are greedy enough to eat mystery meat !

What the hell is wrong with you? – You’re the reason i slow down for birds, and not for pedestrians over the age of 13. I hate people so much.

You won’t have to slow down for birds if the feral cats murder them all.

There is something very, very wrong with people who can’t get their heads around the necessity to cull feral and pest animals.

TheDancingDjinn11:14 am 22 Oct 12

T1G3R said :

I know im late to the party but the best way to solve the cat problem is to dump 1080 where they are. Knock them out fast and they wont have a chance to breed or escape traps. These cats are obviously fereal and trapping and desexing them will be a very long, tedious and expensive means to lower the cat population.

Although it seems harsh to poison them with 1080 or whatever but it will reduce the cat population dramatically and quickly. If there’s none left to breed then you get no kittens. Just gotta watch out for stupid owners who let their own pets out that are greedy enough to eat mystery meat !

What the hell is wrong with you? – You’re the reason i slow down for birds, and not for pedestrians over the age of 13. I hate people so much.

bearlikesbeer10:23 am 22 Oct 12

I’m not sure putting 1080 in a storm drain is a great idea.

I know im late to the party but the best way to solve the cat problem is to dump 1080 where they are. Knock them out fast and they wont have a chance to breed or escape traps. These cats are obviously fereal and trapping and desexing them will be a very long, tedious and expensive means to lower the cat population.

Although it seems harsh to poison them with 1080 or whatever but it will reduce the cat population dramatically and quickly. If there’s none left to breed then you get no kittens. Just gotta watch out for stupid owners who let their own pets out that are greedy enough to eat mystery meat !

I can help if the cats are not hurt or put down. I think desexing them is a great idea.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd4:26 pm 16 Oct 12

dundle said :

You have to trap them really, once you’ve done that RSPCA will take/desex them, or you can take them wherever. I’m pretty sure that’s the only option. I know so many people (myself inxluded) who has tried to do something.

I hope they get enough food from visitors that they don’t have to snack on wildlife.

I think painless/fast-acting poison is probably the best option, but that’s illegal so…

Is there a painless fast a ting poison that can be mixed in some cat food? It’s coming upto summer time and gross two cats dumping in my yard and trying to kill native birds are out again.

You could avoid leaving kittens to starve by waiting to do this until the kittens are older, but before the next kitten season.

You have to trap them really, once you’ve done that RSPCA will take/desex them, or you can take them wherever. I’m pretty sure that’s the only option. I know so many people (myself inxluded) who has tried to do something.

I hope they get enough food from visitors that they don’t have to snack on wildlife.

I think painless/fast-acting poison is probably the best option, but that’s illegal so…

poetix said :

The bossy ‘don’t make bad jokes and go away cat haters’ has even got one vegetarian making impawssible recipes from scratch.


gospeedygo said :

Pitchka said :

Know anyone who knows someone who is a farmer, and can legally get his/her hands on some strychnine. A few cans of cat food in a bowl, a very light dust of said powder mixed throuigh, thanks for coming pussy cat!


hey hey hey, i love a nice pussy just as much as the next guy, but get too many pussy’s in the one spot, and there is bound to be trouble.

my understanding is that panadol is highly toxic to cats….just sayin’

DUB said :

Come on people, post some easy tips on how to best poison them, as I have same problem, with most houses on my street having roaming cats, and they bring some drain cats as well. Annoying as hell.Especially when they start to fight at night.

Cool, I might cull a few of the more annoying yapping dogs near my place too 🙂

p1 said :

Pitchka said :

JazzyJess said :

I can help weeziepops. The site administrator has my contact details.

Im gathering you want the OP to trap them, hand them over to you so you can cook them in your restaurant and pass it off as chicken? Clever!

Don’t be silly.

Cat tastes more like duck.

No, no, no.

Your fighting Siamese tastes like fish.
Your Turkish Van is a delight.
Your Persian is a little sherbet-y.

The bossy ‘don’t make bad jokes and go away cat haters’ has even got one vegetarian making impawssible recipes from scratch.

DUB said :

Come on people, post some easy tips on how to best poison them, as I have same problem, with most houses on my street having roaming cats, and they bring some drain cats as well. Annoying as hell.Especially when they start to fight at night. Trapping did not work well. One particular neighbour has cat that breeds freely and she then releases them. F***!!!!!!

I found this video very helpful in sorting out my roaming cat problem! bit of construction by many laughs as well as no more roaming cats!!

How to stop cats pissing on your car, The best cat video ever! – Craig Turner

DUB said :

Come on people, post some easy tips on how to best poison them, as I have same problem, with most houses on my street having roaming cats, and they bring some drain cats as well. Annoying as hell.Especially when they start to fight at night. Trapping did not work well. One particular neighbour has cat that breeds freely and she then releases them. F***!!!!!!

1080 baits if you can get your hands on the stuff

I first raised this with the relevant organisations in late 2010 so I am pretty sure I will be staying committed to resolving this one!

Come on people, post some easy tips on how to best poison them, as I have same problem, with most houses on my street having roaming cats, and they bring some drain cats as well. Annoying as hell.Especially when they start to fight at night. Trapping did not work well. One particular neighbour has cat that breeds freely and she then releases them. F***!!!!!!

Can’t they just be shot and done with?

Thanks, JJ – have asked for your details and will be in touch when they come through.

p1 said :

As for the kittens starving issue – I wouldn’t think it an issue if you could trap the cats, desex them and release them with a day.

Depending on how young the kittens are, if you trap and take the mother cats away, when you return them the mother cats will forget they have kittens, and the kittens will starve anyway.

Grumpy Old Fart10:00 pm 15 Oct 12

Release the hounds

JazzyJess said :

Sigh. First of all your witt simply astounds me. Second you obviously kept reading past the first sentence. Then again you can read! Good for you.

You’ve caught me out. I actually hate cats, never contribute thoughtful posts to a thread, and display poor humor and low wit when trying to be funny.

Except in this thread, where I (who see these cats regularly) made a post responding to the OPs question, and you, while offering to help (which is nice) made a lame sarcastic post in response to my lame funny one.

p1 said :

Pitchka said :

JazzyJess said :

I can help weeziepops. The site administrator has my contact details.

Im gathering you want the OP to trap them, hand them over to you so you can cook them in your restaurant and pass it off as chicken? Clever!

Don’t be silly.

Cat tastes more like duck.

Sigh. First of all your witt simply astounds me. Second you obviously kept reading past the first sentence. Then again you can read! Good for you.

Pitchka said :

Know anyone who knows someone who is a farmer, and can legally get his/her hands on some strychnine. A few cans of cat food in a bowl, a very light dust of said powder mixed throuigh, thanks for coming pussy cat!


Pitchka said :

JazzyJess said :

I can help weeziepops. The site administrator has my contact details.

Im gathering you want the OP to trap them, hand them over to you so you can cook them in your restaurant and pass it off as chicken? Clever!

Don’t be silly.

Cat tastes more like duck.

JazzyJess said :

I can help weeziepops. The site administrator has my contact details.

Im gathering you want the OP to trap them, hand them over to you so you can cook them in your restaurant and pass it off as chicken? Clever!

I can help weeziepops. The site administrator has my contact details.

Considering how happy these cats are to take food from a couple of local crazy cat ladies well meaning but miss guided public servants , I’d have a go at trapping them during the day when you can sit and read a book in nice safe sunshine. Otherwise, maybe some chain and lock the trap to one of the bridge footings?

As for the kittens starving issue – I wouldn’t think it an issue if you could trap the cats, desex them and release them with a day.

I am not really for the desex-and-release approach (as you say, doesn’t help the wild life), but I see it as better then nothing being done, so I hope you stay committed.

Know anyone who knows someone who is a farmer, and can legally get his/her hands on some strychnine. A few cans of cat food in a bowl, a very light dust of said powder mixed throuigh, thanks for coming pussy cat!

How do we know that we are not seeing a smaller, less musical and more bogan version of Cats?

Why don’t we just bait them?

What’s the best bait to use on cats?

aceofspades said :

I hate cats!

How about Phantom of the Opera?

I hate cats!

no one seems interested in doing anything about it? There have been a lot of other threads on those cats and a number of groups around the place do keep their eyes on them. They are all remarkably healthy looking as far as stray cats go given they are the best fed ones in history. Sure they might not be wormed ever, but I bet half the pets around town aren’t done either.

You would be far better catching the kittens and rehoming them but given the mixed messages most of them get (ie come here for food against running away and hiding from bogans that throw things at them or yell into the tunnels) they are all mostly pretty scared of people at any time other than meal times.

The vets at woden animal hospital in Colbee or Dundas court (whichever one it is) are willing to desex anything brought to them for routine rates. You could probably negotiate for some on masse. You just need to get your traps and bide your time. But once the first few have gotten snapped up, the rest might not be so keen.

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