Canberra has been sorely lacking in road works recently, but never fear, today Shane Rattenbury announced some more!
“The ACT Government is upgrading Ashley Drive and Erindale Drive, including intersection improvements, to make the area safer for motorists, cyclists and other road users and reduce traffic congestion,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“Carrying over 20,000 vehicles a day, these busy roads located in south Canberra provide an important link between Johnson Drive in Richardson and Sternberg Crescent in Wanniassa. They are two of the major access roads for traffic travelling from Tuggeranong suburbs such as Calwell, Gordon and Isabella Plains to Woden and the city.
“Increasing levels of traffic in the area has resulted in significant queuing and delays experienced by drivers at key intersections on Erindale Drive and Ashley Drive during the morning and afternoon peak periods.
“The upgrade aims to address traffic issues at key intersections with a focus on Ashley Drive’s intersections with Erindale Drive, Sternberg Crescent and McBryde Crescent. Once works are complete, motorists are sure to welcome the reduced queues at these intersections which will help reduce travel times.
“Stage one works will include:
— duplication of Erindale Drive between Sternberg Crescent and Ashley Drive
— part-time traffic signals (for the morning peak) on the eastern approach to the Sternberg Crescent and Erindale Drive roundabout
— introduction of left slip turn lanes on Erindale Drive (southbound) at the approaches to both Sternberg Crescent and Ashley Drive
— installation of traffic signals at the Ashley Drive/McBryde Crescent intersection.“The signalisation of the Ashley Drive/McBryde Crescent intersection will provide a safe crossing for people visiting the Erindale Centre on foot or on bike. It will also aid vehicles entering and exiting the intersection which can prove difficult during peak hours, especially for buses which need more turning time.
The aim is for the stage 1 works to be done by May next year. Of course this will be construction zone speed limits and delays, so be prepared adjust your commutes accordingly.