The ABC reports that despite all the sound and fury of the Pogos* Zed Seselja still had the numbers the second time around for the winnable Senate seat in the ACT.
The Canberra Liberals, in the wake of this shambles are really going to have to extract their digits to hold out the Greens’ Simon Sheikh who can’t be believing his luck right now.
Once again, when it mattered, Gary Kent was all hat and no cattle.
*Beard fanciers
UPDATE 28/03/12: Simon Seikh has wasted no time in twisting the knife:
The ACT Greens Senate Candidate, Simon Sheikh, says that he doesn’t expect that the Liberal party will stop fighting, despite last night’s win by the extreme right wing of the Liberal Party. He has reissued his request to debate the winner of the Liberal Party preselection on the issue of the impacts of Tony Abbott’s job cuts on Canberra’s families.
“Given the events of the last three months, Canberrans can rightfully conclude that the Liberal party care more about fighting for their own jobs then the jobs of Canberra’s families,” Mr Sheikh said.
“Canberrans now have a real choice at this year’s election, between voting for someone who supports Tony Abbott’s plan to cut 20,000 jobs in the ACT, which will devastate our small business and house prices — or someone who will fight these jobs cuts” said Mr Sheikh.
Mr Sheikh says he’s surprised Zed Seselja has so quickly abandoned the people of Tuggeranong who he is supposed to represent in the Assembly. “The people of Tuggeranong have every right to be annoyed that Mr Seselja is abandoning his electorate, seemingly to gain more power for himself”.
The ACT Greens are receiving an influx of donations and volunteers just as the Liberals show signs of struggling to get organised at this election. Last Sunday over 150 people turned out for the first volunteer ‘Meet Up’ event of the campaign.
It will be interesting to see how many of the Liberal party faithful are willing to put the hard yards in for candidate Seselja