Apparently in Saturday’s Canberra Times the ABC newsreader Virginia Hausegger held forth on how she felt muslim women choosing to wear the burqa were in such breach of the basic tenets of our society that there “orta be a law agin it”.
This has sparked furious agreement by the letter writers of the Canberra Times.
I know that ABC newsreaders are made to feel important, but since when were they given the power to adjudicate what is acceptable clothing?
As a sensible man I like to stay as far away as possible from what women choose to wear. And amongst the sisterhood Virginia is free to argue that choosing to wear the burqa is counter-productive to woman-kind.
But once we start legislating clothing choices because they fly in the face of some perceived quality of Holy Orstralianess where are we going to stop?
What else will we ban on Virginia’s whim?
UPDATE: The original article can be found on Virginia’s blogspot.