25 February 2025

Dutton to slash APS numbers to pay for his Medicare promise

| Chris Johnson
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Opposition leader Peter Dutton says sacking public servants will give him the money to boost Medicare. Photo: File.

Peter Dutton has confirmed how he will pay for his $9 billion investment in the health system if he becomes prime minister – gut the public service.

While Prime Minister Anthony Albanese hasn’t unveiled where he will find the money for his $8.5 billion boost to Medicare, the Opposition Leader has got his plan all figured out.

“We have looked at how we can fund this and how we can prudently provide this sum of money,” Mr Dutton told reporters on Monday (24 February).

“It’s a lot of money, but we’ve identified, as you know, the scaling back of the public service – which has grown phenomenally under the Labor Party.

“Thirty-six thousand additional public servants, that’s at a cost of $6 billion a year or $24 billion over the forward estimates.

“This program totals $9 billion over that period, so we’ve well and truly identified the savings.”

Pressed further on his costing plans, the Opposition Leader went to great lengths to explain how Labor governments “always put additional public servants on”.

“Not because it provides more efficient processes; it’s because it pleases the unions,” he said.

“But it comes at a huge cost – and these 36,000 public servants who are in Canberra, I’m sure, are good people, well-intentioned – but it brings the number of public servants to over 209,000.

“Now that’s at a rate much quicker – in terms of the growth – than what the Rudd-Gillard years provided, and we have a definite plan to deliver efficiency … As I say, the government’s put on an additional 36,000 public servants. We will reduce that number and the savings there will be about $6 billion a year. That’s the advice that we have, so $24 billion of savings over the four-year forward estimates period.

“This policy is $9 billion over that forward estimate period, so there’s obviously a much bigger save that we’ve identified, and the $9 billion not only is accounted for, but we’ve got a productivity gain because I just don’t think more and more layers of approval and bureaucratic process out of Canberra is helping anyone.”

What the Coalition leader didn’t say, however, is that the bulk of the extra 36,000 public servants employed are not located in Canberra but dispersed around the country.

And Labor hired them in a bid to turn back a decade of outsourcing by the former Coalition government.

In the last few years before Labor took office, outsourcing was costing $20.8 billion a year for a shadow workforce of consultants and labour hire.

The 36,000 jobs Labor has brought on since winning office in 2022 are largely frontline services, which Mr Dutton had previously said he wouldn’t cut.

A breakdown, according to government figures, of some of the new APS employees include 5700 jobs across Defence, Home Affairs, DFAT, AFP, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission and the Australian Submarine Agency; 4000 jobs in Services Australia; 3600 jobs in NDIA; 3000 jobs in the ATO; 1300 jobs in DAFF; 1000 jobs in DVA; 550 jobs in the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission; 550 jobs in the NDIS Quality & Safety Commission.

READ ALSO Healthy politicking from Dutton over Medicare spend

Public Service Minister Katy Gallagher said the Coalition would not be able to slash 36,000 APS jobs without massively reducing frontline services.

“You can’t cut $6 billion from public services every year without cutting the services that Australians rely on, like the aged pension, Centrelink and Medicare,” Senator Gallagher said.

“No matter what Peter Dutton says, it will never change the fact that cutting 20 per cent of the APS will mean a return to worse services, expensive consultants and the era of Robodebt.”

Anthony Albanese has unveiled an $8.5 billion over four years plan to boost Medicare and make sure nine out of 10 visits to a GP will be totally bulk-billed and free from out-of-pocket expenses by 2030.

The Prime Minister promised 18 million extra bulk-billed GP visits per year, 400 nursing scholarships and 2000 new GP trainees a year by 2028.

The Coalition immediately promised to match Labor’s Medicare spend and even rolled out its own $9 billion health commitment in response.

Mr Dutton said he would direct funding towards more access to free GP visits, with another $500 million to mental health services and training.

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GrumpyGrandpa10:07 pm 26 Feb 25

This article very much has an anti-Dutton agenda. Being a left-leaning jurisdiction, partisan media coverage seems common place in Canberra.

My comments are not intended to be partisan, however, the obvious question is “How is Albo going to pay for his own Medicare promises”?

Regardless of who wins the election, promises get paid for by:

(A) Increased taxes,
(B) Reduction in other expenses or,
(C) Increasee debt (which of course incurs interest costs and ultimately still need to be paid back via (A) or (B).


Worry about economic expansion or contraction, employment and equity, services, education, inflation or recession, and ignore what you thought you knew.

It’s sad how the debate has become so binary. Consultants are bad. Public servants are good. We know there is a need for both categories to deliver effective services to the community.
Labour’s zeal to replace consultants with public servants is no different to when Liberals went in the other direction.
Only more expensive and with no improvement to the quality of services – crime, bulk billing rates and telephone wait times up, fat cats in suits down. The only argument I’ve heard in support of 36,000 more public servants is there hasn’t been a robodebt scandal under Albo’s watch. Really? Is that it. Let it rip, Dutton!

If you’d actually read their position, the ALP is supportive of using consultants for specialist or non-ongoing support which is exactly where they are beneficial.

“Only more expensive and with no improvement to the quality of services”

Except this is just plain wrong. In key service areas, there have been significant improvements in performance metrics because of the increased resources. Wait times for government services are significantly down because of this.

Now, you can argue that you don’t actually care about those areas of government or are happy with lower service delivery but you can’t argue it hasn’t had an effect.

“The only argument I’ve heard in support of 36,000 more public servants is there hasn’t been a robodebt scandal under Albo’s watch. Really? Is that it. Let it rip, Dutton!”

Good to see you freely admitted you don’t engage much with the debate if that’s the only argument youve heard.

Saul Goodman12:09 am 26 Feb 25

the answer to those wondering about how dud dutton would implement his APS idea, just watch rerun of following Aug 2023 episode of 4 Corners from ABC:


Capital Retro3:32 pm 26 Feb 25

Some rusted on leftie commentators there, Saul.
How about the trade union “plants” (like the majority of Labor members were union hacks) who also have strong, ongoing connections to the Industry Super Funds who are big enough to control Australia’s economy.

HiddenDragon10:28 pm 25 Feb 25

Unless sufficient numbers of voters have completely stopped listening to Labor and the segments of the media which push their barrow, this explanation is unlikely to survive the heat and scrutiny of the formal election campaign – particularly as more stories come through from the US about the impact of the Trump/Musk/DOGE cuts in communities across the US (not just in DC).

Radical streamlining and further automation of procedures (which takes time, money and the passage of legislation through a difficult Senate), along with the Commonwealth getting out of areas which are the primary responsibility of the States and Territories, could produce substantial staff savings but there is no sign as yet that the Coalition has the sort of detailed plans required to make that happen.

Stephen Saunders3:31 pm 25 Feb 25

Here’s an idea. Dutton to slash, the Home Affairs staffers, fast tracking open-borders immigration.

Dutton will end up paying consultants more for less. This isn’t a cost savings, we’ve seen every time the Liberals get into power, it’s money for their mates.

Consultants get paid more because they need to produce more, and produce measurable outcomes, unlike APS staff.

I worked directly into government for many years, and the waste and laziness I saw go on constantly would have you out on your ear in a heartbeat in private enterprise. Hiring 36 thousand into the APS to backfill a few thousand contractors is no cost saving at all.

“Consultants get paid more because they need to produce more”…I stop reading at this point having worked with consultants I don’t need to wade through this BS.

Yeah I’d not wade into this one when you know I’m right. Contractors need to produce. APS are nigh on impossible to get rid of, so can do SFA with zero consequence. I have seen bludging and wilful waste in every major APS department that would absolutely never fly in private enterprise. The APS absolutely should be slashed, brutally.

Capital Retro1:28 pm 25 Feb 25

I know a couple of people who couldn’t hold down any jobs in the private sector and hadn’t even completed their secondary education who were given “jobs without description” in the Federal PS 2 years ago.
One of them still doesn’t know what he is supposed to be doing.
Frontline indeed.

Yeah, nah, none of that is true.

Heywood Smith2:21 pm 25 Feb 25

@retro, Cool (made up) story, but it needs more dragons.

David Quagmire2:41 pm 25 Feb 25

Source: “trust me, bro.”

Your fanciful anecdote, even if it were true, would not be indicative.

I’m going to have to remember “needs more dragons”…but that would apply to most of Captial’s “this one time at bandcamp” stories.

Capital Retro4:35 pm 26 Feb 25

Are any of you employed in the PS?
I mean, all your comments are made in working hours and that isn’t allowed anywhere else.
I’m self-employed so I do what I wish.

Labor to pull the money out of thin air again, with no criticism of it from the RiotALP.

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