26 February 2025

Brindabella fears 'being another Calvary', alleges government wants to create 'super-school precinct' in Lyneham

| Ian Bushnell
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Brindabella Christian College board chair Greg Zwajgenberg is asking parents to pay their fees to keep the school going. Photo: Region.

Brindabella Christian School board chair Greg Zwajgenberg has accused the ACT Government of plotting to take over the embattled private school, despite the claim being based on an alleged “overheard conversation” from a staff member at their apartment complex.

In an update to parents and staff dated 25 February, Mr Zwajgenberg alleges the government is contemplating a Lyneham super-school precinct and refers to its takeover of Calvary Hospital as a precedent.

“It would now appear from conversations overheard, Minister Berry, with the willing or naïve assistance of ReformBCC, is pursuing her own agenda for a ‘super-school’ precinct that would encompass Lyneham High, Lyneham Primary, Brindabella Christian School and Lyneham Oval,” he told parents.

“We are now seeking assurances about Brindabella not being another Calvary Hospital and we will communicate our findings.”

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Mr Zwajgenberg shared the alleged staff member’s 22 February email with parents and staff, as well as a sweeping response to the Australian Taxation Office’s wind-up action over an $8 million debt, in which he repeats the takeover claim to the Commissioner of Taxation, Rob Heferen.

“… and alarmingly … there exists a broader plan to liquidate our College to create an inner Canberra ‘super-school’ model around Lyneham Primary School, Lyneham High School and Brindabella Christian College,” he writes.

The email claims to be a record of a conversation involving a government employee on an adjacent verandah.

“The visitor spoke as someone who worked in an (unidentified) ACT department, boasting of the imminent closure of Brindabella,” the email reads.

The email refers to a staff member who hadn’t been paid going to the media, a Tax Office investigation, the school’s belief that the government is anti-Christian and the merger plan.

“The actual plan is to see the ‘school’s’ closure to liquidate the school, create an inner Canberra super-school with a unique design. There will be three schools in the one area – the primary, the high school and Brindabella. It is separated by a ‘channel’ that can be easily negotiated by students,” it reads.

However, ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry has already stated that cancelling the school’s registration will not be part of any regulatory action she is considering.

A spokesperson said late today (26 February) that Ms Berry was not going to provide a running commentary on the situation to maintain procedural fairness as she awaits the school’s response to her show cause notice.

Mr Zwajgenberg’s letters shed light on the school’s perilous financial position, with Mr Zwajgenberg revealing that it is about $1 million short for February and that 2025 enrolments are down by 200 to 250 students.

As a result, some teachers have not yet been paid for the current pay period, with the school saying they will be paid as fees come in and on the basis of need.

Independent Education Union NSW/ACT Branch Secretary Carol Matthews said late today that the union was taking Brindabella Christian College to the industrial umpire over unpaid wages and superannuation after the school failed to respond to requests for assurances by 4 pm today that staff would be paid immediately.

“We’ve been left with no choice but to take Brindabella Christian College to the Fair Work Commission to compel the school to pay its staff in full and on time,” Ms Matthews said.

“We took Brindabella to the FWC last year over unpaid superannuation; now the situation has deteriorated even further.

“It’s unprecedented for a school not to pay their staff, and for the school to be facing such grave financial difficulties has left the staff feeling shocked and anxious.”

The union called on Brindabella to stop blaming others for its financial mess.

It continues to advise members at the school to turn up for work.

BCC board chair Greg Zwajgenberg said reports of the school’s debt have been inflated. Photo: LinkedIn.

Mr Zwajgenberg blames the cashflow problem on the Commonwealth deciding to pay the school in monthly instalments instead of an up-front $5 million, which he has said would have cleared the tax debt. The school receives about $10 million a year in Commonwealth funding.

He claims the $8 million figure in the wind-up action is inflated and the debt is actually $5.9 million.

Parents were told that on 17 February, the day before the ATO application was lodged with the Federal Court, that business manager John Clarke and Mr Zwajgenberg met directly with Assistant Commissioner Kitto, front-line officers and the Tax Office’s legal counsel to discuss a payment plan that would have enabled the school to clear the debt in 12 months.

Mr Zwajgenberg repeated his pleas for parents to pay their fees.

“In these challenging times, I urge all parents to continue supporting us by ensuring timely fee payments so that we can safeguard our dedicated staff and the future of our children,” he writes.

He also accused the school reform group of colluding with ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry, among a number of specious and potentially defamatory claims in his response to the Tax Office.

However, ReformBCC denied that its members had met with Ms Berry’s office or the minister personally.

“We dispute the allegations by BCEL [the school’s operator, Brindabella Christian Education Limited] that there is collusion or favouritism from Berry’s office,” the group said in a statement.

“We exist to promote transparency and make available publicly available factual information for the community to review for themselves.”

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ReformBCC said it was very concerned about the suitability of persons in management and control of a school who openly refute the authority or jurisdiction of regulators and statutory authorities.

“This creates disorder and distress and right now is exposing the BCC community of staff and students to serious risks,” it said.

“The school needs education officials or authorities to step in immediately.”

It appears the school is also postponing events and gatherings. The Junior School Parent Barbecue has been postponed until further notice due to unforeseen circumstances, and the Duke of Edinburgh Parent and Student Information Evening has been delayed until Term 2.

The letter to the ATO does not detail any plans about how the school intends to actually pay the debt.

BCEL faces a hearing in the Federal Court on 26 March.

It also has until 6 March to respond to a show cause notice from Ms Berry.

The Education Directorate has set up a hotline for BCC parents and staff looking for information or support. The hotline is staffed from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays. The number is 6205 5429.

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So the ACT Education Minister is NOT seeking BCC’s de-registration. The ATO is NOT seeking the wind-up of BCC and a payment plan has been accepted to pay back taxes. These are opposite to previous claims made ny Riotact articles and one previous contributor in particular. Then we get to the absolute dirth of negative articles and overblown claims made by the publication. Anyone would think Riotact has a personal vendetta against BCC and its’ directors?

Evan Williams3:48 pm 01 Mar 25

If Greg and his christians can stump up the money to the ATO fine, otherwise the debt stands the christians declare bankruptcy, the tax payer runs it as a government school. Sounds like a plan.

I could never understand why BCC was allowed to expand so much on such a small suburban street, leading to traffic chaos, let alone building that car park on public land. Now it’s become a very large piece of infrastructure and potential white elephant. Can’t exactly knock it all down. And 1100 students have to go somewhere. If govt runs it then it can’t be a private/religious school either. What a headache!

Sounds right, stay tuned.

Bahahaha! And that guy’s name was……Ferris Bueller.

more nonsense

Lyneham has three excellent public schools in the local area, a preschool, primary school and high school, that adequately serve the local community. The Brindabella College largely serves an out of area population that brings an inordinate amount of traffic into this small inner Canberra suburb creating chaos for local families trying to access their local schools.
There would be no benefit for the government to take over this school.
Per head governments spend more than twice as much on students in private schools as they do on students in public schools. This is outrageous. Especial when the private school is not transparent about how that money is spent.

Many parents paid already for the whole 2025 fees, will the parents get refunded if the school becomes a public school?

Heather Raymond3:09 pm 27 Feb 25

Your whole year of fees have already been spent paying down debts, etc. haven’t they? Otherwise the school would be able to pay it’s staff. If the school closes, it will not be able to pay for anything, including salaries owed to staff and other creditors (many who might be local businesses who are run by people who also need to be paid). As for becoming a public school, the minister has already stated many times in the media that it is not on the government’s agenda, it would rather it stay open. You need to stop listening to/spreading misinformation.

If the school is wound up the ATO by law gets 1st grab of any assets and funds. That means ” NO” you won’t get your school fees back, neither will tradies, suppliers and the employees will lose entitlements. Fees would ho into ” general creditors” and you would be lucky to fet cents on the dollar and most probably zero dollars back.

Government need to help to ensure uninterrupted school program for students. It is a crisis for 1000+ Canberra student families, Government needs to step in to keep teachers get paid, at least til the end of the year to let patents to find alternatives.

Heather Raymond3:00 pm 27 Feb 25

Why would you have re-enrolled this year when the BCEL looks to be insolvent? It’s not like is a sudden thing, it’s been in the news for a long time! Why should public money go towards an organisation who cannot account for it’s last 3 years of spending? What money the school does get this year is not going towards provision of education services but will be spent on legal costs which are much more expensive. No wonder 200 families have bailed, it’s the smart thing to do.

100% It grates on me every time I see an organisation – private school, company or whatever – failing at running a business and then expecting taxpayer’s to bail them out. I’m sick of these people championing free market capitalism and then expecting a corporate bailout, especially when they already receive millions in taxpayer’s money like BCC does! They must laugh themselves silly.

‘Super’ schools don’t work.

Oh they certainly work for the left side of politics Henry. They get hold of the curriculum and they alter it to include DEI and LBGTQ+ agendas. Then follows the employment of teachers who only push leftist indoctrination. The Christian education system stands in the way of this of course and hence the hostility of ACT Government and some media ( especially here) towards it.

Unless I’m very mistaken the purpose of Government funding is absolutely not to pay off past tax debt. It is for the functioning of the school in the current year. If any school needs 10M of funding each year and used $5M to pay a tax debt surely that impacts services, salaries and superannuation in the current year.

This would be the best outcome, at least the government acquiring the school would give it some certainty and teachers and contractors will be paid!

“…despite the claim being based on an alleged “overheard conversation” from a staff member at their apartment complex”….You have to wonder how these people have managed to run a successful private school…oh right.

Yep, it’s been a shambles Seano. Haven’t followed the legal arguments but it seems management had a considerable role in the present problems. Really don’t see how some management can keep their positions.

“So then this one guy, and he looked like he worked for the government, he said, well he didn’t say it to me but my brother was talking to a guy at the tram stop who was standing like, really close to the guy, and he said he heard the government guy say they were going do something with the school but it wasn’t just one school, IT WAS ALL OF THEM. That’s what I heard.”

The comparison between this school and Calvary Public Hospital is ludicrous and flimsy attempt at lookoverthereism. The hospital was a public hospital with running costs fully paid by the taxpayer and it was obliged to treat all public patients who presented there. It was also subject to a strict regulatory framework. This school is private (even though partially funded by the taxpayer); is able to be exclusionary about who attends; and has a raft of financial and regulatory problems which they have failed to adequately address – despite having being given ample opportunity. There were some problems with the Catholic Church’s management of the hospital, but they would never have gotten away with as many breaches of rules this school has tried to do by assuming that if they ignore problems long enough, they will just go away.

Heather Raymond3:22 pm 27 Feb 25

Yep, just typical propaganda to put the blame on the government instead of where it should be, a private school school governance committee. The minister has said a take over is not on the government’s agenda. It’s sole purpose to turn the parents against the government for any action it needs to take. I especially love the “anti-Christian” rhetoric, added for good measure. In this way it is a similar tactic taken by Calvary Care who ran a cold hearted, vicious, if short-lived, public campaign against the government so that Calvary Care wouldn’t lose it’s cash cow from the public purse. (This inflicted incredible stress on staff at the time who were told that everything would go to s**t under government care. Couldn’t have been more wrong.)

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