[First filed: Jun 29, 2010 @ 9:48]
The ABC informs us that the ACT’s chief police officer Roman Quaedvlieg has weighed in on the Liberal/Green roadside drug testing legislation and he wants it to be tougher:
In his advice to the Government, Mr Quaedvlieg says the Opposition’s proposal does not allow for adequate laboratory testing and only allows for testing of two illicit drugs.
He says it puts police in a precarious situation and could lead to failed prosecutions.
It remains to be seen if the Legislative Assembly takes any notice.
UPDATE: The CPO might be down on it, but the Australian Federal Police Association is circulating a media release (not online) that they support the Liberals’ legislation.
Introduction of this bill constitutes a significant win in allowing AFP police officers access to greater tools in their fight to keep the community safe from drug offenders whilst balancing the rights of individuals.
Throughout the process of drafting this Bill, the AFPA has been pleased with the constructive nature of consultation by the ACT Liberal Party. A number of recent amendments to the draft Bill, to be introduced by the ACT Liberal Party, are a direct result of successful consultation with the AFPA. The AFPA also supports the amendments recently introduced by the ACT Greens to improve on the draft legislation.