24 February 2025

Brindabella Christian College unable to pay staff on time

| Ian Bushnell
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Brindabella Christian College

Brindabella Christian College is having cash flow problems. Photo: Michelle Kroll

The embattled Brindabella Christian College has not been able to pay some of its staff this pay period as it deals with court action by the Australian Taxation Office to recover an $8 million debt by applying to wind up the school’s proprietor.

Executive principal Brindabella Christian College Suzanne Power wrote to staff on Sunday (23 February) saying some staff have not been able to receive their salary on time for this pay period.

The letter, sighted by Region, said the reason for the pay delay was due to “timing challenges in the receipt of parent fee payments, which are essential for meeting our payroll obligations”.

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But board chair Greg Zwajgenberg also told parents in a letter on Friday that the school had only received a $900,000 payment from the Commonwealth in February instead of $5 million, but didn’t say why, apart from a campaign against BCC.

He also urged parents to pay their fees to keep the school viable and so staff could be paid.

The 2025 fee schedule ranges from about $10,000 to $15,000 a year, with sibling discounts available.

Ms Power said the school was actively managing the payroll situation, and outstanding payments would be made daily as income was received.

“I understand that this has not happened before in the history of BCC,” she said.

“Please be assured that we are working diligently to ensure that this situation is resolved as quickly as possible.”

It is believed some staff’s mortgage repayments will be affected by the delay.

Ms Power said the school was committed to implementing a long-term financial solution that would provide stability and continuity for students, families, and staff.

She said a few different options were being considered and the board was poised to make a final decision.

“I humbly ask for your understanding and patience as we navigate this season together,” Ms Power said.

“We remain focused on finding a solution that serves the best interests of the entire school community. It is anticipated that this will unfold over the coming weeks.”

Ms Power urged staff to reach out if they had concerns and offered the school’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, Catholic Care, for confidential support and counselling.

“Thank you for your unwavering dedication and grace during this time,” she said.

“Your faithfulness and commitment to the mission of our College are deeply valued, and I remain hopeful that together, we will overcome these challenges and emerge stronger.”

ReformBCC said in a statement that this level of cashflow distress underpins the ATO’s position on the school’s insolvency, noting a windup was a last resort option.

“Knowing that hard-working and dedicated staff are not being paid by the school is shocking, and we imagine deeply distressing for them,” it said.

“They need to put food on the table for their families. We’re not quite sure how the executive principal expects they’ll do that if they don’t pay them their wages?”

It urged staff and families to fully inform themselves of the facts and review supporting documents provided on the ReformBCC website.

“If community members need further support or information, we encourage them to call the hotline announced by Minister Berry or contact the Fair Work Ombudsman or their union,” the statement said.

The government hotline number is 6205 5429 and is open from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays.

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The school proprietor, Brindabella Christian Education Ltd, faces a Federal Court hearing on 26 March over the tax debt.

It also must respond to a show cause notice issued by ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry by Thursday week.

Brindabella Christian College has been under investigation by the federal Education Department for more than four years over governance and financial issues.

A change in legislation last year gave the ACT Education Directorate and Minister more power to intervene, with Ms Berry demanding in September that the school provide proof of its compliance and financial viability.

The school responded late last year but that has not satisfied Ms Berry, who nonetheless has ruled out closing BCC by cancelling its registration.

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Michael Jones4:24 am 26 Feb 25

The ATO’s wind-up order against BCC is serious, but a larger issue is being ignored—the potential for the Board Chair to become the school’s financial creditor (which he has the capacity to do).

If he personally covers the debt, it won’t be a donation but a loan, legally entitling him to repayment. This would give him unchecked financial control, allowing him to dictate terms, override external accountability, and silence opposition—including government intervention. With creditor status, he could effectively tell everyone, including the government, to “go get stuffed.”

This restructuring would also allow him to sidestep many of the school’s ongoing governance and financial issues. Rather than answering to a broad group of stakeholders, BCC would be dependent on one individual with sole leverage over its financial future.

Here is an idea, don’t purchase a mechanical dog for the school that costs millions of dollars….

It was reported that all BCC staff entitlements had been previously met by the head honcho, however this now is not the case. If people are incompetent to have good financial governance, why have them in positions of power?

When do the public get their carpark back?

Innernorthlattesipper5:54 pm 24 Feb 25

Hmm- can’t pay their debts. Solvency??? The Board are individually and collectively accountable to ensure that the entity is solvent…

On the $5m v $900k issue mentioned in the article, most independent schools get their government funding every 6 months, but BCC has not lodged its financial documentation for the 2023 year with the Department of Education (https://www.myschool.edu.au/school/49984/finances) or the ACNC (https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charities/59ad763f-38af-e811-a961-000d3ad24182/documents/) so it gets its government funding every month instead of twice a year as the Department has much less understanding of the financial status of the school. BCC gets about $10m a year from government funding. If it lodged its accounts on time it would get two $5m payments a year (one in Jan one in July), but as it has not lodged accounts it get 12 payments a year, one each month, of about $900k (12 x $900k =~$10m). It’s the same amount over the year.

Canberra Gal4:08 pm 24 Feb 25

BCC Staff – please take a stand and all walk out. The Board cannot run a school without teachers and it will bring things to ahead. This madness has gone on long enough and now you are not even being paid. This is the kindest thing you can do for the poor students and their families.

Frank Ensence2:38 pm 24 Feb 25

Safe to assume the teachers’ superannuation contributions will not be paid either. These situations require immediate intervention from the teachers union because the regulator(s) aren’t helping their cause.

Just to show how out of touch Ms Power is… BCC doesn’t actually have an EAP provider – Catholic Care don’t cover BCC since mid 2024. BCC just don’t care about their staff financially, emotionally, … not at all.

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