25 February 2025

Seaplanes are about to take off from Lake Burley Griffin (finally)

| James Coleman
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South Coast Seaplane will operate hourly scenic flights over Canberra between 9 am and 5 pm, one day every two weeks. Photo: South Coast Seaplanes, Facebook.

There have been constant setbacks and delays since we first heard the news seaplanes would be taking off from and landing on Lake Burley Griffin, but now we finally have a date.

And it’s as close as next month.

South Coast Seaplanes, based at Moruya Airport, has been approved by the National Capital Authority (NCA) to fly scenic loops over Canberra from early March in what it hopes will become a thriving tourist attraction.

“When we did trials a couple of years ago, one that that really struck me was how good a product this is,” chief pilot Tim Gilbo told Region this week.

“We take off from West Lake and go down around Mount Majura and Parliament House. Then, we back up to Kingston and past Black Mountain before going back in. It’s just really spectacular and very easy to do.”

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The flights are actually the realisation of a vision from as far back as 2016 when the ACT Government’s tourism agency, Visit Canberra, was looking for ways to capitalise on the fact Singapore Airlines had started flying into the city.

“Visit Canberra was very keen to have as much product as they could here for international visitors,” Mr Gilbo said.

South Coast Seaplanes agreed to the proposal, because “it’s just a lake, and they’re all runways to us”.

Lake Burley Griffin

Kingston Foreshore from the air. Photo: James Coleman.

Mr Gilbo said flight paths were cleared years ago with the Canberra Airport, but it has been a busy few years meeting with the NCA and lake-user groups to make sure the flights don’t impact recreational activities on the lake.

“The lake is used for a lot of things, and seaplanes are still very rare in Australia – people don’t know much about them – so we’ve had to do a lot of work in communicating to other lake users, finding out what they do and making sure we won’t impact that.”

Exact dates and prices are yet to be confirmed, but Mr Gilbo pencilled in 7 or 8 March as the inaugural day, with flights taking off from West Lake every hour between 9 am and 5 pm at a cost of around $295 per person per flight.

Passengers will board and disembark from the floating pontoon on Acton Peninsula, near the National Museum of Australia.

“Initially, we’ll be looking at something like a day every two weeks, and then hopefully expand on that depending on how much the phone rings really,” Mr Gilbo said.

“I always say to people that the easy part is actually landing a seaplane somewhere. The hard part is making it financially sustainable. And that’s the bit we don’t know so much about yet, but we’ll certainly try.”

Down the track, South Coast Seaplanes would like to offer overnight options to places like Jindabyne or Narooma.

“But there’s a bit more to that logistically, so we’ll just take it one step at a time.”

Seaplane on Lake Burley Griffin

In the air in a seaplane. Photo: James Coleman.

Updates on ticket availability will be published to South Coast Seaplanes’ social-media pages in the coming days.

Meanwhile, Sydney Seaplanes was slated to begin flights between Rose Bay and Lake Burley Griffin halfway through 2023 but has since come up against air-traffic issues on the Sydney end.

Sydney Seaplanes managing director Aaron Shaw said these need to be worked through with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and Air Services Australia before they can come to Canberra, but he didn’t give a timeline.

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To all you grumblers, I’m just giddy in anticipation!.

I can’t wait!

Learn2fly Canberra5:34 pm 27 Feb 25

Your local charter company based at Canberra airport would be happy to take you on a scenic flight from the airport. All the same views, 20 minutes flight time for $150 per person. We can take you anywhere else you would like to go also!!

Petrina Quinn4:25 pm 27 Feb 25

Sydney Seaplanes is also seeking entry to our Lake. The business plan will likely be minimal flights increasing over time. As a lake user, in particular swimmer, and in the West Basin too, I hope I don’t become a casualty. This makes me very anxious. The whole space is already so congested. I did not realise the initiation came from Visit Canberra. What a crack pot idea!

There should not be seaplanes flying over Canberra or Lake Burley Griffin at all. But to start on the same weekend as the Balloon Festival in Canberra is lunacy.

So powerboats, V8s and other noisy recreational activities on and around the lake are not allowed, but this is? Why is that?

1 day every 2 weeks look at all the cry babies. Likely won’t last long anyway as the fun police will step in and becomes one less thing to do in Canberra. $300 for a 15 min flight yikes

IDIOTS. We have a dedicated Airport and aircraft Corridor. WHY MUST Residents Be subjected to NOISE+++.


Have you walked the Devine rose bay to Watson bay with seaplanes thundering in our out all day long. Actually hurts ones ears. Why is this being allowed. GREED FOR MORE MONEY!!! The beauty of our City is the Lake and walking, push bike riding. Seeing the boats. And Greedy company’s want to make Money while citizens lives are taken apart by noise!!! Residential housing all around. Airplanes MUST GO TO AIRPORT!!

Canberra Engineer6:15 pm 23 Feb 25

You get the same view flying out of Canberra Airport. But with this you’re paying more for a slower, more cramped journey. So, love to see the business plan.

Well that’s the point mate, you don’t get the same view. You would understand flight paths, runway orientation and city flights so I don’t need to explain it. Or perhaps you don’t.

Capital Retro3:29 pm 23 Feb 25

I don’t think seaplanes are certified to do loops or any other aerobatic manoeuvre.

Roger, Tracy6:16 pm 23 Feb 25

If they were unable to loop on the yaw axis (with a roll component) they would have great difficulty flying anywhere that the runway did not point.

Capital Retro7:55 pm 23 Feb 25

So they can water loop but not ground loop?

Roger, Tracy10:50 am 24 Feb 25

From the description, that looks like their plan.

Probably sounds better than advertising “Fly around a basin!”.

I hope this goes belly up – not literally but financially. It will ruin the amenity of the lake and endanger users, and create unneeded noise pollution over central Canberra. The idea was an indulgent hobby horse of a now thankfully departed head of the NCA. Don’t wreck our lake!

Ruin the amenity of the lake? You must be joking, are we talking about the same lake? The one in central Canberra that is closed for most of the summer because of blue green algae, the one with the weed problem, the one that is brown instead of blue, the one that has been hijacked by hobby yachts for the past sixty years, the one that has been under utilised since construction? Any new introduction that would make the lake more interesting would have to be better than what has become an eyesore.

Capital Retro4:15 pm 23 Feb 25

I think the ACT Government (which is already broke) will go belly up before Jerry Schwartz does.

Peter Graves12:35 pm 23 Feb 25

Mmmm – on 3 February was this announcement: “Sydney’s iconic Sydney Seaplanes has been sold to the Schwartz Family Company (SFC), headed by hotels and hospitality mogul Dr Jerry Schwartz.” Or here: https://australianaviation.com.au/2025/02/sydney-seaplanes-to-grow-fleet-under-new-ownership/

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