AFP Commissioner, Mick Keelty, must still be smarting [Canberra Times] over Jon Stanhope’s tongue-lashing of him during the terror law debates.
So much so that in the day he had a whinge about it in the paper (see above link) he’s gone on and waded in [AAP via Yahoo] to the local debate over police numbers.
The government knows the figure we’ve asked for and I know the police association talked about figures ranging anywhere between 110 and 180, but it is up to the government of the day to deliver the police for the community
Commissioner Keelty’s own need for more police from somewhere, anywhere, to fling across the pacific rim is, I’m sure, unrelated to this intervention.
UPDATED: The Canberra Times is reporting that Simon Corbell (who has yet to answer your questions that he promised to) had a major tanty and seems to be labouring under the misapprehension that the Commissioner of the AFP works for him.
So outraged was Mr Corbell that he met ACT Chief Police Officer Audrey Fagan to air his concerns. Mr Corbell also attempted to get in touch with Mr Keelty but as of last night had been unable to.
Simon continued to throw his toys out of the pram this morning on ABC Radio.
UPDATE 2: The ABC has news of a reconciliation between Keelty and Corbell with the following, very limited, apology from Simon.
“And certainly, I indicated to him to any extent that I’ve misconstrued his comments that I’m sorry for that.”