24 January 2025

Cricket-gate not the only trouble for cash-strapped Canberra Libs

| Chris Johnson
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Canberra Liberals president Nick Tyrrell has written to the party’s management committee outlining a number of serious issues for the division ahead of the election. Photo: GoBoat Australia.

The Canberra Liberals campaign to regain elected representation at the federal level is in disarray, with less than $21,000 in the coffers and infighting over endorsements plaguing the ACT division of the party.

As Region reported exclusively this morning (24 January), embattled ACT Senate candidate Jacob Vadakkedathu has a battle on his hands not just over allegations of branch stacking but also over whether he had the authority to sell a cricket bat at his campaign launch.

He insists he was urged to take the bat from the division office to auction at his fundraiser event last year, but a letter from party president Nick Tyrrell to the management committee says otherwise.

The lengthy email, leaked to Region and republished here, reveals much more about the dire state of the Canberra Liberals’ campaign just weeks away from the federal election.

Media training for Mr Vadakkedathu and the cancellation of an event this week where he was to be endorsed by Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton have both seen the campaign budget decimated.

“Jacob made a financial contribution to the campaign to allow this to happen [media training], and it is worth noting this was agreed to even though it reduced the funds available for the campaign by about $6,000, leaving around $21,000 available,” Mr Tyrell wrote.

“Regrettably, we have also refunded around $4,000 of registrations to the Peter Dutton event this week, which sets us further behind.

“I understand this is a difficult situation, and you are likely all receiving calls and messages like I am.”

READ ALSO It’s not cricket: Embattled Libs Senate candidate being targetted for selling a bat

Mr Tyrrell also used the letter to apologise to ACT Assembly Opposition Leader and leader of the Canberra Liberals, Leanne Castley, for the furore over Mr Vadakkedathu’s candidacy and the calling of Division Council over his endorsement.

“To Leanne in particular, I am sorry you have had to carry the can for both federal issues and party matters this week in public,” the letter says.

“I hope we can all aim to resolve this situation as quickly and decisively as possible in order to get our campaign Back on Track and take the fight to Labor.”

A letter to the wider membership from Mr Tyrrell, sent out on Tuesday this week and also seen by Region, explains the Dutton event was almost sold out and promises to refund all who had registered to attend.

“As I foreshadowed last week, we will be unable to host the Opposition Leader this Thursday, which is disappointing but of course understandable in light of the current situation,” the letter to members says.

“I am hopeful we will have the opportunity to reschedule as quickly as possible, especially as there are sitting weeks imminent.

“We had almost sold out the event, so I am grateful to so many of you who registered as it was to be a fundraising opportunity for our federal campaign and a great opportunity to begin the year with a sense of purpose, but given the circumstances you will be refunded in full over the coming days.”

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Mr Tyrrell’s email to the management committee, however, also flags party contenders for preselection for the ACT’s House of Representatives seats.

Michael Keating of Keating Media, which published the Inside Canberra political newsletter, is among them, as is young Liberal and political staffer William Roche – both expressing interest for the seat of Canberra.

Mr Tyrrell said he could not comment on internal party matters when approached by Region.

Mr Vadakkedathu claims he is being set up over the sale of the cricket bat, but would not comment on other internal party issues such as the branch stacking allegations against him.

Other party sources have told Region that it is an “extremely bitter and divisive” fight over Mr Vadakkedathu’s position.

Some within the division want a woman to replace Mr Vadakkedathu as the Senate candidate if he is disendorsed so as to better counter Labor Senator Katy Gallagher.

There is also speculation Mr Tyrrell might throw his own hat into the ring for consideration.

But Mr Vadakkedathu is refusing to step aside voluntarily, insisting he has done nothing to warrant disendorsement.

A Liberal Party divisional council meeting has been set for 1 February to consider the future of his candidacy.

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The ACT Liberal Party decided today that Mr Vadakkedathu will remain their candidate for the next Senate election.

And the ghost of Zed continues, the coffins were emptied out by his hard right reelection pitch to the electorate that obviously didn’t appeal to anyone.

The Zed, Hansen and Wheeler faction types need to resign, they bring nothing but rubbish that would only stick in a QLD campaign . Read the room ya muppets

God blimey, can anyone get Nick Tyrrell to shut up!

If things weren’t bad enough for the Canberra Liberals with Jacob Vadakkedathwho, Jeremy Hanson and his followers doing their bests to undermine the party, president Nick Tyrell is again writing to and giving another lengthy update to members.

Unsurprisingly it has made its way into the media again!

Libs don’t need Canberra to win Government. Why waste money in a Lefty voting City. Albo will ensure Libs win without us.

Yeah, they said that about the teal seats they lost as well, good luck with that tactic of snubbing voters who don’t fall into line. So much for the “broad church” of the Liberal party.

In case you have not realised Australia is not the US. Even if Dutton wins he’s going to be stuck with a crossbench and a hostile senate at best.

Capital Retro7:03 pm 25 Jan 25

Especially after today when he let Grace Tame into the Lodge for tea when she was wearing a T shirt telling Murdoch what to do.
If Albo had any sense he would have shown her the door but he didn’t and I reckon that will cost him the election.

You’re so comical Capital I mean seriously funny stuff.

I hate to break it to you but punters care about the price of eggs, not what Grace Tame was wearing today…I mean seriously get a grip champ, you’re as bad as any lefty breathlessly exclaiming “this will cost Trump the election”.

And Grace Tame was young Australian of the year, if Dutton was PM rn he’d probably be hosting her for tea as well it’s part of the PMs gig. This is Australia, not Trump’s circus in America, we’re still civilised down here.

Also if you honestly believe that billionaires like Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the oligarchs have your best interests at heart I strongly advise you to log off, go for a walk and touch some grass because your grip on reality is a lot more tenuous than you realise.

Capital Retro11:57 am 27 Jan 25

It’s ironic that it was one of Murdoch’s newspapers (Hobart Mercury) that enabled Tame to achieve fame for people like you.
What a great role model she isn’t and Albo does his usual thing (nothing).

What are you talking about? You sound like a complete fool. Firstly she was young Australian of the year (it may surprise you but I don’t actually have a say in that decision)…..but please tell me what’s exactly wrong with advocating to end violence against women?

Please explain your position here.

Then shut down the Canberra Liberals and spend that public money elsewhere because yes you are correct, they are wasting our time and money. And it is public money, our money, that saves them from bankruptcy so something else can take their place that actually cares about Canberra more than their boring branch meetings and tiresome SkyNews talking points.

It is ironic that the Canberra Liberals still cannot grasp they are dying along with SkyNews shrinking audience.

Capital Retro11:52 am 28 Jan 25

She was Australian (not young) of the year and she is now about 30 y.o. and showing signs of immaturity.
Her stunt at the lodge had nothing to do with violence against women and if it was I am bewildered as to why she would involve Rupert Murdoch.
You are the one that needs to explain why you obviously condone her actions.

“It’s ironic that it was one of Murdoch’s newspapers (Hobart Mercury) that enabled Tame to achieve fame for people like you.”

Sorry, I thought I was a Grace Tame fan according to you Captial? Meanwhile, in the real world, not the grievance world that the far right inhabits I have NI if Tame was Australian or Young Australian of the year. It’s almost as if you spray non-stop complete nonsense, Capital…almost.

Anyhoo the point was she had reason to be there and last I checked we still have free speech in this country, even for dopes who think that Rupert Murdoch is their friend.

“It’s ironic that it was one of Murdoch’s newspapers (Hobart Mercury) that enabled Tame to achieve fame for people like you.”

Please explain your objection to advocating against violence against women. What is it about Grace Tame that upsets you so much?

As for Albo, he’s the PM not a king, it’s not his job to censor anyone, you’d have a conniption he told a dummy wearing a MAGA hat to take it off.

IDK capital, just trying to help you out but maybe, think then post.

What absolute dribble CR. The only people that give a hoot about that t-shirt weren’t voting for Albo anyway.

When one has 1700s views of the world seano, I’m sure they can extend to treatment of women too…

JS9, I’m sure (based on history) Capital won’t explain his outrage over Grace Tame and her “fame”, we can only guess why (but it’s not that hard).

WOW, somewhat of a record even for this leftist contributor. Three anti-Liberal stories within a week. Now you will to go for 4 or maybe even 5 pro-left and anti-Liberal stories mate.

Canberra Liberals leaking against each other….must be a lefty’s fault. lol

Yep because all these lame ducks are secretly Labor plants.

It would make sense though. Zed was the best thing to ever happen to Labor so Jacob is clearly a “Leftist” plant then too. They’re both an incompetent joke. Perhaps Jacob can build on his mentor Zeds success and offend and insult the entire Pacific this time.

It’s always someone else’s fault isn’t it Rob, never your own.

Grow up.

Always someone else’s fault isn’t it Rob, never your own.

How “conservative” of you.

Capital Retro1:56 pm 28 Jan 25

More lefties have been recruited to bolster the pile-on team it appears, Rob.
The stuff they are using to smear me is really from the bottom of the barrel but I’m not bovvered.

Canberra’s decision not to trust them to run the territory 7 times in a row seems vindicated.

So far, the Liberal’s signature policy for Canberra is a 20% reduction in the APS. That will go down like a lead ballon, even with Liberal Party supporters in the business sector. Why contribute money to a lame duck party?

Let’s not forget that at the territory level having repeatedly been rejected by an electorate ready for change (two new independents elected) but concerned about electing a far-right Liberal Party….the lesson the Canberra Liberals learned was…..HAHAHA…joking they put Castley and Hanson in charge so no lessons were learned.

Castley is anything but a moderate and Hanson…well they could not have picked anyone who raises more concerns amongst moderate Canberran voters.

The dysfunction isn’t just about the infighting and lack of funds (donors have seemingly realised that it doesn’t what the odds are backing losers is still throwing good money after bad) it’s the Canberra Liberals’ complete disconnect with the electorate they seek to represent.

Saul Goodman11:16 pm 24 Jan 25

I see the new catchcry of libs is to get “back on track”

All I anticipate is them doing a re-run of Sydney’s 1977 Granville bridge rail crash disaster

What did anyone expect from someone who honestly boasted about doing his own laundry as a “life achievement”?

“juggling my work studies, and other things including cooking, washing, shopping etc. Managing Part-time jobs, studies and doing all your stuffs by yourself. It was a tough experience”


Capital Retro6:19 pm 24 Jan 25

Why are you calling this “Cricket-gate”?
I don’t recall Labor’s phony Mediscare campaigns being called “Medi-gate” or the time when they were getting dead people to vote wasn’t named “dead-voter-gate”.
By the way, the Canberra Liberals have been cash-strapped for years. I recall one member had to bail them out with his own resources.
It’s impossible for them to compete with Labor’s cash flow from their clubs etc.

“I don’t recall Labor’s phony Mediscare campaigns being called “Medi-gate” “

You can’t make this up, what do you think “mediscare” is if not a made-up name for a “scandal” used by the media? Genius stuff Capital.

Every election for the past three elections the ALP have promoted false stories about the privatisation of Medicare. So Seano “Mediscare.” FACTS MATTER, ideology and leftist spin and lies doesn’t matter at all.

A wordsmith you clearly are not CR. Let alone the basic mistruths present in most posts – like seano’s comment below.

Rob mate, calm down. I didn’t deny that Labor used Medicare as a part of their campaigning against the coalition. You need to take a deep breath and think before posting champion.

I merely pointed out that Captial’s whinge about the unfairness of tagging this latest Canberra Liberals scandal as credit #cricketgate by invoking the actual tag the Labor campaign was labelled with ie. Mediscare was the sort of “genius” thinking we’ve come to expect.

But then for those who live in a world of grievance, it must be hard to think clearly.

Btw whilst it’s amusing to hear whinging about a Labor scare campaign from promoters of the voice scare campaign…I mean cry me a river seriously… but (and I get reasoned argument is a challenge for some) Laobr were right to raise concerns over Medicare given the damage to bulk billing rates under the LNP such that we now have either bulk bill mills where the GPs can’t spend time with patients and lots of stuff gets missed or we have fee for service GPs which is great for those who you can afford but many can’t.

Ian De Landelles5:17 pm 24 Jan 25

Those who have followed the political process for as long as I have, will well remember that a major cause of Labor being unsuccessful federally for so long, was the specter of them being unable to govern themselves, so how could they possibly govern the country.

A major factor was the Socialist Left in Victoria which, at the time was controlled by George Crawford and Bill Hartley, which made the ALP unelectable both in the state and, as a consequence, also federally.

The resultant intervention by The Federal Executive saw a clean out of the incumbents and subsequently played a major role in the election of the Whitlam Government in 1972.

It is obvious to even the most casual of political observers, that the Canberra Liberals are totally dysfunctional, and unless and until there is root and branch reform, they’ll continue to have the same political ‘success’ they have ‘enjoyed’ for the last two decades.

You watch Senator Gallagher’s performances in Senate Estimates or media comments on aspects of her portfolio responsibilities and you wonder about the quality of our Territory representatives. But when you compare to what’s on offer from the other side, the answer is clear.

So yet one more derogatory story on the ACT Liberal Party. Everything from they’re evil to corrupt and divided and surprisingly ALL written by a small group of contributors to the publication. Even blind Freddy can see the coincidence is not coincidence.

The leak came from within the Liberal Party.

Rob, time to grow up mate.

I can see why truthful reporting of an issue within the conservatives would be considered derogatory from a jaundiced, partisan perspective.

So the Canberra Liberals endemic and president failure is always someone else’s fault? Grow up Rob and go experience life outside branch meetings and SkyNews.

frizzyjimjim10:37 am 25 Jan 25

And there will be many more stories. This group of dysfunctional wastes of space keep providing material that prints itself. I love it!

HE HE, so what! This contributor ONLY writes anti-Liberal political articles. As for Justsayings comment, mate I totally agree with a Liberal opposition as inept as the Territory one. They should be made to defend positions, so should the ALP. Unfortunately with such a dysfunctional opposition Canberrans get an ALP/ Communist Greens coalition. My problem is the left bias of this particular contributor, it’s blatantly obvious and there is zero attempt at balance.

Mate grown up conversation and comment certainly doesn’t come from your left. It’s called “critical thinking” and thinking through a political policy Seano. Something your side of politics has lacked for nearly 5 decades.

Fair dinkum Rob. Looking for conspiracy theories, and ‘its all someone else’s fault’ is exactly why the LNP is a joke in the Territory….

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