29 November 2008

Walk Against Warming

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Saturday 6th December
City Walk (near the fountain at the front of the Canberra Centre)

Another drop-in to my intray. Last time I went to one of these, I was stunned at the number of cars!

    The Walk Against Warming kick-off events in Sydney and Melbourne attracted huge crowds attempting to influence the Australian delegation heading off to Poland for the next round of international negotiations. It’s up to us to keep up the momentum!!

    On December 6th, the international day of action, come out and show your support for strong, immediate action on climate change. Listen to a couple of great speakers, march around the city in a crowd of people, including performers, and listen to the fantastic sounds of local Canberra musicians, joining with people all over the country and the world determined to see action on climate change Saturday 6th December 11.30am City Walk (near the fountain at the front of the Canberra Centre)

    * Light Rail for Canberra
    * A Renewable Energy future
    * Strong Commitments at Poznan for deep cuts in emissions

    Volunteers needed!
    If you have a first aid certificate and want a guaranteed shady spot to sit during the speakers and music, please get in touch – we need another volunteer in our first aid tent.

    Bucket Collectors
    The Walk costs a lot to run, but it is a very important event, as well as being fun, so we want to keep doing it! You can help out by being a bucket collector on the day. It just involves going through the crowd with a donations bucket, and people are happy to support what you’re doing.

    Traffic Marshals
    We’re required by Roads ACT to have temporary traffic marshals in some spots on the Walk. You’ll get to wear a flouro vest as well as the satisfaction of controlling traffic.

    Flier hander-outers
    On the three days before the Walk, we need people to hand out fliers in Garema place at lunchtime. This is not a difficult or time-consuming job, but it is very important to let people know that the Walk is coming up – soon! If you can spend part of your lunchtime on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday let me know

    Helpers to set up & pack down.
    It’s always great to have a couple of people help out with the set up and pack down. If you can be there early, or don’t mind staying on to help pack up, we’d really appreciate it.

    Please contact Genevieve at campaign(@)consact.org.au or 6229 6208, or Robyn: communications(@)consact.org.au if you can do any of the above.

    Volunteers for the Walk Against Warming will have lunch on the day on us

    And if you haven’t yet promoted the walk to your email lists, networks, friends, relatives, work-mates and grandparents – do it now!

    Robyn Vance
    Communications and Development Officer
    Conservation Council ACT Region
    GPO Box 544 Canberra 2601
    T: 02 6229 3200 F: 02 6248 5343
    W: www.consact.org.au

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ACTION putting on special busses defeats the point. Extra busses = extra emissions.

People concerned about Global Warming, attending this event, should make the effort to catch the pre-existing public transport.

It would be really good if maybe ACTION could get behind it and put on special buses or something.

But if you weren’t driving to the walk against warming you’d be driving somewhere else, so I reckon you may as well turn up and support them.

: )

Haha, yeah pretty much.

But seriously, I’m trying to allude to the fact that the majority of participants to this event will likely drive into the city, which is like killing an executioner because you oppose the death penalty.

So basically you want to know where you can stick your V8?

; )

Sweet, a walk against Global Warming.
I’ll be driving out from Tuggeranong in my V8, where should I park?

Did you mean Romans in Britain after 41BC?

Oh, I get myself demoted all the time. It’s part of my general black sheepness.

Gungahlin Al9:17 am 01 Dec 08

Oi – since when did Thumper become “demagogue”?? Never even seen that before.
And Granny’s moved beyond veteran to agitator – ha – sounds like a demotion. 🙂

I was convinced about gloabl warming, but there are two sides to every debate:

Print John Stapleton | November 29, 2008
Article from: The Australian
EUROPE is shivering through an extreme cold snap. One of the coldest winters in the US in more than 100 years is toppling meteorological records by the dozen, and the Arctic ice is expanding. Even Australia has been experiencing unseasonable snow.

But the stories about global warming have not stopped, not for a second.

In May last year, The Sydney Morning Herald breathlessly reported that climate change had reduced the Southern Ocean’s ability to soak up carbon dioxide, claiming that as a result global warming would accelerate even faster than previously thought.

The story was picked up and repeated in a number of different journals around the region.

But this week the CSIRO suggested the exact opposite. “The new study suggests that Southern Ocean currents, and therefore the Southern Ocean’s ability to soak up carbon dioxide, have not changed in recent decades,” it said. This time the story got no coverage in the SMH, and was run on the ABC’s website as evidence the Southern Ocean was adapting to climate change.

CSIRO oceanographer Stuart Rintoul, a co-author of the study, said it did not disprove global warming and he did not believe its lack of an alarmist tone was responsible for the poor coverage.

But the story is being pointed out as an example of media bias on global warming. Critics argue that the ABC and the Fairfax media are the worst offenders.

ABC board member Keith Windschuttle said yesterday the national broadcaster was in breach of its charter to provide a diversity of views. “The ABC and the Fairfax press rarely provide an opportunity for global warming sceptics to put their view,” Mr Windschuttle said. “The science is not settled.

“We are seeing an increasing number of people with impeccable scientific backgrounds questioning part or whole of the story. I don’t believe the ABC has been reflecting the genuine diversity of the debate. Under its own act, the ABC is required to produce a diversity of views.”

Bob Carter of James Cook University, one of the world’s best-known climate change sceptics, said there was no doubt Windschuttle was correct.

“With very few exceptions, press reporters commenting on global warming are either ignorant of the science matters involved, or wilfully determined to propagate warming hysteria because that fits their personal world view, or are under editorial direction to focus the story around the alarmist headline grab — and often all three,” Professor Carter said.

National Climate Centre former head William Kininmonth said coverage of global warming had been hysterical and was getting worse, with a large public relations effort inundating the media with information from the alarmist side.

I heard that the recent Walk Against Warm in Orange NSW was cancelled a few Saturdays back because it was too cold for the participants. Snow will do that to you.

GottaLoveCanberra11:31 pm 30 Nov 08

Do I believe in climate change? Yes
Do I believe that humans are wholly responsible for climate change? Shit no.

What I don’t like is people spoon feeding us bullshit then I still see public service/private large buildings with all their lights left on and probably most of the computers/printers/copiers/whatever all still on.

Big businesses/Govt need to lead the change and actually mean it, not come up with hodge podge solutions just to look good in the eyes of the people until next election rolls around when they can then brag about said hodge podge solutions. Oh wait, that’s not just limited to environmental issues.

*does the cynical dance*

I don’t think you were in 1J/2J … *sigh*

I’m going to see if I can find you in my class photo ….


Gungahlin Al9:33 pm 30 Nov 08

PS: Granny re: #6 – spot on.

Gungahlin Al9:32 pm 30 Nov 08

Beat youse both. Already been in Canberra a year or so before watching Armstrong step on the moon in 1969 at the Red Hill school, then catching up with Granny as the first students in Scullin School.

But hang on – the moon landing was a faked conspiracy too – wasn’t it Licker??

Thanks, guys!

: )

Do you think the climate here is warmer BerraBoy68?

Granny said :

Well, we moved to Canberra in 1969!! They were building those new Scullin shops.

LOL! Love ya granny.

We came to Canberra straight from London in ’73, (OK, I spent 6 months in Randwick, Syd first).

We bought one of the first houses to be built in Flynn. The only shop in the vicinity was what is now the scout hall at Charnwood shops. I recall being held up in my dad’s car one day due to a bushfire only to be told by a fireman that the burn-off was for a new shopping mall (what is now known as Belconnen Mall).

Feel old much? hell yea…

Can’t wait to meet you…

Well you don’t sound your age, and the Riotact is a better place with you in it.

Oh, I tell everyone!

: )

And I thought ‘a lady’ never told!

Well, we moved to Canberra in 1969!! They were building those new Scullin shops.


Granny said :

I totally believe that Canberra is warmer these days than when I was a child.

And how long ago was that granny? 🙂

I totally believe that Canberra is warmer these days than when I was a child.

R. Slicker said :

“There is NO global warming… Anybody participating in this walk has been sucked in by a worldwide media conspiracy.”

To rip-off a line from some recent ANU article (Woroni?) “To deny climate change is to commit intellectual suicide”.

It’s true. Not because denying climate change questions some ‘conspiracy’, but because denying climate change means that you have chosen to ignore the vast amount of evidence that is out there. It means your views are not based on evidence. It means that you are addressing a scientific issue while ignoring the science.

Every climate change skeptic I’ve met appears seems to have formed their views from very limited sources. Some even say that because they haven’t personally noticed climate change, it’s not happening.

They choose to ignore the vast and compelling evidence that a few hours research with an open mind would reveal.

Trouble is, most of the evidence is revealing itself in subtle ways or in remote areas (glaciers in PNG, sea temperatures etc.) By the time climate change is obvious to us here in daily temperatures, sea levels etc. it will be too late. By the time EVERYONE agrees it is happening, it won’t matter anyway.

And once upon a time people thought the earth was flat

Compelling arguement.

It’s got layers !

R. Slicker said :

Oh, for God’s sake why do we have to put up with moronic posts like this? There is NO global warming. End of story.

And once upon a time people thought the earth was flat. End of story.

bloodnut said :

Is it wrong to take advantage of a beautifully warm day to have a walk against global warming?

No, not at all. What is wrong is that some (not all!) of these walkers will go home after the walk and continue on with their energy and resource wasteful ways and won’t have learnt one iota from what they are told about global warming at the event.

Quite frankly – we’re all going to die! If four Australian states can’t agree on how to save the Murray-Darling then what are the chances of getting all the countries of world to agree to take measures to possibly save the planet from doom?

Is it wrong to take advantage of a beautifully warm day to have a walk against global warming?

The last one looked like a lot of fun regardless of your opinions or belief.

Oh, for God’s sake why do we have to put up with moronic posts like this? There is NO global warming. End of story. Anybody participating in this walk has been sucked in by a worldwide media conspiracy.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy11:32 pm 29 Nov 08

I’m all for solutions that improve the energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact in our lives, but what I’m really sick of is the ridiculous measures some people want to take that make F#$% ALL difference.

Let’s get some real solutions, please!

I blame global warming.

I reckon it’s a bit silly to wait till it’s like fifty degrees out there and go, “Oh, they were right about that ….”

If they’re wrong, who cares? What harm can it do to take some sensible measures to stop polluting our world?

miz said :

(miz)”… but this global warming thing is like a wacky religion no one’s allowed to dissent from.”

This town is full of scientists, ask them. If you still think they are all wrong, dissent away.

Mary Whitehouse8:51 pm 29 Nov 08

Sounds like communism to me!

Gungahlin Al7:51 pm 29 Nov 08

Miz there is not and never has been the slightest doubt as to the impact on ozone of CFCs.
The Montreal Protocol was a triumph for international environmentalism.

But there is still a lot of damaging CFCs and similar released from some 3rd world countries. Plus that already released can take decades to reach the altitude where it does the damage, so we will continue to have the problems of the ozone hole for quite some time yet.

Ironic that something so important at high altitudes for our survival, is actually a major pollutant down at our level…

Do people really think there is global warming? I think it’s a fad – like the hole in the ozone layer. Don’t get me wrong, I reckon it’s good to not waste stuff and be kind to the planet, but this global warming thing is like a wacky religion no one’s allowed to dissent from.

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