3 June 2011

An unusually honest suggestion for the GWS jersey

| johnboy
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GWS jersey designs

A wag has been in touch to let us know the GWS Make Your Mark competition has a great entry.

Most of the designs feature Parliament House (despite Telstrayama being the true Canberra icon) but the bucket of money being poured into a toilet titled “ACT Taxpayers’ Money” is our favourite.

C’mon facebookers, get with the liking!

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Holden Caulfield9:25 pm 04 Jun 11

Ronnielane said :

Your highest paid-highest profile player is a mungo, how frustrating is that?

Dunno, maybe you should run that one past Gus Gould. He seems pretty frustrated by it.

shadow boxer5:35 pm 04 Jun 11

BimboGeek said :

What I learned from this website is that Griffie is attaching and eating AFL players.

Speaking as a Victorian, AFL games are long, boring, noisy and populated by an audience full of tools who seem to think that their nominated champion’s achievements are indicative of their own awesomeness.

I wanted to vote for ACT Taxpayers Money but 🙁

I love all footy but that’s an excellent rant, it’s up their with the best criticism of golf course i’ve heard where someone described them as “the airport lounges of landscape architecture”

dvaey said :

I guess that depends if youre asking Canberrans or asking outsiders. To Canberrans Telstrayama is an icon, but to people outside the ACT they probably wouldnt recognise its significance any differently than an endangered frog. To most outsiders, Canberra is Parliament house and nothing more.

Which is why we should get Telstrayama on there. As it happens, two of my designs have it on there one way or another 🙂

What I learned from this website is that Griffie is attaching and eating AFL players.

Speaking as a Victorian, AFL games are long, boring, noisy and populated by an audience full of tools who seem to think that their nominated champion’s achievements are indicative of their own awesomeness.

I wanted to vote for ACT Taxpayers Money but 🙁

“Most of the designs feature Parliament House (despite Telstrayama being the true Canberra icon”

I guess that depends if youre asking Canberrans or asking outsiders. To Canberrans Telstrayama is an icon, but to people outside the ACT they probably wouldnt recognise its significance any differently than an endangered frog. To most outsiders, Canberra is Parliament house and nothing more.

Frustrated said :

I am a paid up foundation member. Anything I can do to restore the former order to Canberra, after the knuckle dragging Rugby supporters in-filtrated it.

Aussie Rules was here, long before your imported English rubbish. I’m talking the ACT too.

Your highest paid-highest profile player is a mungo, how frustrating is that?

I am a paid up foundation member. Anything I can do to restore the former order to Canberra, after the knuckle dragging Rugby supporters in-filtrated it. Aussie Rules was here, long before your imported English rubbish. I’m talking the ACT too.


P.S. Having Skoda as a sponsor confirms my suspicion that GWS will be targeting the same yuppy, status anxiety demographic that purchases Volkswagen Auto Group cars (and then mentions the fact that they own a Golf at any opportunity).

Holden Caulfield1:45 pm 03 Jun 11

Haha, that’s brilliant!

Jono said :

That didn’t last long. Looks like it’s gone already.

I voted for it while it was still there. At the time it was leading in the “likes” count. 🙂

neanderthalsis said :

It is no longer there! And for a club that is called Greater Western Sydney and NOT ACT there seems to be a lot of Canberra specific Guernseys.

I believe the competition is for the design to be used for ACT games.

johnboy said :

Lucky I got a screenshot

Man, you have to be quick nowadays! But the toilet shot has my vote!

Lucky I got a screenshot

neanderthalsis1:05 pm 03 Jun 11

It is no longer there! And for a club that is called Greater Western Sydney and NOT ACT there seems to be a lot of Canberra specific Guernseys.

That didn’t last long. Looks like it’s gone already.

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