The RSPCA’s new facility is being held up by the legless striped lizard. Photo: Mulligans Flat.
The ACT Government has hit back at criticism that the building of a new animal shelter for the RCPSA ACT has been delayed unnecessarily. Ironically, it seems an animal is partly to blame.
Last week, an exasperated RSPCA ACT CEO Michelle Robertson said the Territory faced a crisis in surrendered and abandoned animals, and the Weston shelter was in danger of being overwhelmed.
Ms Robertson said the time for talk was over and the government needed to get on and build the new shelter in Pialligo as promised,
However, the chosen site on the southern side of Section 14, Block 2 in Pialligo proved problematic due to the identified presence of the legless striped lizard and natural temperate grassland.
A government spokesperson said the design of the RSPCA facility initially commenced on the southern part of the new site, but in 2023, additional ecological studies and investigations were required as part of the environmental approvals for the project under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
In early 2024, it was decided to move the facility to the northern part of the site to ensure the protection of the natural temperate grassland and striped legless lizard. The new site also does not require approval under the EPBC Act.
This site is located on the north-eastern side of the Addison Road and Fairbairn Avenue intersection. To the west, it is bound by the Australian Defence Force Academy and Royal Military College Duntroon, and to the east, it is bound by Majura Parkway and the Canberra Airport.
The spokesperson said that although most of the design could be modified for the new northern site, the relocation required additional civil design work.
This included additional design work for earthworks, access to the new facility, stormwater management and additional upgrades to Addison Road.

The RSPCA ACT shelter in Weston is no longer fit for purpose. Photo: James Coleman.
The spokesperson said the concept design was at present being finalised in consultation with RSPCA ACT.
“Once complete, the development application documentation will be finalised and ready for submission,” the spokesperson said.
“The concept design will be made publicly available when the development application is lodged.”
The spokesperson said $40 million was provisioned in the 2023-24 ACT Budget for the project.
“Similar facilities delivered recently in other jurisdictions have been used as a benchmark for the cost of delivering the new facility for the RSPCA ACT,” the spokesperson said.
Ms Robertson said last week the Weston facility was no longer fit for purpose.
She said the ACT faced an animal crisis that the current shelter could not cope with, from its cramped veterinary facilities to the animal accommodation.
The Weston shelter lacked security, amenity, was on uneven surfaces and inaccessible for some, and the vet clinic could not perform high-volume surgeries.
Labor promised a new shelter in the 2020 election and identified the Pialligo site in 2022.