Joy Burch has her Youth hat on to roll in glitter the latest report from the Human Rights Commission into the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre (sadly the report does not appear to be available to us at this time).
“I acknowledge that there is more work to be done, that’s why the taskforce will work with Bimberi management to progress the implementation of further reforms, including recommendations in the Commissioner’s report,” Ms Burch said.
Ms Burch called on the ACT Opposition and Greens to work constructively with the ACT Government to progress the necessary reforms, rather than undermine the process.
“Youth justice is a whole-of-community challenge, and I urge everyone in the Legislative Assembly to take the politics out of this issue and focus on the important objective of improving outcomes for some of the most vulnerable young people in our community.”
The thing is this facility only opened in late 2008.
How did it go so badly wrong that it is now “on track” to being a place we’re not ashamed of sending children to?
Who let it go wrong? What sanction has there been?
But hey, there’s a taskforce cogitating on it and some administrative re-arrangement.
That will at least take the problem out of the spotlight, which seems to be all we can hope for.