31 January 2025

Markets operator faces competition as government puts old bus depot out to tender

| Ian Bushnell
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Old Bus Depot Markets

The Old Bus Depot Markets have been operating at the Kingston site for 30 years. Photos: Old Bus Depot Markets.

Canberra’s award-winning Old Bus Depot Markets may be in for a shake-up or face competition from a rival operator after the ACT Government put the heritage-listed venue in Kingston out to tender.

The Markets have operated on Sundays at the former transport depot for 30 years, but the government is now looking to get more out of the 5000 sqm site by opening it up to other operators and opportunities, including on Saturdays and during the week.

These new ideas could include more markets, events and arts activities, particularly given its location as part of the to-be-developed Kingston Arts Precinct.

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The tender document says alignment to the broader activities of the Kingston Arts Precinct and visitor experiences will be considered favourably.

The government expects the Markets to tender and, hopefully, propose their own ideas for using the old depot during the week.

Joint proposals are welcome, and the licence may be awarded to multiple suppliers who can operate on different days or use different sections of the building.

Business, Arts and Creative Industries Minister Michael Pettersson said the Markets operator, Iconic Markets and Events, had been consulted and was eligible to put forward a proposal to the ACT Government for consideration.

“The competitive market process will enable all interested parties, including the current licence holders, to have the opportunity to put forward their ideas, so we can make the best use of this unique facility,” Mr Petterson said.

Old Bus Depot Markets Director Anthony Niravong confirmed that Iconic would submit a proposal in line with the requirements and hoped to continue operating the markets on Sundays throughout the year.

Mr Niravong urged other community and arts-focused commercial groups to find ways to activate the site for the other six days a week.

“We believe that any uses of the building should be kept local and in keeping with the aims of the arts precinct master plan,” he said.

“We hope that communication from the government stays open and accurate with everyone involved.

“We trust that the ACT Government will take 30 years of business success into mind, along with the support of our many and valued stallholders and customers, and that this doesn’t become an administrative process that discounts the social and business value that the markets have provided to the Canberra community since 1994.”

Mr Niravong said the Old Bus Depot Markets understood the government’s need to create a fair and equitable process for the future use of the former transport depot.

Over 200 businesses, families, and local and regional residents relied on the Markets for their income, and their loss would cost jobs and damage the local economy.

A government spokesperson said the current licence expired on 30 June 2025, and the government needed to test the market to ensure the ACT was getting value for money and give others the opportunity to submit their ideas.

“When the current licence was being negotiated with Iconic, artsACT communicated that the licence would not be extended beyond the current term as a competitive market process would need to be conducted,” the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson did not say if there was any issue with the Markets or whether patronage or the number of businesses had fallen away in recent times.

Building upgrades include replacing deteriorated roofing, remediating hazardous materials, and comprehensively upgrading building services, including lighting, electrical, security, drainage and amenities.

The Markets had to close for two years from March 2020 due to a catalogue of issues, including bushfire smoke, hail damage to the roof, the pandemic, building contamination, and a second run of COVID lockdowns and restrictions.

The new licence will be valid for three years from 1 August 2025, but it could be extended for another two years.

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The tender states that the operators will have to contend with the construction of the long-awaited Kingston Arts Precinct on Section 49, the fifth and last stage of the Kingston Foreshore development.

The precinct is meant to be the definitive destination for Canberra’s visual arts and culture. It contains purpose-built facilities for six leading visual arts organisations and a new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Space.

A large outdoor event space, car parking, retail space, accommodation for visiting artists, a theatrette and other public spaces are also being considered.

The tender closes on 13 March.

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Alex Pawlicki9:13 pm 06 Feb 25

geocon ready and waiting

A similar community venture in Wollongong was hijacked after 14 years in 2016 and passed on to another operator who had 2 other markets and has again been tendered now to a Sydney company that runs over ten other markets… weird how “local” governments needing dollars always take the local out of it… of course it’s state government tendering that allows this market concentration -pun unintended! (Apologies to ACT government, but, you’re effectively just a big council that gets far more representation than large city councils… but rapidly approaching Tasmanian status 😂)

Sounds like a good idea from the Government.

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