7 February 2025

Mainstream media has its flaws, but it's miles ahead of the sewer on X

| Oliver Jacques
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Elon Musk smiling

Twitter does not appear to have improved under Elon Musk. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

“Long live X [Twitter], we are the media now,” bragged user Far Fox Ache after his post exposing the Canberra Institute of Technology’s (CIT) supposed favouring of foreigners over locals went viral.

Mr Ache, who hides his real-life identity, posted an email he said he’d received from CIT informing him he wouldn’t be offered a fee-free place in a cyber security course because the directorate was prioritising an intake of international students.

The post was viewed over 100,000 times, repeatedly shared and provoked a chorus of people to complain about how Australians were now second-class citizens in their own country.

There was one slight problem with this email, though. It was fake – a fact exposed by Region – illustrating why mainstream media remains an infinitely more reliable source of news than X or any other social media.

READ MORE CIT debunks ’email’ posted on social media claiming it prioritises international students over locals

CIT confirmed it didn’t send the email and Mr Ache declined our invitation to show us evidence he’d received it, saying he didn’t want to engage with Region because “legacy media was dying”.

But our exposure of the truth didn’t stop people continuing to retweet the doctored email and spew venom at CIT.

Many on X seemed to share Mr Ache’s sentiments, viewing journalists with suspicion and assuming they’d colluded with the government in an establishment cover-up.

Legacy media is not as trusted as it once was in Australia, and there may be reasons for that. Too much of it is owned by one corporation. Some newspapers are clearly biased and repeatedly push agendas. Journalists sometimes make mistakes or fail to disclose conflicts of interest.

But there are more mechanisms to hold us to account than there are for random people or bots who post on Facebook, X and Instagram, platforms that spurn fact-checking.

News outlets, by contrast, employ editors, subeditors and lawyers. The Australian Press Council and TV shows like Media Watch are quick to publicise our errors. Newspapers often issue corrections, and reporters have lost their jobs over sloppy work.

X, though, is a haven for false news where people are rewarded for being wrong. Research indicates that fake news spreads more quickly than real news on the platform.

Billionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter and renamed it X in 2022, pledging to turn it into a digital town square that would allow people to speak directly to the public without the bias filter of legacy media.

But misinformation on X has soared since he took over, with American philosopher Sam Harris, who deleted his X account, summing up what his former friend has done.

“[Elon Musk] has this free speech evangelist gloss on what’s he’s up to, but really what he’s up to is snorting ketamine and tweeting at all hours of the day and night,” Mr Harris told the Bulwark podcast.

“His behaviour on Twitter is obviously, palpably, visibly deranged. He signal boosts pizza gate lunatics knowing who they are … he thinks he’s doing a service to humanity by boosting to 200 million followers obvious lies and conspiracy theories and making some of the most odious online trolls even more famous.”

Meanwhile, Mr Ache’s fake message about CIT remains on X two weeks after he posted it, despite being called out as misinformation several times. Thankfully, our article debunking it remains published too.

Mainstream media may have its issues, but if you think X is the answer, you’re part of the problem.

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The problem is this,
And it’s always been this.

Some people will write and say whatever they think they can get away with, it’s unstoppable.
Happens in social media,
Has been happening in the printed press for centuries,
Happens on talkback radio and television.

The trick is to convince the readers, listeners and viewers to form their own opinions about the information presented to them.
Educating the audience will slow the decay.
I spent years trying to teach my kids how to discern the probably truth from horses_it.
It’s the only way.
Particularly now………

Wow, these kind of articles by the press just prove the point of X. The press applies a filter because it believes its readers can’t. Hence the root of all our problems.

If X is a sewer, ignore the poo and consume the good stuff. The poo is also worth analysis because sometimes things are sh#t

Brendan Vernon12:15 pm 02 Feb 25

Its a free space and you can start an on-line paper if you wish. Murdoch started Fox because he saw a gap in the market and it makes Money. The Australian likewise though doesnt make money but it pays for itself by influence. The online news startups and saturday Paper etc give plenty of scope for different opinion unlike when I was a kid in Sydney when the Herald and Telegraph in Sydney both supported the Libs.

Murdoch didn’t start Fox. He bought an existing company. He had to give up his Australian citizenship to get around the US laws about foreign media ownership.

Incidental Tourist8:03 am 02 Feb 25

Similar narrative communists used of picking isolated incident to label all free media “sewer” and justify censorship. Another narrative is bulk accusation of people being “part of problem”merely for “if you think”. Next was solving “problem” by suppressing free speech.

Weird article. RiotAct probably had a market cap of 1 cent. Twitter / X – billions.

Tom Worthington9:29 am 01 Feb 25

My Twitter/X feed isn’t a sewer. I see articles mostly about education & tech, as that is what I am interested in. I didn’t see an article about CIT and international students. I only read reports of that in the mainstream media. I used to see a lot of nonsense in X, including directly from US politicians and oligarchs, but I blocked them, & seem to have convinced the algorithm I am not interested in that stuff.

I signed up to BlueSky a few months ago, which is supposed to be a kinder gentler Twitter. But so far I have not been able to convince BlueSky’s algorithm I don’t want left wing rants about US politics any more than I want right wing ones, or drawings of pixies, or pictures of dogs.

Logicalusername1:19 pm 31 Jan 25

The world media landscape is valued over 3 trillion AUD and that does not include state sponsored, private equity, Google 2.4 trillion USD, Meta 1.7 trillion USD and other companies.

X may be valued at the 40 billion USD mark, how far is its reach for the price per private share? I have no idea, never used the platform either. There’s also Reddit, Quora (huge Indian following) and similar all over the net.

News Corp whom I do not subscribe to is worth…. wait for it a resounding 16.6 billion and people still accuse this minor company in real world terms of having major power over the population. In comparison to a total (including state etc etc..) media landscape of up to the estimated five – eight trillion mark it is tiny.

Saul Goodman5:15 am 31 Jan 25

in the case of lamestream media TV news bulletins, they subtly turned more and more towards being advertorials around the turn of the century and then over the years since have more sinisterly and blatantly pushed very hard for hard right wing politics to prevail (even likes of Turnbull was “too commi” for them).

Plus they’ve been unobjectively vicious and unbalanced with reporting the good that Labor governments do when society is wise enough to elect them and fortunate enough to have them

Are you on drugs? Or do you consider the news not calling for the immediate confiscation of all private property “hard right”?

Not a single Australian news outlet is even close to hard right.

HiddenDragon9:15 pm 30 Jan 25

“Legacy media is not as trusted as it once was in Australia, and there may be reasons for that. Too much of it is owned by one corporation. “

Yes, it’s all Rupert’s fault – because ABC/SBS/Nine-Fairfax/ Guardian/Crikey etc. are completely unbiased and beyond reproach.

“Some newspapers are clearly biased and repeatedly push agendas. “

They all do – all the time.

“Journalists sometimes make mistakes or fail to disclose conflicts of interest.”

Genuine mistakes of detail and bribe/kickback conflicts are relatively minor matters (and the latter are usually fairly obvious).

The real conflicts come from the echo chamber group-think of mainstream/legacy media practitioners whose survival strategy is telling their audience segment what they think it wants to hear, dished up with an air of “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” which artfully confirms world views and panders to the moral vanities and conceits of the audience – ironic pot shots at the sins and perfidies of other media (legacy and new) are part and parcel of that tactic.

All of that said, while The Riotact’s leanings are clear for all to see, it generally allows a fairly forthright and free-wheeling debate to occur, with all but a handful of articles open for comment – an approach which some other outlets would benefit from.

Logicalusername9:15 pm 30 Jan 25

Until earlier this year I rented a place in outer suburban Bangkok, being central easy to go to other countries.

My Internet provider threw in some cable TV. I had coaxial connection of up 450, down 500 on a bad day.

Anyways the news service was Chinese government owned CTGN, Singapore CNA, I think US CNBC and the OZ ABC. Never watched them much, but I do recall watching them straight for two weeks about a year ago.

For the two weeks I watched CTGN in Mandarin, the nightly news would start with Biden and columns of tanks, they appeared to be scared of the US. Over to CNBC they would broadcast Chinese j20 stealth fighters and something about China being dangerous in the SCS. ABC OZ had long conversations with Allan Jones, they were really nice to him and the Libs at times, very different to home ABC.

These days ABC is so left of center. I use YouTube find the news service and look at other services on YouTube to gain a foothold in meeting the middle ground.

Alan Jones is your idea of “middle ground”…LOL.

Logicalusername12:42 pm 31 Jan 25

Not a fan of any shock jock, particularly Jones. Was surprised at the time of the ABC interviewing the guy, not something one would expect to see. I could state we are in a definitive frame of mind in relation to Jones.

My middle ground comment is in relation to sourcing news stories (not Jones – which is obvious) from more than two hundred news outlets across the globe either directly or the media company uploading to YouTube.

Logicalusername12:43 pm 31 Jan 25

CGTN not CTGN, got that around the wrong way.

The ABC still interview people like Jones, you only have to look at the Q&A to see right-wing politicians, media and “intellectuals” getting platformed.

The problem with the right is their ideas are generally adverse to fact-checking.

Logicalusername5:09 pm 31 Jan 25

Seano, you got me on a roll – happy Friday dude.

As for right or left how would you compare a mainstream Japanese website to an Italian website, both very different cultures to Australia and each other and for the most part, nationalistic. Neither right nor left fills the void in that example from their own point of view, things are just what they are.

When I used to watch/read the media in Australia, there would be times where the ABC in particular would say Australia is doing this or that and the whole world is watching. Bulls#$t in the extreme as none of the countries I was passing by made any noise whatsoever via their news and when asked anything about Australia, it would be about our at the time if applicable natural disasters. One caveat is they all know the Azaria Chamberlain case better than we do😊)))

Covid 19: With that in mind people in SEA Asia thought Australia having police outside a bunch of flats preventing people from leaving was crazy or watching people being arrested for eating a hamburger at the beach was nuts and most of these places Australians call a police state! People losing their jobs because they did not get the shot. I know some elderly people and youngers ones over there who never got the shot (Chinese Sino Vac more traditional non RNA) and fell ill to the original Covid, on their backsides for a week. Maybe their diet of fresh food assisted. Me coming back to Canberra and finding shitall😊) food on the shelves after having ridiculous amount of choices of street/mall/restaurant food at 2-7 bucks a pop, all I could get was noodles produced in the country I just arrived from😊)

Dude I barely got through the first paragraph. I gave up at the anecdote in the 2nd. I’ve lived and worked in SE Asia too…Australia is often featured on the news. You’re seeing what you want to see. Look up confirmation bias.

Logicalusername4:11 pm 01 Feb 25

CB is everywhere, not weighing up both or more side of a subject matter at hand. Unfortunately, many do not apply critical thinking, it is just normal human nature. On this website I see at times people will only think of the ABC or Sky as an example, thus pigeonholing.

IDK what you’re banging on about but the rant on COVID is weird.

It’s real, it wasn’t started in a lab, it’s very dangerous for the elderly, and vaccines work. Those things are all demonstrably true regardless of whether you get your news from Skynews or the ABC.

And yes some of the COVID policy was poorly applied but no one got everything right during a once-in-a-hundred years (touch wood) pandemic, hopefully, some lessons were learned, but despite the inconveniences we had one of the lowest death tolls in the world so lives were saved.

Judging by the comments, people aren’t buying what you’re selling.

Hypocritical article! Before Elon Musk booted the left-biased moderation Twitter (now X) was touted by the left as the bastion of free speech and truth. Now somehow it isn’t? Amazing how the left flip-flops on issues of free speech as it appears free speech is only allowed if that speech agrees with the left. If alternatives and different opinions are raised then it’s a “sewer?” Hypocrite!

lol sure Rob, Musk restored actual N*ZIs to Twitter. So yes it’s a sewer.

Oh really Seano? That’s a load and you know it. Musk put his hand to his heart and stated extending his hand from his heart to an outstretched arm ” my heart hoes out to you.” Nice to see you don’t deviate from the leftist legacy media CCN in stating the same misinformation they did. X is only a “sewer” in the eyes of the extreme left mate. What the left really don’t like is the ” community notes” that especially gets attached to false ALP talking points especially Blackout Bowens lies on nuclear power and renewables. Bowen won’t even post on X anymore because most of what he did post immediately had ” community notes” attached stating the actual truth. Shocking isn’t it Seano when Social Platforms no longer post leftist lies unchallenged….he he. By the way Seano that’s called actual free speech. As I stated earlier. HYPOCRITE!

“”Oh really Seano? That’s a load and you know it”

Yes really, I get that reading is a challenge for some but I didn’t mention the Musk “salute”. I pointed out he restored N*ZI accounts.

Browser fail..but I was about to add…

I didn’t read the rest of this drivel, your first premise fails (as always) so your whole argument fails.

But I dare you to do the Musk salute outside a synagogue in front of people…you know to share the “love”.

Nobody cares about your far-left whinge mate.

It’s obvious from prior interactions with your ilk that anyone right of “maybe boundless immigration isn’t a great thing” is a “nazi”, so thanks – you’ve made the term meaningless, semantically void.

Well, you obviously care genius.

You can bang on about “far left” or whatever, but it’s not Telegram champ. Here in the real world, Musk did re-platform N@ZIs and if his salute was only a gesture of “love” I dare any of you geniuses to do the same thing at work tomorrow…or even better ANZAC day is coming up why not do it at the dawn service….you know if it’s about “love”.

Of course you want because you know what he was doing and you’re defending it and that says a lot about you and your “ilk” champion.

lol you guys are all sad. Go back to your useless public service jobs and your ratty houses in outer Belconnen 😀

@mjnyc what a solid (and completely inaccurate) contribution.

What’s that saying “Sometimes it’s better to say nothing and be thought a fool…”?

Mainstream media is hugely biased and agenda driven. It’s been known to peddle lies based on these biases and agendas for decades. Pretending it’s any better than social media is laughable at best.

LOL. An the legacy media reveals itself once again through half-truths . . . what about the Community Notes facility on X which rapidly corrects false or misleading posts? Apparently not worthy of mention in the article as it would completely invalidate it.

All the comments here, remind me of the latest Australia day Lamb Ad 2025

The bad cop that the mainstream media has is less than it deserves.
That I’m able to hold a completely contrary yet coherent view to 99% percent of people comes not from anything the mainstream anything has provided but from my ability to access quality alternative information. If the ability to do this has been overshadowed by some lunacy in the alternate sphere is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but simply demands that a person be aware of the dangers and learns the necessary skills for discernment.

Whatever the media platform, it’s all part of the same sewer system.

Capital Retro8:42 am 30 Jan 25

I stopped reading the mainstream media years ago and I never got onto this X thing.
Is the Elon Musk X man the same dude who makes those Tesla EVs that all the MSM media virtue signalers buy?
My hypocrite detector is going off, got to leave now.

Better to be in the sewer than dancing with the devil.

or you can dance with the devil in the sewer. Better to get your news from several sources and make up your own mind.

Stephen Saunders7:36 am 30 Jan 25

Great, but I wouldn’t be too congratulatory. In wealthy nations, government (not randoms like Mr Ache) is always the main fountain of under-scrutinised misinformation and lies.

ABC, SMH, Guardian, even this website, do too much copy-and-paste of government PR. Mainstream media flatly refuses to unpack Labor’s regressive tax, housing, energy and population policies too deeply. Yet some even claim ABC is “pro Coalition”.

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