7 March 2011

Cannabis bust in Red Hill

| johnboy
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ACT Policing arrested a 39-year-old man last night (Sunday 6 March) for trafficking in cannabis.

Around 7.45pm, Police performed a vehicle stop in Red Hill involving the manโ€™s car. Whilst searching the man and car, officers found a medium sized bag of cannabis in his possession and other items inside the vehicle which were seized by police.

The man was arrested and taken to the ACT Watch House. He will face the ACT Magistrates Court this morning charged with trafficking in cannabis.

[Courtesy ACT Policing]

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But investing time and effort in busting a few potheads, someone else will take care of the road deaths, nightclub violence in the city and other actual crimes against people.

Of course that’s how a police force works, dvaey *rolls eyes* Honestly, that’s just silly, even coming from you.

Many years ago, after finishing work late one night, I was pulled over on my way home in the carpark near work (fair enough, any vehicle near shops at midnight could be sus). The police checked my licence then saw a bank coin bag in my centre console. They enquired what it was, I explained as a pizza guy, it was my tips from the night.

So far, sounds fair enough to me.

Not believing this story, they asked to search the car, and found nothing

What, they didn’t take your word for it? That’s outrageous. No one ever lies to police, so they should’ve listened to you.

much better use of half an hour, than sitting out the front of the club around the corner breath-testing those leaving the carpark.

I’m sure they would’ve been, but they had to waste their time on dodgy buggers like you hanging around car parks at strange times…

Stories like this make me think cannabis posession should really be a secondary offence, ie. if you have a joint in your pocket, its not worth the time/effort involved in the charges

I doubt anyone caught with one joint would be charged with anything, unless it was their millionth offence.

How many posession charges are unaccompanied by any other charge? This technique has been adopted in some parts of the US, where police were spending more time on simple drug busts at the expense of investigating more serious crimes.

I think we definitely need reform with regards to cannabis. Not sure if what you’ve suggested is the answer, but I think we need something better than what we’ve got. I think that’s something you and I might even agree on dvaey.

Antagonist said :

Just last week we had a search warrant executed on a dangerous bogan in Belco for a total of … one plant. Our beloved AFP are sure punching a big dent in the local cannabis trade, LOL.

Maybe they should’ve used their psychic abilities and x-ray vision to see he only had one plant and not bothered with a warrant.

Antagonist said :

Our beloved AFP are sure punching a big dent in the local cannabis trade, LOL.

But investing time and effort in busting a few potheads, someone else will take care of the road deaths, nightclub violence in the city and other actual crimes against people.

Chop71 said :

….and they found “other items” wow.

Many years ago, after finishing work late one night, I was pulled over on my way home in the carpark near work (fair enough, any vehicle near shops at midnight could be sus). The police checked my licence then saw a bank coin bag in my centre console. They enquired what it was, I explained as a pizza guy, it was my tips from the night. Not believing this story, they asked to search the car, and found nothing… much better use of half an hour, than sitting out the front of the club around the corner breath-testing those leaving the carpark.

Stories like this make me think cannabis posession should really be a secondary offence, ie. if you have a joint in your pocket, its not worth the time/effort involved in the charges, but if you assault someone with a joint in your pocket, then the posession is an additional charge. How many posession charges are unaccompanied by any other charge? This technique has been adopted in some parts of the US, where police were spending more time on simple drug busts at the expense of investigating more serious crimes.

Medium bag of weed and other items, charging him with traffiking. Sounds to me like somebody got busted with a fifty and a set of postie scales, LOL.

Just last week we had a search warrant executed on a dangerous bogan in Belco for a total of … one plant. Our beloved AFP are sure punching a big dent in the local cannabis trade, LOL.

PBO said :

Tooks said :

PBO said :

Tooks said :

PBO said :

Ummm, how much is medium sized? Sounds a little vague, Its not a lot but it is also not a little.

It’s obvious isn’t it? Smaller than large, but larger than small ๐Ÿ˜‰

So that tells me that the ACT Police have busted a man with about $50 worth of weed, and being a slow day they found other things in the car that were not worth individually mentioning (Jack, spare wheel, oil…..), am i right? ๐Ÿ™‚

Depends how much weed you can pack into a ‘medium’ sized bag, of course! I’d suggest it’s a bit more than two grams though.

Well, a small bag will measure 2cm wide by 3 cms tall and will contain a rip off amount (Tenner 0.5 grams),

A medium bag (the most common) is 4cms x 5 cms tall and will contain either gram or up to $50 dollars worth (3grams),

then you get the weird, tall and short ones before we get to:

the Quarter bags (Half a ziplock sandwich bag 7 grams)

and then to the big bags (One ounce or more, or a whole sandwich).

So I stand by my logic and say that he had a $50 bag which logically will be more than 2 grams.

This man is a hardcore trafficker.

A ‘medium’ sized bag could be a shopping bag, for all we know. They didn’t say it was a medium-sized drug deal bag, just a medium bag – could mean anything.

Tooks said :

PBO said :

Tooks said :

PBO said :

Ummm, how much is medium sized? Sounds a little vague, Its not a lot but it is also not a little.

It’s obvious isn’t it? Smaller than large, but larger than small ๐Ÿ˜‰

So that tells me that the ACT Police have busted a man with about $50 worth of weed, and being a slow day they found other things in the car that were not worth individually mentioning (Jack, spare wheel, oil…..), am i right? ๐Ÿ™‚

Depends how much weed you can pack into a ‘medium’ sized bag, of course! I’d suggest it’s a bit more than two grams though.

Well, a small bag will measure 2cm wide by 3 cms tall and will contain a rip off amount (Tenner 0.5 grams),

A medium bag (the most common) is 4cms x 5 cms tall and will contain either gram or up to $50 dollars worth (3grams),

then you get the weird, tall and short ones before we get to:

the Quarter bags (Half a ziplock sandwich bag 7 grams)

and then to the big bags (One ounce or more, or a whole sandwich).

So I stand by my logic and say that he had a $50 bag which logically will be more than 2 grams. This man is a hardcore trafficker.

PBO said :

Tooks said :

PBO said :

Ummm, how much is medium sized? Sounds a little vague, Its not a lot but it is also not a little.

It’s obvious isn’t it? Smaller than large, but larger than small ๐Ÿ˜‰

So that tells me that the ACT Police have busted a man with about $50 worth of weed, and being a slow day they found other things in the car that were not worth individually mentioning (Jack, spare wheel, oil…..), am i right? ๐Ÿ™‚

Depends how much weed you can pack into a ‘medium’ sized bag, of course! I’d suggest it’s a bit more than two grams though.

Tooks said :

PBO said :

Ummm, how much is medium sized? Sounds a little vague, Its not a lot but it is also not a little.

It’s obvious isn’t it? Smaller than large, but larger than small ๐Ÿ˜‰

So that tells me that the ACT Police have busted a man with about $50 worth of weed, and being a slow day they found other things in the car that were not worth individually mentioning (Jack, spare wheel, oil…..), am i right? ๐Ÿ™‚

PBO said :

Ummm, how much is medium sized? Sounds a little vague, Its not a lot but it is also not a little.

It’s obvious isn’t it? Smaller than large, but larger than small ๐Ÿ˜‰

PBO said :

Ummm, how much is medium sized? Sounds a little vague, Its not a lot but it is also not a little.

Exactly what I was going to ask. If I go to my dealer and ask for a medium sized bag, how much do I get?

Chop71 said :

….and they found “other items” wow.

Empty Maccas cups under the back seat, and a 15 year old street directory which is no good if travelling to Gungahlin?

….and they found “other items” wow.

Ummm, how much is medium sized? Sounds a little vague, Its not a lot but it is also not a little.

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