6 November 2013

Giulia Jones having a go at other people's parking!

| johnboy
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Angels and Ministers of Grace preserve us, the Canberra Times has got Guilia Jones on record about the poor parking of people not in her liveried car!

Spokeswoman and Member for Molonglo Giulia Jones said several of her constituents had voiced concerns about services accessing clients in the suburb, including Staverton Place.

“It is not good enough that meals on wheels cannot deliver to people in need because the Government is failing in its parking management,” she said.

“The ACT Government needs to act to make sure parking zones are being used appropriately.

We couldn’t agree more Ms Jones.

By request here are the Giulia with a G greatest parking hits:

parking disabled parking shared zones giulia parking

It should be noted in the disabled parking spot Ms Jones claims Trinity School gave a construction related dispensation. A claim that is disputed and the School refuses to clarify.

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Not much has changed in a while. Link to a Facebook video of her cutting me off in a wrong about: https://www.facebook.com/880903861938933/posts/3240224852673477/?d=n

Mike Bessenger11:19 am 08 Nov 13

I bet she drives as well as she parks.

WHo the fark drives this car, seriously retarded.

Who the hell is Guilia Jones? Is she somone important?

I’m afraid the light and space of Bali has put a heavy zap on my head, man….

The Channel Seven chopper had better watch out…

Benaresq said :

FioBla said :

Was the picture of her face scaled down after the election? Picture 4 compared to picture 1.

First picture she wanted to get her face out there, hoping to get elected. Now she doesn’t want to be recognised in case she has to do her job?

I was thinking about this some more: it seems really strange to have a picture of a human face on a car bonnet. Did someone say “let’s remove the big face, and put a smaller face on”. Why not just remove it entirely?

That’s assuming it’s the same car. Could be a different car. “Which car should I use today?” “You take big face. I’ll take small face.”

The irony! It burns!!!

FioBla said :

Was the picture of her face scaled down after the election? Picture 4 compared to picture 1.

First picture she wanted to get her face out there, hoping to get elected. Now she doesn’t want to be recognised in case she has to do her job?

The funniest thing is she will get re elected again in 2016 and be given a car or $16k a year car allowance, unfortunately I don’t think she could care what a few people think about her parking, for some reason a lot of people voted for her.

GardeningGirl4:41 pm 06 Nov 13

rosscoact said :

johnboy said :

Now with our missing picture to give the complete parking adventures.

That final picture is an absolute cracker.

If one hated a person and decided that they would screw up their day through creative parking, that’s exactly how one would park on purpose.


Last photo has the number plate showing…

(Not sure why it matters either way, but y’know, just saying)

Someone MUST send her office a link to this thread. 🙂

Was the picture of her face scaled down after the election? Picture 4 compared to picture 1.

pot meet kettle………..

johnboy said :

Now with our missing picture to give the complete parking adventures.

That final picture is an absolute cracker.

If one hated a person and decided that they would screw up their day through creative parking, that’s exactly how one would park on purpose.

Love irony porn.

You can just imagine the excitement in the “Eagles Nest” when this story appeared!!

To be honest I couldn’t believe my eyes.

GardeningGirl12:52 pm 06 Nov 13

“It should be noted in the disabled parking spot Ms Jones claims Trinity School gave a construction related dispensation. A claim that is disputed and the School refuses to clarify.”
A dispensation???? Still doesn’t explain why she didn’t just walk further?

Now with our missing picture to give the complete parking adventures.

Holden Caulfield said :

Giulia with a “Gee…

…she has to be f@#king kidding!”

Guilia Goolia?????

Mike Bessenger10:59 am 06 Nov 13

I just wee’d a little.

Yes this made my day. Only one thing would make it perfect. That is her parking badly in Staverton Pl.

There’s no “irony” tag?

Holden Caulfield10:08 am 06 Nov 13

Giulia with a “Gee…

…she has to be f@#king kidding!”

I am guessing she doesn’t read this site? or more for the matter the Monday parking….

poetix said :

My gaw dropped when I read this…


My gaw dropped when I read this…

I always thought the ACT Government was doing something about the parking arrangements in the ACT?

It is all too easy to get booked……

gungsuperstar11:53 pm 05 Nov 13

Awww. JB, I’d have loved you to have attached the photos… I’ve seen 2 of them, I don’t know if there are more. They’ve provided me so much joy.

Gold. I think it’s time people supplied her with pictures of some of the offenders 🙂

Send some pictures of her vehicle off to the Canberra Times to see if that is the kind of parking she is talking about.

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