Matthew Massey has apparently made a friend and that friend has made it onto the internet to lecture us all:
3:08 pm, 11 Oct 13I know Matty personally and along with many other of Matty’s friends or those that know him would agree with me, He is a Kind & Loyal friend who just wants to be loved, like most of us. You people just sit on your asses with an opinon about everyone and everything, Yes! Matty has done wrong by some but look at who these people are. He has only ever hurt scum junkies or low lives that are a waste of of oxygen. The law continues to set Matty up to fail. They let him out to clean up our streets to do what law should be doing, then throw him back in jail until needed next time.Yes he has a bad reputation but do any of you know about what he has gone through growing up? No, I believe not. If we didnt have our famous Matt Massey, believe me the street would be so much more worse then what they are. I have seen Matty talking to young ones that wont to get a name for them selfs and he was continuely preaching to them not to be like him, to “live a good life with a job”. He really does try, if only someone would give him the chance to do the right thing! you would see the real Matty, not this person he has been made out to be. Dont set him up to fail again please.
[Photo by nathanmac87 CC BY 2.0]